读取Gitlab的MR title生成中文CHANGELOG
bash build.sh
mr-chlog --init
mr-chlog --bot --app_id xxxx --app_secret xxxxxxx \
--chat_id xxxxxxx --bot_title xxxxxxx --config /etc/config/mr_config.yml \
--repository-url xxxx --token xxxx {tag}
mr-chglog [options] <tag query>
There are the following specification methods for <tag query>.
1. <old>..<new> - MR contained in <old> tags from <new>.
2. <name>.. - MR from the <name> to the latest tag.
3. ..<name> - MR from the oldest tag to <name>.
4. <name> - MR contained in <name>.
--init generate the mr-chglog configuration file in interactive (default: false)
--app_id value feishu robot app secret
--app_secret value feishu robot app secret
--chat_id value feishu robot send group chat_id,Please use , to separate multiple
--bot_title value feishu robot send release title
--path value [ --path value ] Filter commits by path(s). Can use multiple times.
--config value, -c value specifies a different configuration file to pick up (default: ".chglog/mr_config.yml")
--template value, -t value specifies a template file to pick up. If not specified, use the one in config
--repository-url value specifies git repo URL. If not specified, use 'repository_url' in config
--token value specifies git repo token. If not specified, use 'token' in config
--output value, -o value output path and filename for the changelogs. If not specified, output to stdout
--next-tag value treat unreleased commits as specified tags (EXPERIMENTAL)
--create-tag value create tag by CHANGELOG
--ai use ai create CHANGELOG (default: false)
--ai-type value which ai API to use create CHANGELOG (default: poe)
--bot push mr-chglog changelog to feishu group (default: false)
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
$ mr-chglog
If <tag query> is not specified, it corresponds to all tags.
This is the simplest example.
$ mr-chglog 1.0.0..2.0.0
The above is a command to generate CHANGELOG including MR of 1.0.0 to 2.0.0.
$ mr-chglog 1.0.0
The above is a command to generate CHANGELOG including MR of only 1.0.0.
$ mr-chglog $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
The above is a command to generate CHANGELOG with the MR included in the latest tag.
$ mr-chglog --output CHANGELOG.md
The above is a command to output to CHANGELOG.md instead of standard output.
$ mr-chglog --config custom/dir/config.yml
The above is a command that uses a configuration file placed other than ".chglog/config.yml".
$ mr-chglog --path path/to/my/component --output CHANGELOG.component.md
Filter commits by specific paths or files in git and output to a component specific changelog.
$ mr-chglog --bot
Push mr-chglog Changelog to Feishu Group
$ mr-chglog --ai
Use ai create CHANGELOG
- 支持更丰富的模板
- 支持解析MR的描述,更完善的CHANGELOG
- 直接将MR Diff发送给Chatgpt(或者其他AI) 生成更准确的CHANGELOG
- 支持自动生成TAG 并上传CHANGELOG