The h5bp build script now has three versions, the main one being the [ant-build-script][]. This project is the node version, and it uses Grunt as a build tool.
It is packaged as a grunt plugin and provides you a bunch of tasks and helpers to help improve the performance of your site/app in a production environment.
This node/grunt-based build script tries to be as close as possible to the [ant-build-script][], a really great project you should check out.
It is still in early stage of development, but will get better, thanks to your feedback.
Fancy one line install:
# see the gist:
$ curl | sh
Slightly less fancier
$ npm install -g
$ h5bp help
$ h5bp init
Developing locally
$ git clone git://
$ cd node-build-script
$ npm link
- Concats / Compresses JS
- Concats / Compresses CSS
- Inline CSS imports via RequireJS
- Basic to aggressive html minification (via [html-minfier][])
- Optimizes JPGs and PNGs (with jpegtran & optipng)
- Renames JS/CSS to prepend a hash of their contents for easier versioning
- Revises the file names of your assets so that you can use heavy caching
- Updates your HTML to reference these new hyper-optimized CSS + JS files
- Experimental dom-based (with JSDOM) build system.
- May rerun the build script on file changes (grunt's watch task ❤)
- May automatically reload the page in your browsers whenever watched files change, through some [] magic.
- Install the package
- Check out the extensive grunt documentation, specifically the [Getting Started][] section.
- Learn more about Usage and Configuration
- Look at the available tasks
- Test out the experimental dom-based build system.
- Source:
- Docs:
- Issues:
$ npm test
[Getting Started]: [JSDOM]: [ant-build-script]: []: [html-minifier]: