Click "create Che cluster":
A cloud development environment (CDE) service for OpenShift. Built on the open source Eclipse Che project, Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces uses Kubernetes and containers to provide developers and other IT team members with a consistent, secure, and zero-configuration development environment. -
Select the route for your OpenShift dev space (it can take some minutes for this to pop up).
Link the current workshop GitHub repository (https://github.com/maarten-vandeperre/knative-serverless-example-workshop).
Wait for the provisioning of the workspace (can take some minutes as well).
Open a terminal and start exploring. E.g.,
oc whoami
oc get pod
- Make sure you're using the created project
oc project demo-project
- Change the content of the tutorial/scripts/.namespace file (in the dev spaces workspace) to your project name. For us, it is "demo-project"
- Change the content of the tutorial/scripts/.root_domain file (in the dev spaces workspace) to your
base domain from the OpenShift sandbox. For us, it is "apps.cluster-gq27g.gq27g.sandbox3037.opentlc.com"
- Do a find and replace on the domain
- Fetch a Quay.io CLI secret in order to execute docker push commands to your Quay repository (will be required for debezium).
- Go to quay.io.
- Go to user settings.
- Click "generate encrypted password"
- Go to Docker config and view the password.
- Store the encrypted password in rh-ee-mvandepe-auth.json file in the root of the project. (i.e., replace with it).
- Store configuration in a secret
oc create secret generic \ kafka-connect-cluster-push-secret \ --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=./rh-ee-mvandepe-auth.json \ --type=kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
- Go to quay.io.
When all resources are available, the cluster status should reach the ready state.
Create the Kafka connect cluster (Debezium connector):
!!! Make sure that you have configured the metadata as described in previous section !!!
Execute the following command in the terminal of the dev space, in the project root:sh tutorial/scripts/01_script.sh
Click "create Knative eventing".
!!! This should be created in the "knative-eventing" namespace !!! -
Click "create Knative serving".
!!! This should be created in the "knative-serving" namespace !!! -
When all resources are provisioned, you should be able to see the serverless section for all namespaces.
We'll check for our "demo-project" namespace. -
Create the Knative Kafka cluster. !!! list all the brokers (from the namespaces) you want to use for broker and channel and enable source and sink. If you followed our namings, it should be: