Esphome code for use with the custom integration esphome-p1reader by psvanstrom.
The blueprint currently creates the following sersors for use in Home Assistant.
Name | Unit |
Cumulative Active Import | kWh |
Cumulative Active Export | kWh |
Cumulative Reactive Import | kvarh |
Cumulative Reactive Export | kvarh |
Effect | kW |
Momentary Active Export | kW |
Momentary Reactive Import | kvar |
Momentary Reactive Export | kvar |
Effect Phase 1 | kW |
Momentary Active Export Phase_1 | kW |
Effect Phase 2 | kW |
Momentary Active Export Phase_2 | kW |
Effect Phase 3 | kW |
Momentary Active Export Phase_3 | kW |
Momentary Reactive Import_Phase_1 | kvar |
Momentary Reactive Export_phase_1 | kvar |
Momentary Reactive Import_Phase_2 | kvar |
Momentary Reactive Export_phase_2 | kvar |
Momentary Reactive Import_Phase_3 | kvar |
Momentary Reactive Export_phase_3 | kvar |
Voltage Phase 1 | V |
Voltage Phase 2 | V |
Voltage Phase 3 | V |
Current Phase 1 | A |
Current Phase 2 | A |
Current Phase 3 | A |
Esphome code for use with Home Assistant integration Nibe Heat Pump
Modbus connections on Nibe F1245