This is a E-commerce Front End website design
Web Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
IDE: VS-Code
Industry : Lifestyle
Project Title : E-Commerce Site
Problem Statement/Opportunity : This projects aims to develop Ecommerce Site for customers with the goal so that it is very easy to shop your loved things from a extensive number of ecommerce sites available onthe web.You simply require a PC or a laptop and one important payment sending option to shop online.To get to this online shopping system all the customers will need to have a email and passwordto login and proceed your shopping. The login credentials for an ecommerce system areunder high security and nobody will have the capacity to crack it easily. Upon successful loginthe customers can purchase a wide range of things such as mobiles, books, apparel, covid-19essentials, student necessities, tools, etc. can be dispatched using ecommerce system.
Project Description : This project belongs to make an application to purchase items in an existing shop.To make the application more user friendly and provide additional features and facilities to the student and scholars. In order to build such an application complete web support need to be provided. A complete and efficient web application which can provide the online shopping experience is the basic objective of the project.This system can be implemented to any shop in the locality or to multinational branded shops having retail outlet chains.The system recommends a facility to accept the orders 24*7 and a home delivery system which can make customers happy.If shops are providing an online portal where their customers can enjoy easy shopping from anywhere, the shops won’t be losing any more customers to the trending online shops such as flipkart or ebay.
Primary Azure Technology : Azure Bot Service, Web, Static Web Apps
Other Azure Technologies : App Service