This project demonstrates the use of .NET Source generators in order to automatically generate builder pattern for classes. Full details on this project are available in this blog post.
The code has been updated in 2024 since that blog was written to support new syntax constructs in C#. This builder implementation creates an immutable pattern that minimizes memory heap allocations and minimizes excessive cloning.
For code like this:
public partial class Dog
public required string Name {get; init;}
public string Breed {get; init;}
It allows you to do this:
// start from initializer syntax
var dog = new Dog
Name = "Drake",
Breed = "Husky"
// start from builder
dog = new Dog.DogBuilder()
var anotherDog = dog.Builder
.Build(); // clone dog with new name
var builder = new Dog.DogBuilder();
builder.WithBreed("Husky").Build(); // throws because required property Name is not set
By generating this:
partial class Dog
public DogBuilder Builder => new DogBuilder(this);
public struct DogBuilder
private byte _set;
Dog _original;
public DogBuilder(Dog original)
_original = original;
private string _name;
public DogBuilder WithName(string name)
_name = name;
_set |= 1;
return this;
private bool IsNameSet => (_set & 1) == 1;
private string _breed;
public DogBuilder WithBreed(string breed)
_breed = breed;
_set |= 2;
return this;
private bool IsBreedSet => (_set & 2) == 2;
public Dog Build()
if(_original == null)
var message = $"The following required properties have not been set: {(!IsNameSet ? "Name" : "")}, ";
throw new InvalidOperationException(message.TrimEnd(',',' '));
return new Dog
Name = _name,Breed = _breed
if(IsNameSet && !object.Equals(_name, _original.Name))
goto clone;
if(IsBreedSet && !object.Equals(_breed, _original.Breed))
goto clone;
return _original;
return new Dog
Name = IsNameSet ? _name : _original.Name,
Breed = IsBreedSet ? _breed : _original.Breed