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Getting Started

Mateusz Nalewajski edited this page May 21, 2019 · 4 revisions

Multi-container deployment

It is recommended to run Pompa as a multi-container application using docker-compose tool. A sample repository providing a deployment base can be found here. Please follow the included file to get started.

Direct deployment

Of course, it is perfectly OK to run Pompa directly, without using containers. In order to do so, you will need:

  1. Any web server, capable of running Ember.js application - you can find a sample nginx configuration here
  2. RVM with a modern Ruby installed (2.4+) - you can find sample systemd unit files for any modern Linux distribution here
  3. PostgreSQL database instance (9.6+) with several extensions, as described in README for pompa-api
  4. Redis instance with a slightly modified configuration, as described in README for pompa-api
  5. libsodium package installed, as described in README for pompa-api

Please follow README files for web frontend and Ruby backend for further steps and give me a feedback if something is not clear. You can also take a look at Dockerfiles and configuration in pompa-docker repository as they include all steps and customizations required to build and run Pompa.