Given a string s
and an integer k
, return the length of the longest substring of s
such that the frequency of each character in this substring is greater than or equal to k
Example 1:
Input: s = "aaabb", k = 3 Output: 3 Explanation: The longest substring is "aaa", as 'a' is repeated 3 times.
Example 2:
Input: s = "ababbc", k = 2 Output: 5 Explanation: The longest substring is "ababb", as 'a' is repeated 2 times and 'b' is repeated 3 times.
1 <= s.length <= 104
consists of only lowercase English letters.1 <= k <= 105
Related Topics:
Divide and Conquer, Recursion, Sliding Window
// OJ:
// Author:
// Time: O(N)
// Space: O(N)
class Solution {
int longestSubstring(string s, int k) {
int cnt[26] = {}, ans = 0; // `cnt[i]` is the remaining count of characters `'a' + i` that haven't been added into the sliding window
for (char c : s) cnt[c - 'a']++;
for (int i = 0, N = s.size(); i < N; ) { // i is the starting point.
int added[26] = {}; // the characters in range [i, j) are counted in `added`.
while (i < N && cnt[s[i] - 'a'] < k) ++i; // skip those characters with counts less than k because they won't show up in the answer
int j = i; // j is the ending point
while (j < N && cnt[s[j] - 'a'] + added[s[j] - 'a'] >= k) {
added[s[j] - 'a']++; // add `s[j]` into the window. Decrement `cnt[s[j] - 'a']` since this occurrence is used.
cnt[s[j] - 'a']--;
bool valid = true;
for (int n : added) {
if (n && n < k) {
valid = false;
if (valid) ans = max(ans, j - i); // if this window is valid, update answer
else ans = max(ans, longestSubstring(s.substr(i, j - i), k)); // otherwise, solve recursively
i = j;
return ans;
// OJ:
// Author:
// Time: O(N)
// Space: O(N)
// Ref:
class Solution {
int longestSubstring(string &s, int k, int begin, int end) {
int cnt[26] = {};
for (int i = begin; i < end; ++i) cnt[s[i] - 'a']++;
int i = begin, ans = 0;
while (i < end) {
while (i < end && cnt[s[i] - 'a'] < k) ++i;
int j = i;
while (j < end && cnt[s[j] - 'a'] >= k) ++j;
if (i == begin && j == end) return end - begin;
ans = max(ans, longestSubstring(s, k, i, j));
i = j;
return ans;
int longestSubstring(string s, int k) {
return longestSubstring(s, k, 0, s.size());