Living Documentation
Example yumlmd ouput for this repository:
Lively uses reflection to create a tree of class dependencies for given types in an assembly.
By default it uses the Startup file to load and resolve which type is registered to an interface.
There are a few different output formats that can be configured, the default is yumlmd
It is available as a GitHub Action and a Nuget package.
Available here.
The GitHub action is defined in ./action.yml and uses the Dockerfile in the root of the project.
Example outputs can be found here
name: Use GitHub Action
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
- name: Build project
run: dotnet build -c Release
- name: Generate yuml
id: generate_yuml
uses: maisiesadler/lively@v1.0.3-gh-action-test.0
ASSEMBLY_LOCATION: './src/Lively/bin/Release/net5.0/Lively.dll'
ROOT_TYPES: 'Lively.DependencyTree'
- name: Write outputs to file
shell: bash
run: |
echo '${{ steps.generate_yuml.outputs.result }}' > example-outputs/yuml.yum
- uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v7
name: Commit Changes
default_author: github_actions
message: 'Generate diagrams'
Create a custom application using the Nuget package.
var assemblyLocation = "...";
var className = "YourAssembly.RootClassName";
var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyLocation);
var config = new DependencyTreeConfig(assembly, applicationConfig.AssemblyConfiguration)
// Add your own interface resolver
CreateInterfaceResolver = new CustomInterfaceResolver(),
SkipTypes = new HashSet<string> { "Microsoft.Extensions.Options.IOptions" },
StartupName = "CustomStartupName",
var tree = new DependencyTree(config);
var node = tree.GetDependencies(className);
// Use diagrams package or create own output
var diagram = MermaidMd.Create(new [] { node });
Name | Environment Variable | CLI setting | Required | |
Assembly Location | ASSEMBLY_LOCATION |
-a --assembly |
The assembly file location or directory containing assemblies to load | Yes |
Assembly Pattern Match | ASSEMBLY_PATTERN_MATCH |
--pattern-match |
Regex pattern of assemblies to load in directory | No |
Root types | ROOT_TYPES |
-t --root-types |
The root type to use for the dependency tree, multiple values can be used as a csv input | Yes |
Skip types | SKIP_TYPES |
-s --skip-types |
Types to not include in diagram, multiple values can be used as a csv input | No |
Assembly Config Location | ASSEMBLY_CONFIG_LOCATION |
--assembly-config |
The location of the configuration file required to build IConfiguration for Startup | No |
Interface Resolver Type | INTERFACE_RESOLVER |
-i --interface-resolver |
Method for resolving interfaces, Allowed Values: None, Startup. Default: Startup. | No |
Startup Name | STARTUP_NAME |
--startup-name |
Startup Type Name or FullName. Default: Startup . |
No |
Output Format | OUTPUT_FORMAT |
--output-format |
Format to print out the result. Allowed values: debug , yumlmd , yuml , mermaid , mermaidmd , plantuml . Default: yumlmd . |
No |
Application Config Location | APPLICATION_CONFIG_LOCATION |
-c --config |
The location of application config file | No |
There is support for passing in a config file for multiple Skip
or Generate
(root) types.
If Interface Resolver
is Startup
(default) then the application will look for a class named Startup.
If the Startup file has an IConfiguration constructor then set the Assembly Config Location
to the path of an example config file that has enough data in it to build the configuration.
If there is no startup then set Interface Resolver
to None
The Startup file name can be overriden to either the type Name or FullName. E.g. TestStartup
or Lively.MultipleApplications.Startup
is the default output format for the GitHub Action
There are 2 output formats using yUML, yuml
and yumlmd
- creates a yUML diagram that can be parsed by this vscode extension which produces a SVGyumlmd
- creates a URL that is dynamically created into an image by which can then be displayed in a html document
Mermaid is a javascript based diagramming and charting tool. There are a few vscode extensions that can be used to view the diagrams locally and a chrome extension that can be added to view the diagrams in GitHub.
- mermaid diagrammermaidmd
- mermaid diagram withmermaid
syntax that can be rendered by vscode/chrome extension in a markdown file
- Needed to publish a single file application
dotnet publish -r linux-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true -p:UseAppHost=true --self-contained
- Need to add RuntimeIdentifiers here.