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(Un)Subscribing members to your CampaignMonitor Mailinglists very easily using this Symfony Bundle.


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Subscribing/Unsubscribing to your own mailinglist has never been this easy! Thanks to this Symfony2 bundle.


Configure (CampaignMonitor)

composer require mailmotor/campaignmonitor-bundle
// In `app/AppKernel.php`
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new MailMotor\Bundle\MailMotorBundle\MailMotorMailMotorBundle(),
        new MailMotor\Bundle\CampaignMonitorBundle\MailMotorCampaignMonitorBundle(),
# In `app/config/parameters.yml`
    # ...
    mailmotor.mail_engine:  'campaignmonitor'
    mailmotor.api_key:      xxx # enter your campaignmonitor api_key here
    mailmotor.list_id:      xxx # enter the campaignmonitor default list_id here


    $email,         // f.e.: ''
    $language,      // f.e.: 'nl'
    $mergeFields,   // f.e.: ['FNAME' => 'Jeroen', 'LNAME' => 'Desloovere']
    $interests,     // f.e.: ['9A28948d9' => true, '8998ASAA' => false]
    $doubleOptin,   // OPTIONAL, default = true
    $listId         // OPTIONAL, default listId is in your config parameters


    $listId // OPTIONAL, default listId is in your config parameters


    $listId // OPTIONAL, default listId is in your config parameters

Is subscribed

    $listId // OPTIONAL, default listId is in your config parameters

Full example for subscribing

use MailMotor\Bundle\MailMotorBundle\Exception\NotImplementedException;

// Don't forget to add validation to your $email
$email = '';

try {
    if ($this->get('mailmotor.subscriber')->isSubscribed($email)) {
        // Add error to your form
// Fallback for when no mailmotor parameters are defined
} catch (NotImplementedException $e) {
    // Do nothing

if ($noErrors)
    try {
        // Subscribe the user to our default group
    // Fallback for when no mailmotor parameters are defined
    } catch (NotImplementedException $e) {
        // Add you own code here to f.e.: send a mail to the admin

Full example for unsubscribing

use MailMotor\Bundle\MailMotorBundle\Exception\NotImplementedException;

// Don't forget to add validation to your $email
$email = '';

try {
    // Email exists
    if ($this->get('mailmotor.subscriber')->exists($email)) {
        // User is already unsubscribed
        if ($this->get('mailmotor.subscriber')->isUnsubscribed($email)) {
            // Add error to your form: "User is already unsubscribed"
    // Email not exists
    } else {
        // Add error to your form: "email is not in mailinglist"
// Fallback for when no mailmotor parameters are defined
} catch (NotImplementedException $e) {
    // Do nothing

if ($noErrors) {
    try {
        // Unsubscribe the user
    // Fallback for when no mailmotor parameters are defined
    } catch (NotImplementedException $e) {
        // We can send a mail to the admin instead


Creating a bundle for another mail engine.

F.e.: You want to use a mail engine called "Crazy".

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Crazy\Bundle\MailMotorBundle\CrazyMailMotorBundle(),

In app/config/parameters.yml

mailmotor.mail_engine:  'crazy'
mailmotor.api_key:      xxx # enter your crazy api_key here
mailmotor.list_id:      xxx # enter the crazy default list_id here

Then you just need to duplicate all files from another mail engine, like f.e.: "mailmotor/campaignmonitor-bundle" and replace all the logic for your own mail engine.
