Load commands to shell:
- .
Run a command with subshell:
- <command> <arguments...>
- lib_help - shows help for
List of available commands:
- ps-all - lists all processes
- ps-threads - lists processes with threads
- ps-tree - lists process tree via ps, see also pstree -p
- ps-cpu - lists most CPU consuming processes
- ps-mem - lists most memory consuming processes
- default-eth - provides default Ethernet interface
- external-ip - Provides external IP
- ps-wchan - shows what processes are waiting for, used in debugging blocked processes
- ls-size - list files with sizes in bytes, shorter than ls -l
- mplayer-rotate-right - play video rotated right, used to play vertically captured videos
- hist - handy history, up to one screen length
- deb-list - list content of specified deb file
- quotation-highlight - highlight text in quotation marks ("quotation")
- keyboard-shortcuts - bash keyboard shortcuts. See also man readline.
- tcpdump-text - tcpdump of payload in text
- make-debug - verbose make
- git-diff - handy git diff
- git-prompt - sets shell prompt to show git branch
- git-fixup - interactive fix up of specified number of last git commits
- git-ign-add - add files' names with path to appropriate .gitignore list
- log - safely prints messages to stderr
- trap-err - traps command failures, print return value and returns, better than set -o errexit
- system-status-short - shows short summary of system resources (RAM,CPU) usage
- system-status-long - shows long system status and statistics by running various system utilities
- shell-type - tries to identify type of current shell
- ps-of - specified process info
- proc-mem-usage - returns percentage memory usage by specified process
- dir-diff - compare listings of two specified directories
- retry - retry argument operation till success
- duplicates - finds duplicate files. To follow symbolic links run duplicate -L $DIR
- for-each - applies an operation to set of arguments one by one
- str - readable string manipulations: ltrim, ltrim-max, rtrim, rtrim-max, subst, subst-all
- postfix-extract - return filename postfix: path/name[-_]postfix.ext -> postfix
- unzip-dir - handy unzip to directory with name of zip-file
- mac-to-ip - looks for LAN IP for MAC
- ip-to-mac - show MAC address for specified IP in LAN
- fs-usage - show biggest directories and optionally files on a filesystem, for example on root: fs-usage -a /
- PATH-append - prints PATH in readable format
- PATH-insert - inserts argument to head of PATH, if required
- PATH-remove - removes argument from PATH
- PATH-append - prints PATH in readable format
- gcc-set - set specified [cross] compiler as default in environment
- gcc-set - set specified [cross] compiler as default in environment
- get-source - download and unpack an open source tarball
- get-source - download and unpack an open source tarball
- gnu-build - universal complete build and install of gnu package
- alternative-config-build - build of package, alternatively to gnu-build
- build-env - configure staging build environment
- glib-arm-build - demonstration of arm compilation of glib from the scratch
- staging-dir-fix - fix parameter libdir in *.la files in staging cross-compilation directory
- mem-drop-caches - drop caches and free this memory. Practically not required
- gdb-print-prepare - prepares gdb script to print variables and structs at runtime
- wget-as-me - Run wget with cookies from firefox to access authenticated data
- calc - calculate with bc specified floating point expression
- md5sum-make - create md5 files for each specified file separately
- check - runs verbosely specified command and prints return status
- lib-sh-demo - run functions for demonstration and testing
- doxygen-bootstrap - generic handy doxygen wrapper
- load-watch - kills memory and cpu hogs when load average is too high
- dts-tags - extacts tags (ctags format)from device tree source files