From cb5c74810ad577fb82f2d94e713b5f8e42321bfd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lucas Caparelli Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2020 23:46:50 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] Re-add TLS doc (#188) Signed-off-by: Lucas Caparelli --- docs/ | 375 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 375 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/ diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5985674e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ +# Nexus Operator TLS guide + +While TLS termination itself is automatically supported by the cluster in both Openshift and Kubernetes via self-signed certificates, the Nexus Operator defines a new resource "Nexus" that offers the following TLS configurations: + + - `spec.networking.tls.mandatory` (*boolean*): When exposing via Route, set to `true` to only allow encrypted traffic using TLS (disables HTTP in favor HTTPS). Defaults to false. + - `spec.networking.tls.secretName` (*string*): When exposing via Ingress, inform the name of the TLS secret containing certificate and private key for TLS encryption. It must be present in the same namespace as the Operator. + +This configuration is meant for testing purposes only and does not seek to address all requirements faced in a production environment. If more complex configuration is required, set `spec.networking.expose` to `false` in order to configure the desired network resource (e.g., Ingress) directly. + +## Constraints + +When using an Openshift [Route]( only `spec.networking.tls.mandatory` is available. This is due to Routes containing the TLS information directly instead of sourcing it via a Secret. + +When using a Kubernetes [Ingress]( only `spec.networking.tls.secretName` is available. This is due to HTTP->HTTPS redirection being managed by the [Ingress Controller](, not by the Ingress itself. + +> **Note**: There is a gap between TLS features supported by various Ingress controllers. Please refer to documentation on NGINX, GCE, or any other platform specific Ingress controller to understand how TLS works in your environment + +When using NodePort none of them are available. + +`spec.networking.tls.secretName` must point to a valid "" Secret, such as: + +```yaml +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Secret +metadata: + name: testsecret-tls + namespace: default +data: + tls.crt: + tls.key: +type: +``` + +## Examples + +In this section we'll have a look at some examples on how to use these features. The CRs in use can be found at `examples/`. It is assumed you have a cluster with a functioning Nexus Operator deployment (if you don't, check out our [README quick install guide]( + +### Kubernetes Ingress + +In this example we'll use the `spec.networking.tls.secretName` directive: + +```yaml +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Secret +metadata: + name: testsecret-tls + namespace: nexus +data: + tls.crt: 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 + tls.key: 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 +type: +--- +apiVersion: +kind: Nexus +metadata: + name: nexus3 +spec: + # Number of Nexus pod replicas (can't be increased after creation) + replicas: 1 + # Here you can specify the image version to fulfill your needs. Defaults to if useRedHatImage is set to false + #image: "" + # let's use the centOS image since we do not have access to Red Hat Catalog + useRedHatImage: false + # Set the resources requests and limits for Nexus pods. See: + resources: + limits: + cpu: "2" + memory: "2Gi" + requests: + cpu: "1" + memory: "2Gi" + # Data persistence details + persistence: + # Should we persist Nexus data? (turn this to false only if you're evaluating this resource) + persistent: false + # details regarding networking + networking: + # expose please + expose: true + # How do you want to expose the Nexus server? In this case, we're using Ingress. Only available on Kubernetes + exposeAs: "Ingress" + # The host is required when using Ingress, needs to resolve to your cluster + host: "" + # Configuration related to TLS + tls: + # Use the TLS secret we defined above + secretName: "testsecret-tls" +``` + +Note that a TLS Secret is also defined in the first few lines. It contains a self-signed x.509 certificate and its private key encoded in base64. + +> **Note**: Base64 encoding is not an encryption method and is considered the same as plain text. Access control to the Secret is still necessary. + +**Important**: the certificate used when generating the secret must have the Common Name field set to exactly the same hostname your Ingress is using or the Ingress Controller may reject your certificate. + +In this example the secret CR has already been defined in the same file as the nexus CR for simplicity, but you may also create your secret from existing files using `kubectl`: + +```bash +$ kubectl create secret tls secret-name --cert /path/to/certificate --key /path/to/private/key +``` + +Let's create these resources: + +``` +$ kubectl create -n nexus -f examples/nexus3-centos-tls-ingress.yaml +secret/testsecret-tls created created +``` + +Now we should have an Ingress with TLS configuration: + +``` +$ kubectl get -n nexus ingress/nexus3 +NAME CLASS HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE +nexus3 80, 443 84s +$ kubectl get -n nexus ingress/nexus3 -o yaml +apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 +kind: Ingress +# (output omitted) +spec: + rules: + - host: + http: + paths: + - backend: + serviceName: nexus3 + servicePort: 8081 + path: / + pathType: ImplementationSpecific + tls: + - hosts: + - + secretName: testsecret-tls +status: + loadBalancer: + ingress: + - ip: +``` + +There it is: + +```yaml + tls: + - hosts: + - + secretName: testsecret-tls +``` + +Using openssl's `s_client` module we can actually connect and inspect the TLS handshake outcome (note the "-servername" flag which should enable the use of [SNI]( + +``` +openssl s_client -connect -servername < /dev/null +CONNECTED(00000003) +depth=0 C = XX, L = Default City, O = Default Company Ltd, CN = +verify error:num=18:self signed certificate +verify return:1 +depth=0 C = XX, L = Default City, O = Default Company Ltd, CN = +verify return:1 +--- +Certificate chain + 0 s:/C=XX/L=Default City/O=Default Company Ltd/ + i:/C=XX/L=Default City/O=Default Company Ltd/ +--- +Server certificate +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIDmjCCAoKgAwIBAgIJAIP0WGTC12p9MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMGIxCzAJBgNV +BAYTAlhYMRUwEwYDVQQHDAxEZWZhdWx0IENpdHkxHDAaBgNVBAoME0RlZmF1bHQg +Q29tcGFueSBMdGQxHjAcBgNVBAMMFW5leHVzLXRscy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbTAeFw0y +MDA1MDIyMTQwMzdaFw0yMTA1MDIyMTQwMzdaMGIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlhYMRUwEwYD +VQQHDAxEZWZhdWx0IENpdHkxHDAaBgNVBAoME0RlZmF1bHQgQ29tcGFueSBMdGQx +HjAcBgNVBAMMFW5leHVzLXRscy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEB +BQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAMwG1v82tV2gPxcraFYy7rlKprUBtUPznCf7c7eMElLI +s4GYBzgrrov+Ns79qOhqlZi7XKcj63OdMc87FfwTrYCsMPVomOWuX3LBCUVNJbH8 +0iFpFge4i4KNXU+VQ0hVe27gd74F9jAqIXUcOQEHK/DsH0Zt2enkISKKj0vyJarm +b2yGw1dYQz3uV5jNWXHNN8DA43lRAFRsQndUsS70gKEuBO2py+aDhaOkYHqgJjUy +NeNrlhaym/V2dkzNAUnxELYPRHbpBvvpnni3A7QpKXC2i9AfNV3X5Bj9dQRHlE1u +VYcLNa6ixtXkc3Xyq9j2hTHIKtrNPlh0C2H4npnq+z8CAwEAAaNTMFEwHQYDVR0O +BBYEFEBsWLLLUt+vNJZi/57tLe1fDrXBMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFEBsWLLLUt+vNJZi +/57tLe1fDrXBMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBACte +6zGyXw6wr8pVo/HL+ne1SXsIHF5jX4nG/V9gP5yr0+kh1n6DzG6X12nNxI3O/dRQ +Xn36VfOSlZcPQ7FMVyTquSULrlpWv2yeNaXL4L0c/l/4uaJnZaO+cfy8oIMy2chd +XmmKityaaT3OgTFtzczmoZfJnbP3N3F4qejmkhB8dWodn9Ud4GH8oajhYbCot4ha +BgPKlq2tW/wbTmLGpdIoscagaGXU0mpm1T4LV/MhalHFc/msmLk7DpsnFU++PxqW +qZoKCVvXcNK0jBJsRU/Zi1WKj7tMjDmtPO0HRBwBIZp0SXC2sw3ggmeNNftM6efd +VE7/blMAmn4sFzXXWgw= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- +subject=/C=XX/L=Default City/O=Default Company Ltd/ +issuer=/C=XX/L=Default City/O=Default Company Ltd/ +--- +No client certificate CA names sent +Peer signing digest: SHA256 +Server Temp Key: X25519, 253 bits +--- +SSL handshake has read 1603 bytes and written 377 bytes +Verification error: self signed certificate +--- +New, TLSv1.2, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 +Server public key is 2048 bit +Secure Renegotiation IS supported +Compression: NONE +Expansion: NONE +No ALPN negotiated +SSL-Session: + Protocol : TLSv1.2 + Cipher : ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 + Session-ID: 79A15F639F3896A0C9BC12FF46549069773B64BFEC5763BCD4C997ECFF54E8C2 + Session-ID-ctx: + Master-Key: CC4749CA60E60F0A1F568EE0592FA422598030A0C31755568F69A1C226E58FCBCDCA13A29D44864F2EC4EDFE611B1586 + PSK identity: None + PSK identity hint: None + SRP username: None + TLS session ticket lifetime hint: 600 (seconds) + TLS session ticket: + 0000 - 3c bd 0f f1 ba 97 ac 7d-8f 0c 19 49 f2 f2 80 a1 <......}...I.... + 0010 - a2 66 0b 98 2e cb 44 97-01 de cd 03 ce 8e cb 4c .f....D........L + 0020 - 7f 7b 1c 2f 67 35 8a e6-8b a4 f1 f7 e2 12 73 d1 .{./g5........s. + 0030 - 33 cd 0f 5c a1 51 ae c4-f9 64 c3 96 27 1f f9 8e 3..\.Q...d..'... + 0040 - 84 92 1e 7d 42 89 4d bd-54 35 1c 57 d2 e6 36 66 ...}B.M.T5.W..6f + 0050 - ab b6 77 65 ea af f9 81-d7 61 93 72 45 64 1c fb ..we.....a.rEd.. + 0060 - 43 d7 7c a1 75 a5 62 9f-a9 7c c9 b6 d2 4c c0 41 C.|.u.b..|...L.A + 0070 - 75 4a 9a 71 f7 d0 63 70-9f 58 7a 1f 4d bc 6f 1e uJ.q..cp.Xz.M.o. + 0080 - fc 7f 37 a7 e2 01 bf 8c-bd 36 3d 5d 49 99 97 6b ..7......6=]I..k + 0090 - f9 f6 4e 27 50 c0 e3 58-9b 29 0f 08 ac b8 1d 65 ..N'P..X.).....e + 00a0 - d4 ee c6 ca 40 23 ad c0-41 a2 89 c8 86 ab fb f5 ....@#..A....... + 00b0 - 22 d6 6f cf 13 46 ea 77-f5 19 68 ec a7 a8 4c d1 ".o..F.w..h...L. + 00c0 - 74 c8 7b aa 50 72 10 a0-d6 26 d7 38 7a b9 19 8d t.{.Pr...&.8z... + + Start Time: 1588457259 + Timeout : 7200 (sec) + Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate) + Extended master secret: yes +--- +DONE +``` + +### Openshift Route + +In this example we'll make use of the `spec.networking.tls.mandatory` directive: + +```yaml +apiVersion: +kind: Nexus +metadata: + name: nexus3 +spec: + # Number of Nexus pod replicas (can't be increased after creation) + replicas: 1 + # Here you can specify the image version to fulfill your needs. Defaults to if useRedHatImage is set to false + #image: "" + # let's use the centOS image since we do not have access to Red Hat Catalog + useRedHatImage: false + # Set the resources requests and limits for Nexus pods. See: + resources: + limits: + cpu: "2" + memory: "2Gi" + requests: + cpu: "1" + memory: "2Gi" + # Data persistence details + persistence: + # Should we persist Nexus data? (turn this to false only if you're evaluating this resource) + persistent: false + # details regarding networking + networking: + # expose please + expose: true + # How do you want to expose the Nexus server? In this case, we're using Route. Only available on Openshift + exposeAs: "Route" + # Configuration related to TLS + tls: + # Causes all insecure traffic (HTTP) to be redirected to a secured port (HTTPS) + mandatory: true +``` + +Let's create this resource: + +``` +$ oc apply -f examples/nexus3-centos-tls-route.yaml created +``` + +Now we should have a Route with edge TLS termination and a redirection policy: + +``` +$ oc get route/nexus3 +NAME HOST/PORT PATH SERVICES PORT TERMINATION WILDCARD +nexus3 nexus3 8081 edge/Redirect None +``` + +To be sure, let's take a look at the YAML as well: + +``` +$ oc get route/nexus3 -o yaml +apiVersion: +kind: Route +# (output omitted) +spec: + host: + port: + targetPort: 8081 + tls: + insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect + termination: edge + to: + kind: Service + name: nexus3 + weight: 100 + wildcardPolicy: None +status: + ingress: + - conditions: + - lastTransitionTime: 2020-05-03T02:52:13Z + status: "True" + type: Admitted + host: + routerName: router + wildcardPolicy: None +``` + +There it is: + +```yaml +tls: + insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Redirect + termination: edge +``` + +We can use `curl` to test it out. First let's gather some verbose output when connecting using HTTP as our protocol: + +``` +$ curl -v +* Rebuilt URL to: +* Trying +* TCP_NODELAY set +* Connected to ( port 80 (#0) +> GET / HTTP/1.1 +> Host: +> User-Agent: curl/7.59.0 +> Accept: */* +> +< HTTP/1.1 302 Found +< Cache-Control: no-cache +< Content-length: 0 +< Location: +< +* Connection #0 to host left intact +``` + +See that "Location" header? That's responsible for the redirect, but we have to run it again with the "-L" flag. We're also adding the "-k" option to ignore TLS verification failure as we're using a self-signed certificate (for more information consult the curl(1) man page): + +``` +$ curl -vLk +* Rebuilt URL to: +* Trying +* TCP_NODELAY set +* Connected to ( port 80 (#0) +> GET / HTTP/1.1 +> Host: +> User-Agent: curl/7.59.0 +> Accept: */* +> +< HTTP/1.1 302 Found +< Cache-Control: no-cache +< Content-length: 0 +< Location: +< +* Connection #0 to host left intact +* Issue another request to this URL: '' +* Trying +* TCP_NODELAY set +* Connected to ( port 443 (#1) +# (output omitted) +``` +