Jet 😍 F# and Event Sourcing; open sourcing Equinox has been a long journey; we're nearly there! Please refer to the FAQ and and the Issues for background info. While the repo is open, this is not released, it's a soft-launched open source repo marked 1.0 to reflect that its in production usage and can't undergo abritrary changes. There is absolutely an intention to make this be a proper open-source project; we're absolutely not making that claim right now; here are some excuses why:
- As noted in the contributing section, we're simply not ready yet (we have governance models in place; this is purely a matter of conserving bandwidth, prioritising getting the system serviceable in terms of samples and documentation in advance of inviting people to evaluate)...
- While
dotnet new eqxweb -t
does provide the option to include a full-featured TodoBackend per the spec, a more complete sample application is needed; see #57 - There is a placeholder Roadmap for now, which is really an unordered backlog.
While there is no canonical book on doing event-sourced Domain Modelling, there are some must read books that stand alone as timeless books in general but are also specifically relevant to the considerations involved in building such systems:
Domain Driven Design, Eric Evans, 2003 aka 'The Blue Book'; not a leisurely read but timeless and continues to be authoritative
Domain Modelling Made Functional, Scott Wlaschin, 2018; extremely well edited traversal of Domain Modelling in F# which is a pleasure to read. Does not talk specifically about event sourcing, but is still very relevant.
Implementing Domain Driven Design, Vaughn Vernon, 2013; aka 'The Red Book'. Worked examples and a slightly different take on DDD (the appendix on Functional Event sourcing is not far from what we have around these parts; which is not surprising given there's input from Jérémie Chassaing)
- Your link here - Please add materials that helped you on your journey so far here via PRs!
Event Sourcing is easier and harder than you think. This document is not a tutorial, and you can and will make a mess on your first forays. This glossary attempts to map terminology from established documentation outside to terms used in this documentation.
Term | Description |
Aggregate | Boundary within which a set of Invariants are to be preserved across a set of related Entities and Value Objects |
Append | the act of adding Events reflecting a Decision to a Stream contingent on an Optimistic Concurrency Check |
Command | Details representing intent to run a Decision process based on a Stream; may result in Events being Appended |
CQRS | Command/Query Responsibility Segregation; Architectural principle critical to understand when building an Event Sourced System |
Decision | Application logic which operates on a Command and a State. Can yield a response and/or Events to Append to the Stream in order to manifest the intent implied by the Command on Stream for this Aggregate - the rules it considers in doing so are in effect the Invariants of the Aggregate |
Event | Details representing the facts of something that occurred, or a Decision that was made with regard to an Aggregate state as represented in a Stream |
Eventually Consistent | A Read Model can momentarily lag a Stream's current State as events are being Projected |
Fold | FP Term used to describe process of building State from the seqence of Events observed on a Stream |
Idempotent | Can safely be processed >1 time without adverse effects |
Invariants | Rules that an Aggregate's Fold and Decision process are together trying to uphold |
Optimistic Concurrency Check | Locking/transaction mechanism used to ensure that Appends to a Stream maintain the Aggregate's Invariants, especially in the presence of multiple concurrent writers |
Projection | Process whereby a Read Model tracks the State of Streams - lots of ways of skinning this cat, see Read Model, Query, Synchronous Query, Replication |
Projector | Process tracking new Events, triggering Projection or Replication activities |
Query | Eventually Consistent read from a Read Model |
Synchronous Query | Consistent read direct from Stream State, breaking CQRS and coupling implementation to the Events used to support the Decision process |
Read Model | Denormalized data maintained by a Projection for the purposes of providing a Read Model based on a Projection (honoring CQRS) See also Synchronous Query, Replication |
Replication | Emitting Events pretty much directly as they are written (to support an Aggregate's Decision process) with a view to having a consumer traverse them to derive a Read Model or drive some form of synchronization process; aka Database Integration - building a Read Model or exposing Rich Events is preferred |
Rich Events | Bulding a Projector that prepares a feed of events in the Bounded Context in a form that's not simply Replication (sometimes referred to a Enriching Events) |
State | Information inferred from a Stream as part of a Decision process (or Synchronous Query) |
Store | Holds a set of Streams |
Stream | Ordered sequence of Events in a Store |
Term | Description |
Change Feed | set of query patterns allowing one to run a continuous query reading documents in a Range in order of their last update |
Change Feed Processor | Library from Microsoft exposing facilities to Project from a Change Feed, maintaining Offsets per Physical Partition (Range) in the Lease Collection |
Collection | logical space in a CosmosDb holding [loosely] related documents. Documents bear logical Partition Keys |
CosmosDb | Microsoft Azure's managed document database system |
Database | Group of collections |
DocumentDb | Original offering of CosmosDb, now entitled the SQL Query Model, Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDb.Client[.Core] |
Document id | Identifier used to load a document directly without a Query |
Lease Collection | Collection, outside of the storage collection (to avoid feedback effects) that maintains a set of Offsets per Range, together with leases reflecting instances of the Change Feed Processors and their Range assignments (aka aux collection) |
Partition Key | Logical key identifying a Stream (maps to a Range) |
Projector | Process running a [set of] Change Feed Processors across the Ranges of a Collection in order to perform a global synchronization within the system across Streams |
Query | Using indices to walk a set of relevant documents in a Collection, yielding Documents |
Range | Subset of the hashed key space of a collection held as a physical partitition, can be split as part of scaling up the RUs allocated to a Collection |
Replay | The ability to re-run the processing of the Change Feed from the oldest document forward at will |
Request Units | Virtual units representing max query processor capacity per second provisioned within CosmosDb to host a Range of a Collection |
Request Charge | Number of RUs charged for a specific action, taken from the RUs allocation for the relevant Range |
Stored Procedure | JavaScript code stored in a collection that can translate an input request to a set of actions to be transacted as a group within CosmosDb. Incurs equuivalent Request Charges for work performed; can chain to a continuation internally after a read or write. |
Term | Description |
Category | Group of Streams bearing a common CategoryName-<id> stream name |
Event | json or blob representing an Event |
EventStore | Open source Event Sourcing-optimized data store server and programming model with projection facilities |
Stream | Core abstraction presented by the API |
WrongExpectedVersion | Low level exception thrown to communicate an Optimistic Concurrency Violation |
Term | Description |
Cache | System.Net.MemoryCache holding State and/or etag information for a Stream with a view to reducing roundtrips, latency and/or Request Charges |
Rolling Snapshot | Event written to an EventStore stream in order to ensure minimal roundtrips to EventStore when there is a Cache miss |
Unfolds | Snapshot information, represented as Events that are stored in an appropriate storage location (outside of a Stream's actual events) to minimize Queries and the attendant Request Charges when there is a Cache miss |
NB this has lots of room for improvement, having started as a placeholder in #50; improvements are absolutely welcome, as this is intended for an audience with diverse levels of familiarity with event sourcing in general, and Equinox in particular.
In F#, independent of the Store being used, the Equinox programming model involves (largely by convention, see FAQ), per aggregation of events on a given category of stream:
: the rolling state maintained to enable Decisions or Queries to be made given a'command
(not expected to be serializable or stored directly in a Store; can be held in a .NETMemoryCache
) -
: a discriminated union representing all the possible Events from which a state can beevolve
d (seee
vents andu
nfolds in the Storage Model). Typically the mapping of the json to an'event
ase is driven by aUnionContractEncoder
initial: 'state
: the [implied] state of an empty stream -
fold : 'state -> 'event seq -> 'state
: function used to fold one or more loaded (or proposed) events (real ones and/or unfolded ones) into a given running persistent data structure of type'state
evolve: state -> 'event -> 'state
- thefolder
function from whichfold
is built, representing the application of a single delta that the'event
implies for the model to thestate
. Note:evolve
is an implementation detail of a given Aggregate;fold
is the function used in tests and used to parameterize the Category's storage configuration. -
interpret: 'state -> 'command -> event' list
: responsible for Deciding (in an idempotent manner) how the intention represented by acommand
should (given the providedstate
) be reflected in terms of a) theevents
that should be written to the stream to record the decision b) any response to be returned to the invoker (NB returning a result likely represents a violation of the CQS and/or CQRS principles, see Synchronous Query in the Glossary)
When using a Store with support for synchronous unfolds and/or snapshots, one will typically implement two
further functions in order to avoid having every 'event
in the stream be loaded and processed in order to
build the 'state
per Decision or Query (versus a single cheap point read from CosmosDb to read the tip):
isOrigin: 'event -> bool
: predicate indicating whether a given'event
is sufficient as a starting point i.e., provides sufficient information for theevolve
function to yield a correctstate
without any preceding event being supplied to theevolve
functionsunfold: 'state -> 'event seq
: function used to render events representing the'state
which facilitate short circuiting the building ofstate
, i.e.,isOrigin
should be able to yieldtrue
when presented with this'event
. (in some cases, the store implementation will provide a customAccessStrategy
where theunfold
function should only produce a singleevent
; where this is the case, typically this is referred to ascompact : 'state -> 'event
When running a decision process, we have the following stages:
establish a known
(as at a given Position in the stream of Events) -
present the request/command and the
to theinterpret
function in order to determine appropriate events (can be many, or none) that represent the decision in terms of events -
append to the stream, contingent on the stream still being in the same State/Position it was in step 1
a. if there is no conflict (nobody else decided anything since we decided what we'd do given that command and state), append the events to the stream (retaining the updated position and etag)
b. if there is a conflict, obtain the conflicting events [that other writers have produced] since the Position used in step 1,
them into ourstate
, and go back to 2 (aside: the CosmosDb stored procedure can send them back immediately at zero cost or latency, and there is a proposal for EventStore to afford the same facility) -
[if it makes sense for our scenario], hold the state, position and etag in our cache. When a Decision or Synchronous Query is needed, do a point-read of the tip and jump straight to step 2 if nothing has been modified.
See Cosmos Storage Model for a more detailed discussion of the role of the Sync Stored Procedure in step 3
The following example is a minimal version of the Favorites model, with shortcuts for brevity, that implements all the relevant functions above:
(* Event schemas *)
type Item = { id: int; name: string; added: DateTimeOffset }
type Event =
| Added of Item
| Removed of itemId: int
| Compacted of items: Item[]
(* State types/helpers *)
type State = Item list // NB IRL don't mix Event and State types
let is id x = = id
(* Folding functions to build state from events *)
let evolve state = function
| Compacted items -> List.ofArray items
| Added item -> item :: state
| Removed id -> state |> List.filter (is id)
let fold state = Seq.fold evolve state
(* Decision Processing to translate a Command's intent to Events that would Make It So *)
type Command =
| Add of Item // IRL do not use Event records in Command types
| Remove of itemId: int
let interpret command state =
let has id = state |> List.exits (is id)
match command with
| Add item -> if has then [] else [Added item]
| Remove id -> if has id then [Removed id] else []
(* Optional: Unfold-related functions to allow establish state efficiently,
ideally without having to read/fold all Events in a Stream *)
let unfold state =
[Event.Compacted state]
let isOrigin = function
| Compacted _ -> true
| _ -> false
(* The Service defines operations in business terms with minimal reference to Equinox terms
or need to talk in terms of infrastructure; typically the service is stateless and can be a Singleton *)
type Service(log, resolveStream, ?maxAttempts) =
let (|AggregateId|) (id: ClientId) = Equinox.AggregateId("Favorites", ClientId.toStringN id)
let (|Stream|) (AggregateId id) = Equinox.Stream(log, resolveStream id, defaultArg maxAttempts 3)
let execute (Stream stream) command : Async<unit> =
stream.Transact(interpret command)
let read (Stream stream) : Async<string list> =
stream.Query id
member __.Execute(clientId, command) =
execute clientId command
member __.Favorite(clientId, skus) =
execute clientId (Command.Favorite(DateTimeOffset.Now, skus))
member __.Unfavorite(clientId, skus) =
execute clientId (Command.Unfavorite skus)
member __.List clientId : Async<Events.Favorited []> =
read clientId
The most terse walkthrough of what's involved in using Equinox to do a Synchronous Query and/or Execute a Decision process is in the Programming Model section. In this section we’ll walk through how one implements common usage patterns using the Equinox Stream
API in more detail.
There are a plethora of basics underlying Event Sourcing and its cousin, the CQRS architectural style. There are also myriad ways of arranging event driven processing across a system.
The goal of CQRS is to enable representation of the same data using multiple models. It’s not a panacea, and most definitely not a top level architecture, but you should at least be considering whether it’s relevant in your context. There are various ways of applying the general CQRS concept as part of an architecture.
There are many tradeoffs to be considered along the journey from an initial proof of concept implementation to a working system and evolving that over time to a successful and maintainable model. There is no official magical combination of CQRS and ES that is always correct, so it’s important to look at the following information as a map of all the facilities available - it’s certainly not a checklist; not all achievements must be unlocked.
At a high level we have:
- Aggregates - a set of information (Entities and Value Objects) within which Invariants need to be maintained, leading us us to logically group them in order to consider them when making a Decision
- Events - Events that have been accepted into the model as part of a Transaction represent the basic Facts from which State or Projections can be derived
- Commands - taking intent implied by an upstream request or other impetus (e.g., automated synchronization based on an upstream data source) driving a need to sync a system’s model to reflect that implied need (while upholding the Aggregate's Invariants). The Decision process is responsible proposing Events to be appended to the Stream representing the relevant events in the timeline of that Aggregate.
- State - the State at any point is inferred by folding the events in order; this state typically feeds into the Decision with the goal of ensuring Idempotent handling (if its a retry and/or the desired state already pertained, typically one would expect the decision to be "no-op, no Events to emit")
- Projections - while most State we'll fold from the events will be dictated by what we need (in addition to a Command's arguments) to be able to make the Decision implied by the command, the same Events that are necessary for Command Handling to be able to uphold the Invariants can also be used as the basis for various summaries at the single aggregate level, Rich Events exposed as notification feeds at the boundary of the Bounded Context, and/or as denormalized representations forming a Materialized View.
- Queries - as part of the processing, one might wish to expose the state before or after the Decision and/or a computation based on that to the caller as a result. In its simplest form (just reading the value and emitting it without any potential Decision/Command even applying), such a Synchronous Query is a gross violation of CQRS - reads should ideally be served from a Read Model_
In the code handling a given Aggregate’s Commands and Synchronous Queries, the code you write divide into:
- Events (
, etc.) - State/Folds (
) - Storage Model helpers (
while these are not omnipresent, for the purposes of this discussion we’ll treat them as that. See the Programming Model for a drilldown into these elements and their roles.
Equinox’s Command Handling consists of < 250 lines including interfaces and comments in - the elements you'll touch are in a normal application are:
module Flow
- internal implementation of Optimistic Concurrency Control / retry loop used byStream
. It's recommended to at least scan this file as it defines the Transaction semantics everything is coming together in service of.type Stream
- surface API one uses toTransact
against a specific streamtype Target
Discriminated Union - used to identify the Stream pertaining to the relevant Aggregate thatresolveStream
will use to hydrate aStream
type Accumulator
- optionaltype
that can be used to manage application-local State in some flavors of Service_
Its recommended to read the examples in conjunction with perusing the code in order to see the relatively simple implementations that underlie the abstractions; the few hundred lines can tell many of the thousands of words about to follow!
type Equinox.Stream(stream, log, maxAttempts) =
// Run interpret function with present state, retrying with Optimistic Concurrency
member __.Transact(interpret : State -> Event list) : Async<unit>
// Run decide function with present state, retrying with Optimistic Concurrency, yielding Result on exit
member __.Transact(decide : State -> Result*Event list) : Async<Result>
// Runs a Null Flow that simply yields a `projection` of `Context.State`
member __.Query(projection : State -> View) : Async<View>
type Accumulator(fold, originState) =
// Events proposed thus far
member Accumulated : Event list
// Effective State including `Accumulated`
member State : State
// Execute a normal command, stashing the Events in `Accumulated`
member Execute(interpret : State -> Event list) : unit
// Less frequently used variant of Execute that can additionally yield a result
member Decide(decide : State -> Result * Event list) : 'result
is a small optional helper class that can be useful in certain scenarios where one is applying a sequence of Commands. One can use it within the body of a decide
or interpret
function as passed to Stream.Transact
In this section, we’ll use possibly the simplest toy example: an unbounded list of items a user has favorited (starred) in an e-commerce system.
See samples/Tutorial/Favorites.fsx. It’s recommended to load this in Visual Studio and feed it into the F# Interactive REPL to observe it step by step. Here, we'll skip some steps and annotate some aspects with regard to tradeoffs that should be considered.
type Event =
| Added of string
| Removed of string
let initial : string list = []
let evolve state = function
| Added sku -> sku :: state
| Removed sku -> state |> List.filter (fun x -> x <> sku)
let fold s xs = Seq.fold evolve s xs
Events are represented as an F# Discriminated Union; see the article on the UnionContractEncoder
for information about how that's typically applied to map to/from an Event Type/Case in an underlying Event storage system.
The evolve
function is responsible for computing the post-State that should result from taking a given State and incorporating the effect that single Event implies in that context and yielding that result without mutating either input.
While the evolve
function operates on a state
and a single event, fold
(named for the standard FP operation of that name) walks a chain of events, propagating the running state into each evolve
invocation. It is the fold
operation that's typically used a) in tests and b) when passing a function to an Equinox StreamBuilder
to manage the behavior.
It should also be called out that Events represent Facts about things that have happened - an evolve
or fold
should not throw Exceptions or log. There should be absolutely minimal conditional logic.
In order to fulfill the without mutating either input constraint, typically fold
and evolve
either deep clone to a new mutable structure with space for the new events, or use a [persistent data structure, such as F#'s list
] [,]. The reason this is necessary is that the result from fold
can also be used for one of the following reasons:
- computing a 'proposed' state that never materializes due to a failure to save and/or an Optimistic Concurrency failure
- the store can sometimes take a
from the cache andfold
ing in differentevents
when the conflicting events are supplied after having been loaded for the retry in the loop - concurrent executions against the stream may be taking place in parallel within the same process; this is permitted, Equinox makes no attempt to constrain the behavior in such a case
type Command =
| Add of string
| Remove of string
let interpret command state =
match command with
| Add sku -> if state |> List.contains sku then [] else [Added sku]
| Remove sku -> if state |> List.contains sku |> not then [] else [Removed sku]
Command handling should almost invariably be implemented in an Idempotent fashion. In some cases, a blind append can argubaly be an OK way to do this, especially if one is doing simple add/removes that are not problematic if repeated or reordered. However it should be noted that:
- each write roundtrip (i.e. each
), and ripple effects resulting from all subscriptions having to process an event are not free either. As the cache can be used to validate whether an Event is actually necessary in the first instance, it's highly recommended to follow the convention as above and return an empty Eventlist
in the case of a Command not needing to trigger events to move the model toward it's intended end-state - understanding the reasons for each event typically yields a more correct model and/or test suite, which pays off in more understandable code
- under load, retries frequently bunch up, and being able to dedupicate them without hitting the store and causing a conflict can significantly reduce feedback effects that cause inordinate impacts on stability at the worst possible time
It should also be noted that, when executing a Command, the interpret
function is expected to behave statelessly; as with fold
, multiple concurrent calls within the same process can occur._
A final consideration to mention is that, even when correct idempotent handling is in place, two writers can still produce conflicting events. In this instance, the Transact
loop's Optimistic Concurrency control will cause the 'loser' to re-interpret
the Command with an updated state
[incorporating the conflicting events the other writer (thread/process/machine) produced] as context
type Service(log, stream, ?maxAttempts) =
let streamHandlerFor (clientId: string) =
let aggregateId = Equinox.AggregateId("Favorites", clientId)
let stream = resolveStream aggregateId
Equinox.Stream(log, stream, defaultArg maxAttempts 3)
let execute clientId command : Async<unit> =
let stream = streamFor clientId
stream.Transact(interpret command)
let read clientId : Async<string list> =
let stream = streamFor clientId
inner.Query id
The Stream
-related functions in a given Aggregate establish the access patterns used across when Service methods access streams (see below). Typically these are relatively straightforward calls forwarding to a Equinox.Stream
equivalent (see src/Equinox/Stream.fs
), which in turn use the Optimistic Concurrency retry-loop in src/Equinox/Flow.fs
above will do a roundtrip to the Store in order to fetch the most recent state (while this can be optimized by reading through the cache, each invocation will hit the store regardless). This Synchronous Read can be used to Read-your-writes to establish a state incorporating the effects of any Command invocation you know to have been completed.
runs an Optimistic Concurrency Controlled Transact
loop in order to effect the intent of the [write-only] Command. This involves:
a) establish state
b) use interpret
to determine what (if any) Events need to be appended
c) submit the Events, if any, for appending
d) retrying b+c where there's a conflict (i.e., the version of the stream that pertained in (a) has been superseded)
e) after maxAttempts
/ 3
retries, a MaxResyncAttemptsExceededException
is thrown, and an upstream can retry as necessary (depending on SLAs, a timeout may further constrain number of retries that can occur)
Aside from reading the various documents regarding the conepts underlying CQRS, it's important to consider that (unless you're trying to leverage the Read-your-writes guarantee), doing reads direct from an event-sourced store is generally not considered a best practice (the opposite, in fact). Any state you surface to a caller is by definition out of date the millisecond you obtain it, so in many cases a caller might as well use an eventually-consistent version of the same state obtained via a [n eventually-consistent] Projection (see terms above).
All that said, if you're in a situation where your cache hit ratio is goig to be high and/or you have reason to believe the underlying Event-Streams are not going to be long, pretty goof performance can be achieved nonetheless; just consider that taking this shortcut will impede scaling and, at worst, can result in you ending up with a model that's potentially both:
- overly simplistic - you're passing up the opportunity to provide a Read Model that directly models the requirement by providing a Materialized View
- unnecessarily complex - the increased complexity of the
function and/or any output fromunfold
(and its storage cost) is a drag on one's ability to read, test, extend and generally maintain the Command Handling/Decision logic that can only live on the write side
member __.Favorite(clientId, sku) =
execute clientId (Add sku)
member __.Unfavorite(clientId, skus) =
execute clientId (Remove skus)
member __.List clientId : Async<string list> =
stream.Read clientId
while the Stream-related logic in the
type can arguably be extracted into aStream
type in order to separate the stream logic from the business function being accomplished, its been determined in the course of writing tutorials and simply explaining what things do that the extra concept count does not present sufficient value. This can be further exacerbated by the need to hover and/or annotate in order to understand what types are flowing about. -
while the Command pattern can help clarify a high level flow, there's no subsitute for representing actual business functions as well-named methods representing specific behaviors that are meaningful in the context of the application's Ubiquitous Language, can be documented and tested.
parameter affords one a sufficient seam that facilitates testing independently with a mocked or stubbed Stream (without adding any references), or aMemoryStore
(which does necessitate a reference to a separate Assembly for clarity) as desired.
See the sample for reference info regarding this sample, and the .fsx
file from where this code is copied. Note that the bulk if the design of the events stems from the nature of the TodoBackend spec; there are many aspects of the implementation that constitute less than ideal design; please note the provisos below...
type Todo = { id: int; order: int; title: string; completed: bool }
type Event =
| Added of Todo
| Updated of Todo
| Deleted of int
| Cleared
| Compacted of Todo[]
The fact that we have a Cleared
Event stems from the fact that the spec defines such an operation. While one could implement this by emitting a Deleted
event per currrently existing item, there many reasons to do model this as a first class event:-
i) Events should reflect user intent in its most direct form possible; if the user clicked Delete All, it's not the same to implement that as a set of individual deletes that happen to be united by having timestamp with a very low number of ms of each other.
ii) Because the Cleared
Event establishes a known State, one can have the isOrigin
flag the event as being the furthest one needs to search backwards before starting to fold
events to establish the state. This also prevents the fact that the stream gets long in terms of numbers of events from impacting the effiency of the processing
iii) While having a Cleared
event happens to work, it also represents a technical trick in a toy domain and should not be considered some cure-all Pattern - real Todo apps don't have a 'declare backruptcy' function. And example alternate approaches might be to represent each Todo list as it's own stream, and then have a TodoLists
aggregate coordinating those.
The Compacted
event is used to represent Rolling Snapshots (stored in-stream) and/or Unfolds (stored in Tip document); For a real Todo list, using this facility may well make sense - the State can fit in a reasonable space, and the likely number of Events may reach an interesting enough count to justify applying such a feature
i) it should also be noted that Caching may be a better answer - note Compacted
is also an isOrigin
event - there's no need to go back any further if you meet one.
ii) we use an Array in preference to a [F#] list
; while there are ListConverter
s out there (notably not in Jet.JsonNet.Converters
), in this case an Array is better from a GC and memory-efficiency stance, and does not need any special consideration when using Newtonsoft.Json
to serialize.
type State = { items : Todo list; nextId : int }
let initial = { items = []; nextId = 0 }
let evolve s = function
| Added item -> { s with items = item :: s.items; nextId = s.nextId + 1 }
| Updated value -> { s with items = s.items |> (function { id = id } when id = -> value | item -> item) }
| Deleted id -> { s with items = s.items |> List.filter (fun x -> <> id) }
| Cleared -> { s with items = [] }
| Compacted items -> { s with items = List.ofArray items }
let fold state = Seq.fold evolve state
let isOrigin = function Cleared | Compacted _ -> true | _ -> false
let compact state = Compacted (Array.ofList state.items)
- for
we use records andlist
s as the state needs to be a Persistent data structure. - in general the
function is straightforward idiomatic F# - while there are plenty ways to improve the efficiency (primarily by implementingfold
using mutable state), in reality this would reduce the legibility and malleability of the code.
type Command = Add of Todo | Update of Todo | Delete of id: int | Clear
let interpret c (state : State) =
match c with
| Add value -> [Added { value with id = state.nextId }]
| Update value ->
match state.items |> List.tryFind (function { id = id } -> id = with
| Some current when current <> value -> [Updated value]
| _ -> []
| Delete id -> if state.items |> List.exists (fun x -> = id) then [Deleted id] else []
| Clear -> if state.items |> List.isEmpty then [] else [Cleared]
- Note
does not adhere to the normal idempotency constraint, being unconditional. If the spec provided an id or token to deduplicate requests, we'd track that in thefold
and use it to rule out duplicate requests. - For
, we can lean on structural equality inwhen current <> value
to cleanly rule out redundant updates - The current implementation is 'good enough' but there's always room to argue for adding more features. For
, we could maintain a flag about whether we've just seen a clear, or have a request identifier to deduplicate, rather than risk omitting a chance to mark the stream clear and hence leverage theisOrigin
aspect of having the event.
type Service(log, resolveStream, ?maxAttempts) =
let (|AggregateId|) (id : string) = Equinox.AggregateId("Todos", id)
let (|Stream|) (AggregateId id) = Equinox.Stream(log, resolveStream id, defaultArg maxAttempts 3)
let execute (Stream stream) command : Async<unit> =
stream.Transact(interpret command)
let handle (Stream stream) command : Async<Todo list> =
stream.Transact(fun state ->
let ctx = Equinox.Context(fold, state)
ctx.Execute (interpret command)
ctx.State.items,ctx.Accumulated) // including any events just pended
let query (Stream stream) (projection : State -> T) : Async<T> =
stream.Query projection
member __.List clientId : Async<Todo seq> =
query clientId (fun s -> s.items |> Seq.ofList)
member __.TryGet(clientId, id) =
query clientId (fun x -> x.items |> List.tryFind (fun x -> = id))
member __.Execute(clientId, command) : Async<unit> =
execute clientId command
member __.Create(clientId, template: Todo) : Async<Todo> = async {
let! updated = handle clientId (Command.Add template)
return List.head updated }
member __.Patch(clientId, item: Todo) : Async<Todo> = async {
let! updated = handle clientId (Command.Update item)
return List.find (fun x -> = updated }
represents a command processing flow where we (idempotently) apply a command, but then also emit the state to the caller, as dictated by the needs of the call as specified in the TodoBackend spec. This uses theAccumulator
helper type, which accumulates anEvent list
, and provides a way to compute thestate
incorporating the proposed events immediately.- While we could theoretically use Projections to service queries from an eventually consistent Read Model, this is not in aligment with the Read-you-writes expectation embodied in the tests (i.e. it would not pass the tests), and, more importantly, would not work correctly as a backend for the app. Because we have more than one query required, we make a generic
method, even though a specificread
method (as in the Favorite example) might make sense to expose too - The main conclusion to be drawn from the Favorites and TodoBackend
implementations's use ofStream
Methods is that, while there can be commonality in terms of the sorts of transactions one might encapsulate in this manner, there's also It Depends factors; for instance: i) the design doesnt provide complete idempotency and/or follow the CQRS style ii) the fact that this is a toy system with lots of artificaial constraints and/or simplifications when compared to aspects that might present in a more complete implementation. - the
Active Patterns provide succinct ways to map an incomingclientId
(which is not astring
in the real implementation but instead an id usingFSharp.UMX
in an unobtrusive manner.
There are virtually unlimited ways to build an event-sourced model. It's critical that, for any set of components to be useful, that they are designed in a manner where one combines small elements to compose a whole, versus trying to provide a hardwired end-to-end 'framework'.
While going the library route leaves plenty seams needing to be tied together at the point of consumption (with resulting unavoidable complexity), it's unavoidable if one is to provide a system that can work in the real world.
This section outlines key concerns that the Equinox Programming Model is specifically taking a view on, and those that it is going to particular ends to leave open.
F#, out of the box has a very relevant feature set for building Domain models in an event sourced fashion (DUs, persistent data structures, total matching, list comprehensions, async builders etc). However, there are still lots of ways to split the process of folding the events, encoding them, deciding events to produce etc.
In the general case, it doesnt really matter what way one opts to model the events, folding and decision processing.
However, given one has a specific store (or set of stores) in mind for the events, a number of key aspects need to be taken into consideration:
Coding/encoding events - Per aggregate or system, there is commonality in how one might wish to encode and/or deal with versioning of event representations. Per store, the most efficient way to bridge to that concern can vary. Per domain and encoding system, the degree to which one wants to unit or integration test this codec process will vary.
Caching - Per store, there are different tradeoffs/benefits for Caching. Per system, caching may or may not even make sense. For some stores, it makes sense to integrate caching into the primary storage.
Snapshotting - The store and/or the business need may provide a strong influence on whether or not (and how) one might employ a snapshotting mechanism.
This sections enumerates key concerns feeding into how Stores in general, and specific concrete Stores bind to the Programming Model:
TL;DR caching not really needed, storing snapshots has many considerations in play, projections built in
Overview: EventStore is a mature and complete system, explicitly designed to address key aspects of building an event-sourced system. There are myriad bindings for multiple languages and various programming models. The docs present various ways to do snapshotting. The projection system provides ways in which to manage snapshotting, projections, building read models etc.
Key aspects relevant to the Equinox programming model:
- In general, EventStore provides excellent caching and performance characteristics intrinsically by virtue of its design
- Projections can be managed by either tailing streams (including the synthetic
stream) or using the Projections facility - there's no obvious reason to wrap it, aside from being able to uniformly target CosmosDb (i.e. one could build anEquinox.EventStore.Projection
library and aneqx project stats es
with very little code). - In general event streams should be considered append only, with no mutations or deletes
- For snapshotting, one can either maintain a separate stream with a maximum count or TTL rule, or include faux Compaction events in the normal streams (to make it possible to combine reading of events and a snapshot in a single roundtrip). The latter is presently implemented in
- While there is no generic querying facility, the APIs are designed in such a manner that it's generally possible to achieve any typically useful event access pattern needed in an optimal fashion (projections, catchup subscriptions, backward reads, caching)
- While EventStore allows either json or binary data, its generally accepted that json (presented as UTF-8 byte arrays) is a good default for reasons of interoperability (the projections facility also strongly implies json)
TL;DR caching can optimize RU consumption significantly. Due to the intrinsic ability to mutate easily, the potential to integrate rolling snapshots into core storage is clear. Providing ways to cache and snapshot matter a lot on CosmosDb, as lowest-common-demominator queries loading lots of events cost in performance and cash. The specifics of how you use the changefeed matters more than one might thing from the CosmosDb high level docs.
Overview: CosmosDb has been in production for >5 years and is a mature Document database. The initial DocumentDb offering is at this point a mere projected programming model atop a generic Document data store. Its changefeed mechanism affords a base upon which one can manage projections, but there is no directly provided mechanism that lends itself to building Projections that map directly to EventStore's facilties in this regard (i.e., there is nowhere to maintain consumer offsts in the store itself).
Key aspects relevant to the Equinox programming model:
- CosmosDb has pervasive optimization feedback per call in the form of a Request Charge attached to each and every action. Working to optimize one's request charges per scenario is critical both in terms of the effect it has on the amount of Request Units/s one you need to preprovision (which translates directly to costs on your bill), and then live predictably within if one is not to be throttled with 429 responses. In general, the request charging structure can be considered a very strong mechanical sympathy feedback signal
- Point reads of single documents based on their identifier are charged as 1 RU plus a price per KB and are optimal. Queries, even ones returning that same single document, have significant overhead and hence are to be avoided
- One key mechanism CosmosDb provides to allow one to work efficiently is that any point-read request where one supplies a valid
is charged at 1 RU, regardless of the size one would be transferring in the case of a cache miss (the other key benefit of using this is that it avoids unecessarly clogging of the bandwidth, and optimal latencies due to no unnecessary data transfers) - Indexing things surfaces in terms of increased request charges; at scale, each indexing hence needs to be justified
- Similarly to EventStore, the default ARS encoding CosmosDb provides, together with interoperability concerns, means that straight json makes sense as an encoding form for events (UTF-8 arrays)
- Collectively, the above implies (arguably counterintuitively) that using the powerful generic querying facility that CosmosDb provides should actually be a last resort.
- See Cosmos Storage Model for further information on the specific encoding used, informed by these concerns.
- Because reads, writes and updates of items in the Tip document are charged based on the size of the document in units of 1KB, it's worth compressing and/or storing snapshots ouside of the Tip-document (while those factors are also a concern with EventStore, the key difference is their direct effect of charges in this case).
The implications of how the changefeed mechanism works also have implications for how events and snapshots should be encoded and/or stored:
- Each write results in a potential cost per changefeed consumer, hence one should minimize changefeed consumers count
- Each update of a document can have the same effect in terms of Request Charges incurred in tracking the changefeed (each write results in a document "moving to the tail" in the consumption order - if multiple writes occur within a polling period, you'll only see the last one)
- The ChangeFeedProcessor presents a programming model which needs to maintain a position. Typically one should store that in an auxilliary collection in order to avoid feedback and/or interaction between the changefeed and those writes
It can be useful to consider keeping snapshots in the auxilliary collection employed by the changefeed in order to optimize the interrelated concerns of not reading data redundantly, and not feeding back into the oneself (although having separate roundtrips obviously has implications).
This article provides a walkthrough of how Equinox.Cosmos
encodes, writes and reads records from a stream under its control.
The code (see source) contains lots of comments and is intended to be read - this just provides some background.
Events are stored in immutable batches consisting of:
// stream identifier, e.g. "Cart-{guid}"i
// base index position of this batch (0
for first event in a stream)n
// base index ('i') position value of the next record in the stream - NB this always corresponds toi
(in the case of theTip
record, there won't actually be such a record yet)id
// same asi
(CosmosDb forces every doc to have one[, and it must be astring
// (see next section) typically there is one item in the array (can be many if events are small, for RU and performance/efficiency reasons; RU charges are per 1024 byte block)ts
// CosmosDb-intrinsic last updated date for this record (changes when replicated etc, hence seet
Per Event
, we have the following:
ase - the case of this union in the Discriminated Union of Events this stream bears (aka Event Type)d
ata - json data (CosmosDb maintains it as actual json; you are free to index it and/or query based on that if desired)m
etadata - carries ancillary information for an event; also jsont
- creation timestamp
The tip is always readable via a point-read, as the id
has a fixed, well-known value: "-1"
). It uses the same base layout as the aforementioned Batch (Tip
isa Batch
), adding the following:
: always-1
so one can reference it in a point-read GET request and not pay the cost and latency associated with a full indexed query_etag
: CosmosDb-managed field updated per-touch (facilitatesNotModified
result, see below)u
: Array of _unfold_ed events based on a point-in-time state (see State, Snapshots, Events and Unfolds, Unfolded Events andunfold
in the programming model section). Not indexed. While the data is json, the actuald
ata andm
etadata fields are compressed and encoded as base64 (and hence can not be queried in any reasonable manner).
In an Event Sourced system, we typically distinguish between the following basic elements
Events - Domain Events representing real world events that have occurred (always past-tense; it's happened and is not up for debate), reflecting the domain as understood by domain experts - see Event Storming. Examples: The customer favorited the item, the customer add SKU Y to their saved for later list, A charge of $200 was submitted successfully with transaction id X.
State - derived representations established from Events. A given set of code in an environment will, in service of some decision making process, interpret the Events as implying particular state changes in a model. If we change the code slightly or add a field, you wouldn't necessarily expect a version of your code from a year ago to generate you equivalent state that you can simply blast into your object model and go. (But you can easily and safely hold a copy in memory as long as your process runs as this presents no such interoperability or versioning concerns). State is not necessarily always serializable, nor should it be.
Snapshots - A snapshot is an intentionally roundtrippable version of a State, that can be saved and restored. Typically one would do this to save the (latency, roundtrips, RUs, deserialization and folding) cost of loading all the Events in a long running sequence of Events to re-establish the State. The EventStore folks have a great walkthrough on Rolling Snapshots.
Projections - the term projection is heavily overloaded, meaning anything from the proceeds of a SELECT statement, the result of a
operation, an EventStore projection to an event being propagated via Kafka (no, further examples are not required!).
.... and:
- Unfolds - the term
is based on the well known 'standard' FP function of that name, bearing the signature'state -> 'event seq
. => ForEquinox.Cosmos
, one might sayunfold
yields projection s as event s to snapshot the state as at that position in the stream.
Periodically, along with writing the events that a decision function yields to represent the implications of a command given the present state, we also unfold
the resulting state'
and supply those to the Sync
function too. The unfold
function takes the state
and projects one or more snapshot-events that can be used to re-establish a state equivalent to that we have thus far derived from watching the events on the stream. Unlike normal events, unfold
ed events do not get replicated to other systems, and can also be jetisonned at will (we also compress them rather than storing them as fully expanded json).
NB, in the present implementation, u
nfolds are generated, transmitted and updated upon every write; this makes no difference from a Request Charge perspective, but is clearly suboptimal due to the extra computational effort and network bandwidth consumption. This will likely be optimized by exposing controls on the frequency at which unfold
s are triggered
The dominant pattern is that reads request Tip with an IfNoneMatch
precondition citing the etag it bore when we last saw it. That, when combined with a cache means one of the following happens when a reader is trying to establish the state of a stream prior to processing a Command:
(depending on workload, can be the dominant case) - for1
RU, minimal latency and close-to-0
network bandwidth, we know the present stateNotFound
(there's nothing in the stream) - for equivalently low cost (1
RU), we know the state isinitial
- (if there are multiple writers and/or we don't have a cached version) - for the minimal possible cost (a point read, not a query), we have all we need to establish the state:-i
: a version numbere
: events since that version numberu
: unfolded (auxiliary) events computed at the same time as the batch of events was sent (aka inforamlly as snapshots) - (these enable us to establish thestate
without further queries or roundtrips to load and fold all preceding events)
Given a stream with:
{ "id":0, "i":0, "e": [{"c":"c1", "d":"d1"}]},
{ "id":1, "i":1, "e": [{"c":"c2", "d":"d2"}]},
{ "id":2, "i":2, "e": [{"c":"c2", "d":"d3"}]},
{ "id":3, "i":3, "e": [{"c":"c1", "d":"d4"}]},
{ "id":-1,
"i": 4,
"e": [{"i":4, "c":"c3", "d":"d5"}],
"u": [{"i":4, "c":"s1", "d":"s5Compressed"}, {"i":3, "c":"s2", "d":"s4Compressed"}],
"_etag": "etagXYZ"
If we have state4
based on the events up to {i:3, c:c1, d: d4}
and the index document, we can produce the state
by folding in a variety of ways:
fold initial [ C1 d1; C2 d2; C3 d3; C1 d4; C3 d5 ]
(but would need a query to load the first 2 batches, with associated RUs and roundtrips)fold state4 [ C3 d5 ]
(only need to pay to transport the tip document as a point read)- (if
isOrigin (S1 s5)
):fold initial [S1 s5]
(point read + transport + decompresss5
) - (if
isOrigin (S2 s4)
):fold initial [S2 s4; C3 d5]
(only need to pay to transport the tip document as a point read and decompresss4
If we have state3
based on the events up to {i:3, c:c1, d: d4}
, we can produce the state
by folding in a variety of ways:
fold initial [ C1 d1; C2 d2; C3 d3; C1 d4; C3 d5 ]
(but query, roundtrips)fold state3 [C1 d4 C3 d5]
(only pay for point read+transport)fold initial [S2 s4; C3 d5]
(only pay for point read+transport)- (if
isOrigin (S1 s5)
):fold initial [S1 s5]
(point read + transport + decompresss5
) - (if
isOrigin (S2 s4)
):fold initial [S2 s4; C3 d5]
(only need to pay to transport the tip document as a point read and decompresss4
If we have state5
based on the events up to C3 d5
, and (being the writer, or a recent reader), have the etag: etagXYZ
, we can do a HTTP GET
with etag: IfNoneMatch etagXYZ
, which will return 302 Not Modified
with < 1K of data, and a charge of 1.00
RU allowing us to derive the state as:
See Programming Model for what happens in the application based on the events presented.
This covers what the most complete possible implementation of the JS Stored Procedure (see source) does when presented with a batch to be written. (NB The present implementation is slightly simplified; see source.
The sync
stored procedure takes a document as input which is almost identical to the format of the Tip
batch (in fact, if the stream is found to be empty, it is pretty much the template for the first document created in the stream). The request includes the following elements:
: the position the requestor has based their [proposed] events on (no, providing anetag
to save on Request Charges is not possible in the Stored Proc) -
: array of Events (see Event, above) to append iff the expectedVersion check is fulfilled -
: array ofunfold
ed events (aka snapshots) that supersede items with equivalentc
ase values -
: the maximum number of events in an individual batch prior to starting a new one. For example:- if
contains 2 events, the tip document'se
has 2 documents and themaxEvents
, the events get appended onto the tip - if the total length including the new
vents would exceedmaxEvents
, the Tip is 'renamed' (gets itsid
set toi.toString()
) to become a batch, and the new events go into the new Tip-Batch, the tip gets frozen as aBatch
, and the new request becomes the tip (as an atomic transaction on the server side)
- if
: how many events to keep before the base (i
) of the batch if required by laggingu
nfolds which would otherwise fall out of scope as a result of the appends in this batch (this will default to0
, so for example if a writer says maxEvents10
and there is anu
nfold based on an event more than10
old it will be removed as part of the appending process) -
(PROPOSAL/FUTURE): adding an
would enable competing writers to maintain and updateu
nfold data in a consistent fashion (backign off and retrying in the case of conflict, without any events being written per state change)
The Equinox.Cosmos.Core
namespace provides a lower level API that can be used to manipulate events stored within a Azure CosmosDb using optimized native access patterns.
The higher level APIs (i.e. not Core
), as demonstrated by the dotnet new
templates are recommended to be used in the general case, as they provide the following key benefits:
Domain logic is store-agnostic, leaving it easy to:
- Unit Test in isolation (verifying decisions produce correct events)
- Integration test using the
, where relevant
Decouples encoding/decoding of events from the decision process of what events to write (means your Domain layer does not couple to a specific storage layer or encoding mechanism)
Enables efficient caching and/or snapshotting (providing Equinox with
and a codec allows it to manage this efficiently) -
Provides Optimistic Concurrency Control with retries in the case of conflicting events
open Equinox.Cosmos.Core
// open MyCodecs.Json // example of using specific codec which can yield UTF-8 byte arrays from a type using `Json.toBytes` via Fleece or similar
type EventData with
static member FromT eventType value = EventData.FromUtf8Bytes(eventType, Json.toBytes value)
// Load connection sring from your Key Vault (example here is the CosmosDb simulator's well known key)
let connectionString: string = "AccountEndpoint=https://localhost:8081;AccountKey=C2y6yDjf5/R+ob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM+4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw==;"
// Forward to Log (you can use `Log.Logger` and/or `Log.ForContext` if your app uses Serilog already)
let outputLog = LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.NLog().CreateLogger()
// Serilog has a `ForContext<T>()`, but if you are using a `module` for the wiring, you might create a tagged logger like this:
let gatewayLog = outputLog.ForContext(Serilog.Core.Constants.SourceContextPropertyName, "Equinox")
// When starting the app, we connect (once)
let connector : Equinox.Cosmos.CosmosConnector =
requestTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds 5.,
maxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequests = 1,
maxRetryWaitTimeInSeconds = 3,
log = gatewayLog)
let cnx = connector.Connect("Application.CommandProcessor", Discovery.FromConnectionString connectionString) |> Async.RunSynchronously
// If storing in a single collection, one specifies the db and collection
// alternately use the overload which defers the mapping until the stream one is writing to becomes clear
let coll = CosmosCollections("databaseName", "collectionName")
let ctx = CosmosContext(cnx, coll, gatewayLog)
// Write an event
let expectedSequenceNumber = 0 // new stream
let streamName, eventType, eventJson = "stream-1", "myEvent", Request.ToJson event
let eventData = EventData.fromT(eventType, eventJson) |> Array.singleton
let! res =
match res with
| AppendResult.Ok -> ()
| c -> failwithf "conflict %A" c
See this medium post regarding some patterns used at Jet in this space for a broad overview of the reasons one might consider employing a projection system.
An integral part of the Equinox.Cosmos
featureset is the ability to project events based on the Azure DocumentDb ChangeFeed mechanism. Key elements involved in realizing this are:
- the storage model needs to be designed in such a way that the aforementioned processor can do its job efficiently
- there needs to be an active ChangeFeed Processor per collection which monitors events being written, tracking the position of the most recently propagated events
In CosmosDb, every document lives within a logical partition, which is then hosted by a variable number of processor instances entitled physical partitions (Equinox.Cosmos
documents pertaining to an individual stream bear the same partition key in order to ensure correct ordering guarantees for the purposes of projection). Each front end processor has responsibility for a particular subset range of the partition key space.
The ChangeFeed’s real world manifestation is as a long running Processor per frontend processor that repeatedly tails a query across the set of documents being managed by a given partition host (subject to topology changes - new processors can come and go, with the assigned ranges shuffling to balance the load per processor). e.g. if you allocate 30K RU/s to a collection, it will have 3 processors, each handling 1/3 of the partition key space, and running a change feed from that is a matter of maintaining 3 continuous queries, with a continuation token each.
It should be noted that the ChangeFeed is not special-cased by CosmosDb itself in any meaningful way - something somewhere is going to be calling a DocumentDb API queries, paying Request Charges fo the privilege (even a tail request based on a continuation token yielding zero documents incurs a charge). Its important to consider that every event written by Equinox.Cosmos
into the CosmosDb collection will induce an approximately equivalent cost due to the fact that a freshly inserted document will be included in the next batch propagated by the Processor (each update of a document also ‘moves’ that document from it’s present position in the change order past the the tail of the ChangeFeed). Thus each insert/update also induces an (unavoidable) request charge based on the fact that the document will be included aggregate set of touch documents being surfaced per batch transferred from the ChangeFeed (charging is per KiB or part thereof).
The CosmosDb ChangeFeed’s real world manifestation is a continuous query per DocumentDb Physical Partition node processor.
For .NET, this is wrapped in a set of APIs presented within the standard Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDb[.Core]
APIset (for example, the Sagan
library is built based on this, but there be dragons).
A ChangeFeed Processor consists of (per CosmosDb processor/range)
- a host process running somewhere that will run the query and then do something with the results before marking off progress
- a continuous query across the set of documents that fall within the partition key range hosted by a given physical partition host
The implementation in this repo uses Microsoft’s .NET ChangeFeedProcessor
implementation, which is a proven component used for diverse purposes including as the underlying substrate for various Azure Functions wiring.
See the PR that added the initial support for CosmosDb Projections and the QuickStart for instructions.
While Kafka is not for Event Sourcing, if you have the scale to run automate the care and feeding of Kafka infrastructure, it can a great toof for the job of Replicating events and/or Rich Events in a scalable manner.
The Apache Kafka intro docs provide a clear terse overview of the design and attendant benefits this brings to bear.
As noted in the Effect of ChangeFeed on Request Charges section, it can make sense to replicate a subset of the ChangeFeed to a Kafka topic (both for projections being consumed within a Bounded Context and for cases where you are generating a Pubished Notification Event) purely from the point of view of optimising request charges (and not needing to consider projections when considering how to scale up provisioning for load). Other benefits are mechanical sympathy based - Kafka is often the right tool for the job in scaling out traversal of events for a variety of use cases given one has sufficient traffic to warrant the complexity.
See the PR that added the initial support for CosmosDb Projections and the QuickStart for instructions.
This is a very loose laundry list of items that have occurred to us to do, given infinite time. No conclusions of likelihood of starting, finishing, or even committing to adding a feature should be inferred, but most represent things that would be likely to be accepted into the codebase (please raise Issues first though ;) ).
- Extend samples and templates; see #57
EventStore, and it's Store adapter is the most proven and is pretty feature rich relative to the need of consumers to date. Some things remain though:
- Provide a low level walking events in F# API akin to
; this would allow consumers to jump from direct use ofEventStore.ClientAPI
(with the potential to swap stores once one gets to usingEquinox.Stream
) - Get conflict handling as efficient and predictable as for
jet#28 - provide for snapshots to be stored out of the stream, and loaded in a customizable manner in a manner analogous to the proposed comparable
- While the plan is to support linux and MacOS, there are skipped tests wrt Mono etc. In terms of non-Windows developer experience, there's plenty scope for improvement.
- Performance tuning for non-store-specific logic; no perf tuning has been done to date (though some of the Store/Domain implementations do show perf-optimized fold implementation techniques). While in general the work is I/O bound, there are definitely opportunities to use
etc, and theMemoryStore
and CLI gives a good testbed to drive this improvement.
- Enable snapshots to be stored outside of the main collection in
see #61 - Multiple writers support for
nfolds (at present async
completely replaces the unfolds in the Tip; this will be extended by having the stored proc maintain the union of the unfolds in play (both for semi-related services and for blue/green deploy scenarios); TBD how we decide when a union that's no longer in use gets removed) - performance improvements in loading logic
-based consistency checks?- Perf tuning of