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Set up helium DIY pi

Image your Raspberry Pi microsd card

  • Download the Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit lite image

  • Flash it to your micro sd card using using a tool such as Etcher or Raspberry Pi imager.

  • Create new (empty) file on root of boot SD card called ssh

  • Add wifi login info if desired, add text file wpa_supplicant.conf to root of boot SD card.

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

Pi basic Config

  • SSH into raspberry pi
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local


ssh pi@IP-ADDRESS' where IP-ADDRESS is the local IP of the raspberry pi

The default password is raspberry

  • Change your password
  • Launch Raspbery Pi configurator
sudo raspi-config
- Select `Interfacing Options`
    - Select `SPI`
    - Select `Yes`
- Select `Interfacing Options`
    - Select `IC2`
    - Select `Yes`
- Select `Interfacing Options`
    - Select `Serial Communictioans`
    - Select `No` for shell access
    - Select `Yes` for serial port hardware
    - Select `Yes` to confirm
- Set hostname if desired
- Save changes and reboot by selecting `Finish`
  • SSH back into raspberry pi

  • Increase the swap file size

    • Turn off swap
    sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
    • Edit config file
    sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
    • Edit the line 'CONF_SWAPSIZE=100' to 'CONF_SWAPSIZE=1024"
    • Press CTRL-X, and then Y, and then Enter to save changes
    • Reboot with sudo reboot
  • Update software on the pi

    • Update software repo cache
    sudo apt update
    • Perform available updates
    sudo apt upgrade
    • Install git and jq
    sudo apt install git jq
  • Install Docker using convience script from

    • Download the script
    curl -fsSL -o
    • Run the install script
    sudo sh
    • Remove the install script.
    • Allow pi user to run docker by adding pi to the docker group.
    sudo usermod -aG docker pi
    • Reboot for changes to take affect.
    sudo reboot

Set up Miner on Pi


  • SSH into raspberry pi (if not already connected).
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
  • Create directory for miner data
mkdir ~/miner_data
  • Get the filename for the most recent version of the miner docker image from Make sure to get the arm64 version for the pi. They are in the format miner-xxxNN_YYYY.MM.DD to the current one at the time of this document is miner-arm64_2020.09.08.0_GA.

  • This docker command will download docker image and set it to always start up. Be sure to swap out miner-xxxNN_YYYY.MM.DD.0_GA for the current image name. Make sure that REGION_OVERRIDE variable matches your region.

sudo docker run -d \
  --restart always \
  --publish 1680:1680/udp \
  --publish 44158:44158/tcp \
  --name miner \
  --mount type=bind,source=/home/pi/miner_data,target=/var/data \
  • Verify that your container has started
docker ps

For maxium effort, set up port forwards on your internet router to the pi. Outside port '44158/TCP' should forward to the internal IP of the pi.

Set up Packet Forwarder

  • Make sure your are in your home directory
cd ~
  • Clone the packet forwarer for sx1302 based gateways like the RAK2287
git clone
  • Move to the project folder
cd sx1302_hal
  • If you do not want to have to put in your password a million times in the next step, you can create a ssh key in the sub steps below otherwise skip to the next step.

    • Create the ssh key pair.
    ssh-keygen -t rsa

    Press enter three times to accept the defaults.

    • Set up your user to use the key pair.
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ pi@localhost

    You will need to enter your password.

  • Compile the project

make clean all
  • Make the executables
make install

Note you can change parameters for this step in target.cfg

  • Install the config files
make install_conf
  • Move into bin directory
cd bin
  • Make a copy of the conf file for your reggion and name it as the default
cp global_conf.json.sx1250.US915 global_conf.json
  • Add pi user to gpio group
sudo usermod -aG gpio pi
  • Reboot for changes to take effect
sudo reboot
  • SSH back in to pi
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
  • Move to lora packet folder bin directory
cd sx1302_hal/bin
  • Test out the packet forwarder
  • Stop the packet forwarder by pressing CTRL-c

Set up auto start scripts


  • Create a systemd service script
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/lora_pkt_fwd.service
  • Paste the following into new text file:
Description=LoRa Packet Forwarder

ExecStart=/home/pi/sx1302_hal/bin/lora_pkt_fwd -c /home/pi/sx1302_hal/bin/global_conf.json

  • Save the file by pressing CTRL-X, and then Y, and then Enter to save changes

  • Reload the daemon

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • Enable the service
sudo systemctl enable lora_pkt_fwd.service

The following commands to disable the service, manually start/stop it and check status:

sudo systemctl disable lora_pkt_fwd.service
sudo systemctl start lora_pkt_fwd.service
sudo systemctl stop lora_pkt_fwd.service
sudo systemctl status lora_pkt_fwd.service

Configure rsyslog to redirect the packet forwarder logs into a dedicated file

sudo nano /etc/rsyslog.d/lora_pkt_fwd.conf
  • Paste the following into the text editor:
if $programname == 'lora_pkt_fwd' then /var/log/lora_pkt_fwd.log
if $programname == 'lora_pkt_fwd' then ~
  • Save the file by pressing CTRL-X, and then Y, and then Enter to save changes

  • Restart the rsyslog service

sudo systemctl restart rsyslog
  • Reboot for changes to take affect.
sudo reboot

See the Lora Packet Forwarder logs

tail /var/log/lora_pkt_fwd.log

Optional - Set up Miner autoupdate script


  • Clone miner auto update script repo
git clone
  • CD into directory
cd helium_miner_scripts/
  • Make scripte executable
chmod +x
  • Make the log file
sudo touch /var/log/miner_latest.log
  • By default the script is configured for US915 frequencies. To use the miner in other regios like EU868 the script shall be changed by adding the --env REGION_OVERRIDE=EU868 to the line with docker run.

  • Run the script

  • Configure cron to run the script daily
sudo crontab -e
  • Choose "1" to make nano your editor of choice.

  • Add the following at the end of the text editor.

# Check for updates on miner image
# Use whatever path you have your repo setup with.
# If you need to test your cron you can use the following site and add "&& curl -s '!/~'" to the end of your cron and it will make a web request to your specific url when it completes.
0 */4 * * * /home/pi/helium_miner_scripts/ >> /var/log/miner_latest.log
  • Save the file by pressing CTRL-X, and then Y, and then Enter to save changes