1- Meals list screen has the foloowing information - Meal name - Meal number of stars - Meals average rate - Login - Register - showing already logged in user
2- Popup error if the user already rated
3- Add rate scree, stars 1 to 5 only and SAVE
Using Django REST frame work please implement the followings
1- Models - Meal - Stars - User
2- validation if the user already rated the meal
3- validation to rate min 1 and max 5
4- CRUD API for Meals it should return the average rating and number of rating a long with the meal name and detail
5- CRUD API for Stars no one should be able to use this crud for rating !!
6- Rate API
create and update API
request data = stars
request user = user name
stars + user from request
pk from url
endpoint to update\create rate for specific meal using Meal vieset not rate
views > add the custom function with @action decarator
7- Meal list API to show the average rating and number of ratings models > add custom function\method in the model to calculate the avg and sum serializers > add the avg and sum to the fields
8- Token authentication - URL to request token of specific user Token
- Only authenticated users can create\update meal rate
9- Login and register API - Register users URL > ViewSet > Serializer > ser model = User default django
URL > ViewSet > Serializer > ser model = User custom abstract
10- Token request API
11- Deploy to Heroku