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ndt7 protocol specification

This specification describes ndt7, i.e. version 7 of the Network Diagnostic Tool (NDT) protocol. Ndt7 is a non-backwards compatible redesign of the original NDT network performance measurement protocol. Ndt7 is based on WebSocket and TLS, and takes advantage of TCP BBR, where this flavour of TCP is available.

This is version v0.9.1 of the ndt7 specification.

Design choices

(This section is non-normative.)

Ndt7 measures the application-level download and upload performance using WebSockets over TLS. Each test type is independent, and there are two types of test: the download and the upload tests. Ndt7 always uses a single TCP connection. Whenever possible, ndt7 uses a recent version of TCP BBR. Writing an ndt7 client is designed to be as simple as possible. A complete Go language ndt7 client has been implemented in just 151 lines. We used 26 lines for the download, 33 for the upload, and 17 for establishing a connections. No code from the NDT server has been reused. A complete JavaScript client has been implemented in just 122 lines (32 for the download, 51 for the upload, and 39 for controlling the maximum test duration). It is a design goal of ndt7 that the size of a minimal client remains small over time.

Ndt7 answers the question of how fast you could pull/push data from your device to a typically-nearby, well-provisioned web server by means of commonly-used web technologies. This is not necessarily a measurement of your last mile speed. Rather it is a measurement of what performance is possible with your device, your current internet connection (landline, Wi-Fi, 4G, etc.), the characteristics of your ISP and possibly of other ISPs in the middle, and the server being used. The main metric measured by ndt7 is the goodput. That is, the speed measured at application level, without including the overheads of WebSockets, TLS, TCP/IP, and link layer headers. But we also provide kernel-level information from TCP_INFO where available. For all these reasons we say that ndt7 performs application-level measurements.

The presence of network issues (e.g. interference or congestion) should cause ndt7 to yield worse measurement results, relative to the expected speed of the end-to-end connection. The expected speed of a BBR connection on an unloaded network is the bitrate of the slowest hop in the measurement path, and the slowest hop is usually also the last hop. Extra information obtained using TCP_INFO should help an expert reading the results of a ndt7 experiment to better understand what could be the root cause of such performance issues.

To ensure that clients continue to work, we make the design choice that clients should be maximally simple, and that all complexity should implemented on the server side.

Ndt7 should consume few resources. The maximum runtime of a test should be ten seconds, but the server should be able to determine if the performance if performance has stabilized in less than ten seconds and end the test early.

Protocol description

This section describes how ndt7 uses WebSockets, and how clients and servers should behave during the download and the upload tests.

The WebSocket handshake

The client connects to the server using HTTPS and requests to upgrade the connection to WebSockets. The same connection will be used to exchange control and measurement messages. The upgrade request URL will indicate the type of test that the client wants to perform. Two tests and hence two URLs are defined:

  • /ndt/v7/download, which selects the download test;

  • /ndt/v7/upload, which selects the upload test.

The upgrade message MUST also contain the WebSocket subprotocol that identifies ndt7, which is net.measurementlab.ndt.v7. The URL in the upgrade request MAY contain optional query-string parameters, which will be saved as metadata describing the client. The client SHOULD also include a meaningful, non-generic User-Agent string.

The query string MUST NOT be longer than 4096 bytes. Both the name and the value of the query string parameters MUST of course be valid URL-encoded UTF-8 strings. Clients MUST NOT send duplicate keys and MUST NOT send keys without a value. Servers SHOULD ignore duplicate keys. Servers SHOULD treat keys without a value as having an empty value.

An upgrade request could look like this:

GET /ndt/v7/download HTTP/1.1\r\n
Host: localhost\r\n
Connection: Upgrade\r\n
Sec-WebSocket-Key: DOdm+5/Cm3WwvhfcAlhJoQ==\r\n
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: net.measurementlab.ndt.v7\r\n
Upgrade: websocket\r\n
User-Agent: ooniprobe/3.0.0 ndt7-client-go/0.1.0\r\n

Upon receiving an upgrade request, the server MUST inspect the request (including the optional query string) and either upgrade the connection to WebSocket or return a 4xx failure if the request does not look correct (e.g. if the WebSocket subprotocol is missing). Of course, also the query string MUST be parsed and the upgrade MUST fail if the query string is not parseable or not acceptable. The server SHOULD store the metadata sent by the client using the query string.

The upgrade response MUST contain the selected subprotocol in compliance with RFC6455. A possible upgrade response could look like this:

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: net.measurementlab.ndt.v7\r\n
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: Nhz+x95YebD6Uvd4nqPC2fomoUQ=\r\n
Upgrade: websocket\r\n
Connection: Upgrade\r\n

WebSocket channel usage

Once the WebSocket channel is established, the client and the server exchange ndt7 messages using the WebSocket framing. An implementation MAY choose to limit the maximum WebSocket message size, but such limit MUST NOT be smaller than 1 << 24 bytes. Note that this message size is a maximum designed to support clients on very fast, short end-to-end paths.

Textual, binary, and control WebSocket messages are used.

Textual messages contain JSON-serialized measurements, they are OPTIONAL, and are always permitted. A ndt7 implementation MAY choose to ignore all textual messages. This provision allows one to easily implement ndt7 with languages such as C where reading and writing messages at the same time significantly increases the implementation complexity. A ndt7 implementation SHOULD NOT send more than ten textual messages per second on the average. A ndt7 implementation MAY choose to discard incoming textual messages at random, if it is receiving too many textual messages in a given time interval. Server implementations SHOULD send textual messages containing measurements during uploads, to provide clients with reliable upload-speed measurements.

Binary messages SHOULD contain random data and are used to generate network load. Therefore, during the download test the server sends binary messages and the client MUST NOT send them. Likewise, during the upload test, the client sends binary messages and the server MUST NOT send them. An implementation receiving a binary message when it is not expected SHOULD close the underlying TLS connection.

Binary messages MUST contain between 1 << 10 and 1 << 24 bytes, and SHOULD be a power of two. An implementation SHOULD initially be sending binary messages containing 1 << 13 bytes, and it MAY change the size of such messages to accommodate for fast clients, as mentioned above. See the appendix for a possible algorithm to dynamically change the message size.

The expected duration of a test is up to ten seconds. If a test has been running for at least thirteen seconds, an implementation MAY close the underlying TLS connection. This is allowed to keep the overall duration of each test within a thirteen second upper bound. Ideally this SHOULD be implemented so that immediately after thirteen seconds have elapsed, the underlying TLS connection is closed. This can be implemented, e.g., in C/C++ using alarm(3) to cause pending I/O operations to fail with EINTR.

As regards ping and pong messages, a ndt7 server MAY send periodic ping messages during any test. Servers MUST NOT send ping messages more frequently than they would send textual messages. Clients MUST be prepared to receive ping messages. They MUST reply to such messages with pong messages containing the same payload, and they SHOULD do that as soon as practical. If a client is receiving too many ping messages in a specific time interval, it MAY drop them at random.

The server MAY initiate a WebSocket closing handshake at any time and during any test. This tells the client that either the specific test has run for too much time, or that some other criteria suggests that the measured speed would not change significantly in the future, hence continuing the test would waste resources. The client SHOULD be prepared to receive such closing handshake and respond accordingly. In accordance with RFC 6455 Sect 7.1.1, once the WebSocket closing handshake is complete, the server SHOULD close the underlying TLS connection, while the client SHOULD wait and see whether the server closes it first.

In practice, both the client and the server SHOULD tolerate any abrupt EOF, RST, or timeout/alarm error received when doing I/O with the underlying TLS connection. Such events SHOULD be logged as warnings and SHOULD be recorded into the results. For robustness, we do not want such events to cause a whole test to fail. This provision gives the ndt7 protocol bizantine robustness, and acknowledges the fact that the web is messy and a test may terminate more abruptly than it happened in the past in our controlled experiments.

Measurement message

As mentioned above, the server and the client exchange JSON measurements using textual WebSocket messages. The purpose of these measurements is to provide information useful to diagnose performance issues.

While in theory we could specify all TCP_INFO and BBR_INFO variables, different kernel versions provide different subsets of these measurements and we do not want to be needlessly restrictive regarding the underlying kernel for the server. Instead, our guiding principle is to describe only the variables that in our experience are useful to understand performance issues. More variables could be added in the future. No variables should be removed, but, if some are removed, we should document them as being removed rather than removing them from this specification.

Since version v0.8.0 of this specification, the measurement message has the following structure:

  "AppInfo": {
    "ElapsedTime": 1234,
    "NumBytes": 1234,
  "ConnectionInfo": {
    "Client": "",
    "Server": "[::1]:2345",
    "UUID": "<platform-specific-string>"
  "Origin": "server",
  "Test": "download",
  "TCPInfo": {
    "BusyTime": 1234,
    "BytesAcked": 1234,
    "BytesReceived": 1234,
    "BytesSent": 1234,
    "BytesRetrans": 1234,
    "ElapsedTime": 1234,
    "MinRTT": 1234,
    "RTT": 1234,
    "RTTVar": 1234,
    "RWndLimited": 1234,
    "SndBufLimited": 1234


  • AppInfo is an optional object only included in the measurement when an application-level measurement is available:

    • ElapsedTime (a int64) is the time elapsed since the beginning of this test, measured in microseconds.

    • NumBytes (a int64) is the number of bytes sent (or received) since the beginning of the specific test. Note that this counter tracks the amount of data sent at application level. It does not account for the overheaded of the WebSockets, TLS, TCP/IP, and link layers.

  • ConnectionInfo is an optional object used to provide information about the connection four tuple. Clients MUST NOT send this message. Since v0.9.0 of this specification, servers MUST always include this object. The contents of this object are:

    • Client (a string), which contains the serialization of the client endpoint according to the server. Note that the general format of this field is <address>:<port> where IPv4 addresses are provided verbatim, while IPv6 addresses are quoted by [ and ] as shown in the above example.

    • Server (a string), which contains the serialization of the server endpoint according to the server, following the same general format specified above for the Client field.

    • UUID (a string), which contains an internal unique identifier for this test within the Measurement Lab (M-Lab) platform. This field SHOULD be omitted by servers running on other platforms, unless they also have the concept of a UUID bound to a TCP connection.

  • Origin is an optional string that indicates whether the measurement has been performed by the client or by the server. This field SHOULD only be used when the entity that performed the measurement would otherwise be ambiguous.

  • Test is an optional string that indicates the name of the current test. This field SHOULD only be used when the current test should otherwise not be obvious.

  • TCPInfo is an optional object only included in the measurement when it is possible to access TCP_INFO stats. It contains:

    • BusyTime aka tcpi_busy_time (an optional int64), i.e. the number of microseconds spent actively sending data because the write queue of the TCP socket is non-empty.

    • BytesAcked aka tcpi_bytes_acked (an optional int64), i.e. the number of bytes for which we received acknowledgment. Note that this field, and all other TCPInfo fields, contain the number of bytes measured at TCP/IP level (i.e. including the WebSocket and TLS overhead).

    • BytesReceived aka tcpi_bytes_received (an optional int64), i.e. the number of bytes for which we sent acknowledgment.

    • BytesSent aka tcpi_bytes_sent (an optional int64), i.e. the number of bytes which have been transmitted or retransmitted.

    • BytesRetrans aka tcpi_bytes_retrans (an optional int64), i.e. the number of bytes which have been retransmitted.

    • ElapsedTime (an optional int64), i.e. the time elapsed since the beginning of this test, measured in microseconds.

    • MinRTT aka tcpi_min_rtt (an optional int64), i.e. the minimum RTT seen by the kernel, measured in microseconds.

    • RTT aka tcpi_rtt (an optional int64), i.e. the current smoothed RTT value, measured in microseconds.

    • RTTVar aka tcpi_rtt_var (an optional int64), i.e. the variance or RTT.

    • RWndLimited aka tcpi_rwnd_limited (an optional int64), i.e. the amount of microseconds spent stalled because there is not enough buffer at the receiver.

    • SndBufLimited aka tcpi_sndbuf_limited (an optional int64), i.e. the amount of microseconds spent stalled because there is not enough buffer at the sender.

Note that the JSON exchanged on the wire, or saved on disk, MAY possibly contain more TCP_INFO fields. Yet, only the fields described in this specification SHOULD be returned by a compliant, TCP_INFO enabled implementation of ndt7. A client MAY use other fields, but the absence of those other fields in a server response MUST NOT be a fatal client error.

The TCP_INFO variables mentioned by this specification are supported by the Linux kernel used by M-Lab, which is >= 4.19. An implementation running on a kernel where a specific TCP_INFO variable mentioned in this specification is missing SHOULD NOT include such variable in the TCPInfo object sent to the client. In this regard, clients should be robust to missing data. Missing data SHOULD NOT cause a client to crash, although it is allowable for it to cause an inferior user experience.

Moreover, note that all the variables presented above increase or otherwise change consistently during a test. Therefore, the most recent measurement sample is a suitable summary of all prior measurements, and the last measurement received should be treated as the summary message for the test.

Also, note that the ElapsedTime refers to the moment in which a specific data structure was collected by the client or the server. In other words, a message containing AppInfo and TCPInfo MAY have different values for the ElapsedTime if the server (or client) collected those two bits of information at different times. Usually the times would be very close in time but there could be tiny differences caused by collecting distinct metrics from distinct threads.

Finally, note that JSON and JavaScript actually define integers as int53 but existing implementations will likely round bigger (or smaller) numbers to the nearest float64 value. A pedantic implementation MAY want to be overly defensive and make sure that it does not emit values that a int53 cannot represent.


This section is non normative. It shows the messages seen by a client in various circumstances. The > prefix indicates a sent message. The < prefix indicates a received message.

In this first example, the client and the server do not send any text message. These are the simplest ndt7 client and server you can write. This is what the download looks like:

> GET /ndt/v7/download Upgrade: websocket
< 101 Switching Protocols
< BinaryMessage
< BinaryMessage
< BinaryMessage
< BinaryMessage
< CloseMessage
> CloseMessage

This is the upload:

> GET /ndt/v7/upload Upgrade: websocket
< 101 Switching Protocols
> BinaryMessage
> BinaryMessage
> BinaryMessage
> BinaryMessage
> CloseMessage
< CloseMessage

When the server sends measurement messages, the download becomes:

> GET /ndt/v7/download Upgrade: websocket
< 101 Switching Protocols
< BinaryMessage
< BinaryMessage
< TextMessage    clientElapsedTime=0.30 s
< BinaryMessage
< BinaryMessage
< TextMessage    clientElapsedTime=0.55 s
< BinaryMessage
< CloseMessage
> CloseMessage

Note that we have assumed that measurements arrive with a little of delay caused by the queuing delay in the sender's buffer. In some cases, this delay may be large enough that clients SHOULD NOT rely on server measurements to timely update their user interface during this test.

During the upload, the server could help a client by sending messages containing its application-level measurements:

> GET /ndt/v7/upload Upgrade: websocket
< 101 Switching Protocols
> BinaryMessage
> BinaryMessage
> BinaryMessage
< TextMessage    clientElapsedTime=0.25 s
> BinaryMessage
> BinaryMessage
< TextMessage    clientElapsedTime=0.51 s
> BinaryMessage
> CloseMessage
< CloseMessage

In this case, because messages travel on an otherwise only used for pure ACKs return path, we expect less queuing delay. Still also in this case it is RECOMMENDED to always use application level measurements at the sender to update the user interface.

Server discovery

This section explains how a client can get the FQDN of a ndt7-enabled M-Lab server for the purpose of running tests. Of course, this section only applies to clients using M-Lab infrastructure. Clients using other server infrastructure MUST refer to the documentation provided by such infrastructure instead.

Clients using the M-Lab ndt7 infrastructure:

  1. SHOULD use the server-discovery web API;

  2. SHOULD query for the ndt7 tool (see below for a description of how a real request would look like);

  3. SHOULD set User-Agent to identify themselves;

  4. MUST correctly handle 3xx redirects, interpret 200 as success, 204 as the no-capacity signal (see below) and any other status as failure;

  5. MUST NOT assume that the locate service will always geographically locate them to the same server, or always to the strictly nearest server, or to a server running a particular version of the code, or to a server that will always run a 10 second test instead of a shorter test. Rollouts on the M-Lab platform happen gradually, and canary tests of new server versions happen regularly, which means that different servers may be running different code versions. Well-written clients should already be robust to these scenarios, but we note them here as an additional reminder.

The no-capacity signal is emitted by the service when M-Lab is out of capacity. In such cases, the return code is 204, to indicate that there is no ndt7-server "content" for the requesting client.

The following example shows a request to originating from a well-behaved ndt7 client:

> GET /ndt7 HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: MKEngine/0.1.0
> Accept: application/json

A possible successful response from a server could look like the following (where some irrelevant JSON fields have been omitted for the sake of brevity and thus content-length is now wrong):

< HTTP/1.1 200
< Cache-Control: no-cache
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Content-Type: application/json
< Date: Thu, 02 May 2019 13:46:32 GMT
< Server: Google Frontend
< Content-Length: 622
{ "fqdn": "" }

In case of capacity issues (as specified above), the server response would instead look like the following:

< HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
< Cache-Control: no-cache
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Content-Type: application/json
< Date: Thu, 02 May 2019 13:46:32 GMT
< Server: Google Frontend
< Content-Length: 0

In such case, an interactive client SHOULD report an error to the user, while a non-interactive client MAY retry (see below).

Requirements for non-interactive clients

Non-interactive clients SHOULD schedule tests according to the following algorithm:

  1. run a test

  2. make sure that the RNG is correctly seeded;

  3. extract t from an exponential distribution with average equal to 21600 seconds (i.e. six hours);

  4. if t is smaller than 2160 seconds, set t to 2160 seconds;

  5. if t is larger 54000 seconds, set t to 54000 seconds;

  6. sleep for t seconds;

  7. goto step 1.

An hypothetical non-interactive ndt7 client written in Go SHOULD do:

import (

var once sync.Once

func sleepTime() time.Duration {
	once.Do(func() {
	t := rand.ExpFloat64() * 21600
	if t < 2160 {
		t = 2160
	} else if t > 54000 {
		t = 54000
	return time.Duration(t * float64(time.Second))

func mainLoop() {
	for {

The service will return a no-content result if M-Lab is out of capacity, as mentioned above. In such case, a non-interactive client SHOULD:

  1. either skip the test and wait until it's time to run the next test; or

  2. retry contacting applying an exponential backoff by extracting from a normal distribution with increasing average (60, 120, 240, 480, 960, ... seconds) and standard deviation equal to 5% of the average value.

In our hypotethical Go client, the exponential backoff would be implementated like this:

func tryPerformanceTest() {
	for mean := 60.0; mean <= 960.0; mean *= 2.0 {
		fqdn, err := locatesvc.LocateServer()
		if err != nil && err != locatesvc.ErrNoContent {
		if err != nil {
			// Note: RNG already seeded as shown above
			stdev := 0.05 * mean
			seconds := rand.NormFloat64() * stdev + mean
			time.Sleep(time.Duration(seconds * float64(time.Second)))

Reference implementations

The reference server implementation is Such repository also contains the reference JavaScript implementation, in html/ndt7-core.js, which is served by default by the NDT server. This JavaScript code may be useful to others in building their own speed test websites. It SHOULD be used to test server implementations, and as a very basic client for occasional use.

The reference Go client is


This section is non-normative. Here we describe possible implementations and provide other information that could be useful to implementors.

Adapting binary message size

We can double the message size when it becomes smaller than a fixed percentage of the number of bytes queued so far. In the following example, we double the message size when it is smaller than 1/16 of the queued bytes:

	var total int64
	msg.Resize(1 << 13)
	for {
		if err := conn.Send(msg); err != nil {
			return err
		total += msg.Size()
		if msg.Size() >= (1 << 24) || msg.Size() >= (total / 16) {
		msg.Resize(msg.Size() * 2)

This algorithm is such that only faster clients are exposed to larger messages, therefore reducing the overhead of receiving many small messages, which is especially critical to browser-based clients.

Using TCPInfo variables

The ElapsedTime field indicates the moment in which TCP_INFO data has been generated, and therefore is generally useful.

The MinRTT, RTT, and RTTVar fields can be used to compute the statistics of the round-trip time. The buildup of a large queue is unexpected when using BBR. It generally indicates the presence of a bottleneck with a large buffer that's filling as the test proceeds. The MinRTT can also be useful to verify we're using a reasonably nearby-server. Also, an unreasonably small RTT when the link is 2G or 3G could indicate a performance enhancing proxy.

The times (BusyTime, RWndLimited, and SndBufLimited) are useful to understand where the bottleneck could be. In general we would like to see that we've been busy for most of the test runtime. If RWndLimited is large, then it means that the receiver does not have enough buffering to go faster and it is limiting our performance. Likewise, when SndBufLimited is large, the sender's buffer is too small. Also, if adding up these three times gives us less time than the duration of the test, it generally means that the sender was not filling the send buffer fast enough for keeping TCP busy, thus slowing us down.

The amount of BytesAcked combined with the ElapsedTime gives us the average speed at which we've been sending, measured in the kernel. Because of the measurement unit used, by default the speed will be in bytes per microsecond. Typically the speed of file transfers is measured instead in bytes per second, so you need to multiply by 10^6. To obtain the speed in bits per second, which is the typical unit with which we measure the speed of links (e.g. Wi-Fi), also multiply by 8.

BytesReceived is just like BytesAcked, except that BytesAcked makes sense for the sender (e.g. the server during the download), while BytesReceived makes sense for the receiver (e.g. the server during the upload).

BytesSent and BytesRetrans can be used to compute the percentage of bytes overall that have been retransmitted. In turn, this is value approximates the packet loss rate, i.e. the (unknown) probability with which the network is likely to drop a packet. This approximation is really bad because it assumes that the probability of dropping a packet is uniformly distributed, which isn't likely the case. Yet, it may be an useful first order information to characterise a network as possibly very lossy. Some packet loss is normal and healthy, but too much packet loss is the sign of a network path with systemic problems.