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Magicbell API wrapper

This is the official MagicBell API wrapper for Node and the browser. You can easily fetch, delete and create notifications.

If you are looking to build a notification inbox in React, check our React hooks package and the React package.

Quick Start

First, grab your API key from your MagicBell dashboard. Then install the package and fetch your notifications.

npm i @magicbell/core --save
# or
yarn add @magicbell/core
import MagicBellClient, { NotificationStore } from '@magicbell/core';

const client = await MagicBellClient.createInstance({
  userEmail: '',

const notificationsStore = new NotificationStore();
await notificationsStore.fetch();
console.log(`User ${userEmail} has ${notificationsStore.unreadCount} unread notifications.`);

Try a working example.

Table of Contents


Use this class to create a MagicBell client. It configures the AJAX client used to interact with the server, fetches the configuration values for your account.

These are the arguments accepted by this function:

Property Type Description
apiKey string The API key of your MagicBell project
apiSecret string The secret key of your MagicBell project (optional)
userEmail string The email of the user you want to show notifications for
userExternalId string The id of the user you want to show notifications for
userKey string The HMAC for the user. It is recommended to enable HMAC authentication but not required

Real time events

The MagicBellClient also handles real time events. You need to start the real time listener calling the startRealTimeListener. This method returns a function you need call in the cleanup phase of your application to prevent memory leaks. The listener will emit events to the pushEventAggregator object, which is simple event bus for pub/sub.

import MagicBellClient, { pushEventAggregator } from '@magicbell/core';

const client = await MagicBellClient.createInstance({
  userEmail: '',

const dispose = client.startRealTimeListener();

pushEventAggregator.on('', (notification) => {
  // Do something with the notification


This is a list of events you can listen to:

Event name Description
* Any event A new notification for the authenticated user was created A notification was marked as read All notifications were marked as read
notifications.unread A notification was marked as unread
notifications.seen.all All notifications were marked as seen
notifications.delete A notification was deleted

Create notifications

The simplest way to create a notification is using the Notification.create method:

import MagicBellClient, { Notification } from '@magicbell/core';

MagicBellClient.configure({ apiKey: 'MAGICBELL_API_KEY', apiSecret: 'MAGICBELL_API_SECRET' });

const notification = Notification.create({
  title: 'New reply: I want to book a demo',
  content: 'Hi, I would like to book it on Monday, please',
  recipients: [{ email: '' }],

Another approach, useful for building UIs, is to create the notification through a notifications store:

import MagicBellClient, { NotificationStore } from '@magicbell/core';

const client = await MagicBellClient.createInstance({

const store = new NotificationStore();
const notification = await store.create({
  title: 'New reply: I want to book a demo',
  content: 'Hi, I would like to book it on Monday, please',
  recipients: [{ email: '' }],

The new notification will be added to the store of notifications, too.


The Notification class represents a MagicBell notification. It implements this interface:

interface INotification {
  // Attributes
  id: string | null;
  title: string;
  content: string | null;
  category: string | null;
  actionUrl: string;
  customAttributes: any;
  readAt: number | null;
  seenAt: number | null;
  sentAt: number;

  // Getters/setters
  isRead: boolean;
  isSeen: boolean;

  // Read-only properties
  seenAtDate: Dayjs | null;
  sentAtDate: Dayjs;
  readAtDate: Dayjs | null;

  // Methods
  fetch: () => Promise;
  markAsRead: () => Promise;
  markAsUnread: () => Promise;
  delete: () => Promise;

All attributes are MobX observables.


A date representation of the seenAt attribute. It returns an immutable instance of Dayjs. Dayjs exposes an API similar to moment.js.

notification.seenAtDate.format('DD/MM/YYYY'); // '01/04/2021'
notification.seenAtDate.fromNow(); // 1mo'2021-01-01'); // in 4mo
notification.seenAtDate.add(2, 'day');


A date representation of the readAt attribute. It returns an immutable instance of Dayjs.


A date representation of the sentAt attribute. It returns an immutable instance of Dayjs.


Fetches the notification from the Magicbell API server. All fetched attributes are assigned to the current object.


This method makes a POST request to the read notification API endpoint. It sets the readAt attribute as well.


This method makes a POST request to the unread notification API endpoint. It sets the readAt attribute to null as well.


This method makes a DELETE request to the delete notification API endpoint. If the notification belongs to a store, it will remove itself from the store.


The NotificationStore class represents a collection of MagicBell notifications. It implements this interface:

interface INotificationStore {
  // Attributes
  unseenCount: number;
  unreadCount: number;
  total: number;
  perPage: number;
  totalPages: number;
  currentPage: number;
  items: Notification[];

  // Read only properties
  length: number;
  isEmpty: boolean;
  hasNextPage: boolean;

  // Methods
  at: (number) => Notification | null;
  get: (id) => Notification;
  find: (fn) => Notification;
  filter: (fn) => Notification[];
  map: (fn) => any[];
  push: (notification) => void;
  remove: (notification) => void;

  fetch: (queryParams, options = { reset: false }) => Promise;
  fetchNextPage: (queryParams) => Promise;
  create: (data) => Promise<Notification>;
  markAllAsRead: () => Promise;
  markAllAsSeen: () => Promise;

In the following example, we are fetching notifications and marking all of them as read.

let store = new NotificationStore();
await store.fetch();
await store.markAllAsRead();


Number of notifications in the items array.


Get a notification from the items array, specified by index.


Creates an array of values by running each notification in items array thru iteratee. The iteratee is invoked with three arguments: (notification, index, itemsArray).


Returns the first notification the given predicate returns truthy for.


Returns an array of all notifications the given predicate returns truthy for.


Fetch notifications from the magicbell server. The pagination data is also updated. The provided query parameters are included in the request to the server.

The response is appended to the current array of notifications, so it can be used as the view model for an infinite scroll list. If you want to reset the collection instead, pass the reset: true option to this method:

notifications.fetch({ page: 2 }, { reset: true });


This method is simply wrapping the fetch method, sending as a parameter the next page of notifications. You can include query parameters to this method.


Create a new notification.

It is equivalent to creating a Notification instance with some attributes, saving the notification to the MagicBell server, and adding it to the array of items after being successfully created.


Makes a POST request to the read notifications API endpoint. It also marks all notifications in the collection as read.


Makes a POST request to the seen notifications API endpoint. It also sets the unseenCount to 0 and marks all notifications in the collection as seen.


Removes the given notification from the items array. It does not make any request to the server. If you want to delete a notification, use the delete method of the notification object instead.