Original code by: Dave Thomas – Pragmatic Programmers, LLC <agilewebdevelopment.com/plugins/annotate_models>
Overhauled by: Alex Chaffee <alexch.github.com> alex@stinky.com
Gemmed by: Cuong Tran <github.com/ctran> ctran@pragmaquest.com
Maintained by: Alex Chaffee and Cuong Tran
Homepage: github.com/ctran/annotate_models
With help from:
Jack Danger - github.com/JackDanger
Michael Bumann - github.com/bumi
Henrik Nyh - github.com/henrik
Marcos Piccinini - github.com/nofxx
Neal Clark - github.com/nclark
Jacqui Maher - github.com/jacqui
Nick Plante - github.com/zapnap - blog.zerosum.org
Pedro Visintin - github.com/peterpunk - www.pedrovisintin.com
Bob Potter - github.com/bpot
Gavin Montague - github.com/govan
Alexander Semyonov - github.com/rotuka
Nathan Brazil - github.com/bitaxis
Ian Duggan github.com/ijcd
Jon Frisby github.com/mrjoy
Tsutomu Kuroda
Kevin Moore
Philip Hallstrom
Brent Greeff
Paul Alexander
Dmitry Lihachev
Guillermo Guerrero - github.com/ryanfox1985
and many others that I may have forgotten to add.