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Working Issues and PRs

Lena Orobei edited this page Dec 5, 2019 · 12 revisions

With a fork cloned, a branch created, you just need some issues and start working!

Finding issues to work

As you find issues to work on, don't forget to check the wikis and DevDocs that may be available per project to get you started.

Magento 2 Core

If looking for issues to work on, we have a verified set of issues available on the Community Backlog. These are all issues you can work for the Magento 2 Open Source repo.

Make sure the ticket does not have currently assigned contributors or links to PRs. These issues may be in-progress.

For first time contributors: You may not be able to assign yourself to an issue until you join the Magento organization. You have two options:

  • When you submit a PR the first time, you will get an invite to join the Magento organization!
  • When you just put comment into an issue with text @magento I am working on it, you will get an invitation as well

Claim issues from the following columns:

  • Ready for Dev: Issues that were Confirmed (label Issue: Confirmed) and ready for development and Pull Request creation. All issues in this column are available and free to claim and work.
  • Good First Issue: Issues that are great for beginners new to Magento or contributing.

Need a bit of help understanding the backlog? See the backlog guide. If you have any questions understanding the issues, join us in #beginners Slack chat (or self join).

Special projects

Interested in a special project? Heard about PWA, MSI, GraphQL, Asynchronous API, B2B, Adobe integrations, etc and want to join?

We have a great list! The following is a short list, see the full list here.

Testing your code

Don't forget about testing your code. The best way to test your code, is to consider how you write your code. We recommend reading the following:

You can search and find info in the Magento DevDocs to help you write and test your code!

Running unit tests

To run all the unit tests via the command line you can use the following snippet from the Magento root directory:

./vendor/bin/phpunit -c dev/tests/unit/phpunit.xml.dist

Though you can also run specific directories or even specific test files by appending the information to the end of the command:

./vendor/bin/phpunit -c dev/tests/unit/phpunit.xml.dist app/code/Example/Module/Test/Unit
./vendor/bin/phpunit -c dev/tests/unit/phpunit.xml.dist app/code/Example/Module/Test/Unit/SampleTest.php

More information:

Running integrations tests

Before you can use the Magento integration test framework, you must prepare the test environment. Prerequisites for the test environment include the following:

  • A dedicated integration test database
  • The test framework database configuration
  • The PHPUnit configuration matches the purpose of the integration test execution

Testing database

Using the following MySQL you can create a database for your integration tests. Please replace the example database, username, and password with something that matches your requirements and conventions.

CREATE DATABASE magento_integration_tests;
GRANT ALL ON magento_integration_tests.* TO 'magento2_test_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ftYx4pm6^x9.&^hB';

Once you have the database setup you will need to create your configuration file. This lives under the folder dev/tests/integration/etc. Here you can find a template configuration file install-config-mysql.php.dist. Create a copy of this file without the .dist suffix with the appropriate configuration options. For example:


return [
    'db-host' => 'localhost',
    'db-user' => 'magento2_test_user',
    'db-password' => 'ftYx4pm6^x9.&^hB',
    'db-name' => 'magento_integration_tests',
    'db-prefix' => '',
    'backend-frontname' => 'backend',
    'admin-user' => \Magento\TestFramework\Bootstrap::ADMIN_NAME,
    'admin-password' => \Magento\TestFramework\Bootstrap::ADMIN_PASSWORD,
    'admin-email' => \Magento\TestFramework\Bootstrap::ADMIN_EMAIL,
    'admin-firstname' => \Magento\TestFramework\Bootstrap::ADMIN_FIRSTNAME,
    'admin-lastname' => \Magento\TestFramework\Bootstrap::ADMIN_LASTNAME,
    'amqp-host' => 'localhost',
    'amqp-port' => '5672',
    'amqp-user' => 'guest',
    'amqp-password' => 'guest',

Command line

To run the integration tests via the command line you will first need to be inside the integration test folder.

cd dev/tests/integration

You can then run all the integration test by calling the phpunit bin file that is in the vendor folder.


Again like the unit tests your can run a folder of tests or even single test file with the following

../../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../../../app/code/Acme/Example/Test/Integration
../../../vendor/bin/phpunit ../../../app/code/Acme/Example/Test/Integration/ExampleTest.php

More information:

Writing and running MFTF tests

Great thanks to Tom Erskine, Community Testing Guru, for his incredible help and info for this section. For his complete guide, see MFTF Process in the MSI repo.

We also strongly recommend the incredible DevDocs: Magento Functional Test Framework (MFTF). These tests use Selenium and require a few extra steps to prepare.

Get Started

To get started, complete all steps here to prepare your Magento install and set up MFTF: DevDocs Getting Started.

Run the Selenium Server:

  1. Download the latest Selenium Server Standalone JAR:

  2. Download a Selenium web driver for your web browser into the same directory that contains the Selenium server.

  3. Add the directory with the web driver to PATH.

  4. Run the Selenium server in terminal (or other command line interface):

    java -jar <path_to_selenium_directory>/selenium-server-standalone-<version>.jar

Prepare your repo

This is a rough list of steps to get ready.

  1. CD to the acceptance test directory of your Magento install:

    cd [PATH_TO_MAGENTO]/dev/tests/acceptance
  2. Install the dependencies:

    composer install
  3. Build the project:

    ./vendor/bin/robo build:project
  4. Locate and open the .env file.

  5. Fill in the minimal necessary details:

    #Magento Base url. It should include `index.php/` if rewrites rules are not enabled.
    #Magento backend route name
    #admin username
    #admin password
  6. Generate the tests:

    ./vendor/bin/robo generate:tests

Run MFTF Tests

To run a group of tests:

cd [PATH_TO_MAGENTO]/dev/tests/acceptance
./vendor/bin/robo group

Submitting PRs

  1. Open your forked repository in GitHub.

  2. Click Pull requests on the right, and then click New pull request.

  3. Ensure that you are creating a PR to the magento:2.4-develop.

  4. Review the changes, then click Create pull request.

  5. Fill out the PR form. Include the number for any GitHub Issue(s) for the PR. We recommend completely filling out the PR form to help code reviewers and Maintainers!

  6. Click Create pull request again to submit the PR. That’s it!

For first time contributors only: After the PR is created, you should see two comments to complete:

  • Fill out and digitally sign the CLA license. This is required for merging PRs to Magento.
  • Accept the invite to the Magento organization. After accepting the invitation, you can assign claim issues (including the one associated to your PR)!

After submitting your PR, you can find it in the Magento 2 Pull Requests or the PRs for your special project.

PR Process

Your PR undergoes reviews and testing by Maintainers and the Community Engineering Team before merging.

Please keep watching for feedback on your PR! Reviewers may respond asking for code changes. Or tests may fail requiring additional changes.

What happens to your PR:

  1. A series of checks run against your PR checking semantic versions, database, integration and functional tests, webAPI tests, and more. In your PR, click the Checks tab.

  2. Review the checks to ensure they have successfully passed. These checks should show .

  3. If you have issues, review the failed tests and update your code. Push commits with comments best describing updates.

  4. A Maintainer reviews the PR and either requests additional changes or approves the PR. If additional changes are needed, finish those for an additional review.

  5. After the PR is approved it is tested, stabilized, and delivered to the mainline by the Magento Community Engineering team.

You can track your PR status in the Pull Request Dashboard.