After following the instructions in this document, our new puckle/docker-airflow image has a fully functioning spark_operator. Ps: This image is enabled with persistent postgres and redis storage.
#Set your spark Ip/hostname change the hostname:YourIp in docker-compose-CeleryExecutor.yml with the External spark's node Information.
#Add the essential spark binaries To add the essential spark binaries as a volume docker-compose-CeleryExecutor.yml , first go to the directory of git clone of this repository and copy the spark and hadoop directory . If you are using cloudera or hortonworks distribution it is important to copy the directories with -rL flag, because these directories arem consisted of many symlink and with these flag the actual files are fetched and copied instead of the symlinks.
#Set environment variables in Dockerfile The default is /opt directory which you can change it.
ENV SPARK_HOME=/opt/spark ENV HADOOP_HOME=/opt/hadoop
#Set spark home Set your spark home inside the volume in your local system to your path in container.
Sudo nano ~/home/ghanavti/docker-airflow/spark/conf/ Edit the spark home to the path of spark home in container export SPARK_HOME=/opt/spark
#rebuild the image sudo docker build --rm -t puckel/docker-airflow:withSpark .
#Edit the docker-compose-CeleryExecutor.yml Edit following directories as volume to worker services if you have made changes in environment variables in Dockerfile: volumes: - ./spark:/opt/spark - ./hadoop:/opt/hadoop I added the ip address of node 1 to all containers in order to prevent changing node1 configuration in spark and hadoop config files: extra_hosts: - "node1:YourIP"
#create spark connection Go to airflow ui (node1:8080) > Admin > connections You can create a new spark connection or change the spark-default
Conn id : spark_default Conn Type: Docker Registry Registry URL: yarn Extra: {“queue”:”default”,”deploy-mode”:”cluster”,”spark-home”:”/opt/spark”,”park-binary”:”spark-submit”,”namespace”:”default”}
#bring up the container sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-CeleryExecutor.yml up -d