` is the file extension depending upon the database vendor (mostly `.sql` or `.dump`).
+Custom strategy can be implemented by extending the
+`MakinaCorpus\DbToolsBundle\Storage\AbstractFilenameStrategy` abstract class:
+namespace App\DbTools\Storage;
+use MakinaCorpus\DbToolsBundle\Storage\AbstractFilenameStrategy;
+class FooFilenameStrategy extends AbstractFilenameStrategy
+ #[\Override]
+ public function generateFilename(
+ string $connectionName = 'default',
+ string $extension = 'sql',
+ bool $anonymized = false
+ ): string {
+ return '/some_folder/' . $connectionName . '.' . $extension;
+ }
+Then registered this way, on a per-connection basis:
+# config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ storage:
+ filename_strategy:
+ connection_name: App\DbTools\Storage\FooFilenameStrategy
+Value can be a container service identifier, or directly a class name in case this
+has no constructor arguments.
+If you need to store your dumps outside of the `%storage_directory%` directory,
+then implement the `MakinaCorpus\DbToolsBundle\Storage\FilenameStrategyInterface` directly
+and add the following method:
+namespace App\DbTools\Storage;
+use MakinaCorpus\DbToolsBundle\Storage\FilenameStrategyInterface;
+class FooFilenameStrategy implements FilenameStrategyInterface
+ #[\Override]
+ public function generateFilename(/* ... */): string {}
+ #[\Override]
+ public function getRootDir(
+ string $defaultRootDir,
+ string $connectionName = 'default',
+ ): string {
+ return '/some/path/' . $connectionName . '/foo';
+ }
+This will allow the restore command to find your backups.
+There is as of now no way to implement a custom filename strategy when using *DbToolsBundle* as a standalone
+CLI tool.
+If you need this feature, please let us know by [filing an issue](https://github.com/makinacorpus/DbToolsBundle/issues).
+More filename strategies may be implemented in core in the future. If you have any
+suggestions, please [open an discussion](https://github.com/makinacorpus/DbToolsBundle/issues) about it.
+### Excluded tables
+The `backup_excluded_tables` parameter let you configure tables to exclude from backups.
+Default value is `null`: no table are excluded.
+Here is an example for exclude `table1` and `table2` for all connections:
+# config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ backup_excluded_tables: ['table1', 'table2']
+Or set a specific table list for each connection:
+# config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ connections:
+ connection_one:
+ backup_excluded_tables: ['table1', 'table2']
+ connection_two:
+ backup_excluded_tables: ['table3', 'table4']
+Here is an example for exclude `table1` and `table2` for all connections:
+# db_tools.yaml
+backup_excluded_tables: ['table1', 'table2']
+Or set a specific table list for each connection:
+# db_tools.yaml
+ connection_one:
+ backup_excluded_tables: ['table1', 'table2']
+ connection_two:
+ backup_excluded_tables: ['table3', 'table4']
+Note that you can override this configuration while running the `db-tools:backup` command using
+the `--exclude` option.
+### Binary options
+See the [default binary options](#default-binary-options) section.
+### Backup expiration age
+The `backup_expiration_age` parameter let you choose when a backup is considered as obsolete.
+Default value is `'3 months ago'`.
+Use [PHP relative date/time formats](https://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.relative.php)
+for this value.
+Here is an example that sets 1 week lifetime for backups for all connections:
+# config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ backup_expiration_age: '1 week ago'
+Or set a specific value list for each connection:
+# config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ connections:
+ connection_one:
+ backup_expiration_age: '1 week ago'
+ connection_two:
+ backup_expiration_age: '3 days ago'
+Here is an example that sets 1 week lifetime for backups for all connections:
+# db_tools.yaml
+backup_expiration_age: '1 week ago'
+Or set a specific value list for each connection:
+# db_tools.yaml
+ connection_one:
+ backup_expiration_age: '1 week ago'
+ connection_two:
+ backup_expiration_age: '3 days ago'
+### Backup and restore timeout
+The `backup_timeout` and `restore_timeout` options let you choose what is the backup and restore
+processes timeout in seconds.
+Default value is `600` (seconds) for backup, `1800` (seconds) for restore.
+Value can be either a [\DateInterval::createFromDateString()](https://www.php.net/manual/en/dateinterval.createfromdatestring.php)
+compatible string value or a number of seconds as an integer value.
+Here is an example that sets timeouts for all connection:
+# config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ # As a date interval string.
+ backup_timeout: '6 minutes 30 seconds'
+ restore_timeout: '3 minutes 15 seconds'
+ # As a number of seconds integer value.
+ backup_timeout: 390
+ restore_timeout: 195
+Or set a different timeout for each connection:
+# config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ connections:
+ connection_one:
+ backup_timeout: '6 minutes 30 seconds'
+ restore_timeout: '3 minutes 15 seconds'
+ connection_two:
+ backup_timeout: 390
+ restore_timeout: 195
+Here is an example that sets timeouts for all connection:
+# db_tools.yaml
+# As a date interval string.
+backup_timeout: '6 minutes 30 seconds'
+restore_timeout: '3 minutes 15 seconds'
+# As a number of seconds integer value.
+backup_timeout: 390
+restore_timeout: 195
+Or set a different timeout for each connection:
+# db_tools.yaml
+ connection_one:
+ backup_timeout: '6 minutes 30 seconds'
+ restore_timeout: '3 minutes 15 seconds'
+ connection_two:
+ backup_timeout: 390
+ restore_timeout: 195
+## Binaries
+`db-tools:backup` and `db-tools:restore` need your system/environment to provide some extra binaries
+to be able to work. These binaries depend on the database vendor you use, you will need:
+* for MariaDB: `mariadb-dump` and `mariadb`
+* for MySQL: `mysqldump` and `mysql`
+* for PostgreSQL: `pg_dump` and `pg_restore`
+* for SQLite: `sqlite3`
+You can verify if those binaries are well found by *DbToolsBundle*,
+for each of your connections, by launching:
+php bin/console db-tools:check
+php vendor/bin/db-tools database:check
+If the `db-tools:check` command returns you some errors:
+ * if your binaries are present on your system but *DbToolsBundle* can't find them you will need
+ to specify path for these binaries:
+ ```yml
+ # config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ db_tools:
+ backup_binary: '/usr/local/bin/pg_dump'
+ restore_binary: '/usr/local/bin/pg_restore'
+ ```
+ ```yml
+ # db_tools.yaml
+ backup_binary: '/usr/local/bin/pg_dump'
+ restore_binary: '/usr/local/bin/pg_restore'
+ ```
+ * Backup and restore binaries, as well as command line arguments and options are
+ configured on a per-connection basis. If you have more than one connection,
+ use the following syntax instead:
+ ```yml
+ # config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ db_tools:
+ connections:
+ connection_one:
+ backup_binary: '/usr/local/bin/pg_dump'
+ restore_binary: '/usr/local/bin/pg_restore'
+ connection_two:
+ backup_binary: '/usr/local/bin/mysqldump'
+ restore_binary: '/usr/local/bin/mysql'
+ ```
+ ```yml
+ # db_tools.yaml
+ connections:
+ connection_one:
+ backup_binary: '/usr/local/bin/pg_dump'
+ restore_binary: '/usr/local/bin/pg_restore'
+ connection_two:
+ backup_binary: '/usr/local/bin/mysqldump'
+ restore_binary: '/usr/local/bin/mysql'
+ ```
+ * Or, if your binaries are not present on your system: you will need to install them.
+If your app lives in the [official PHP docker image](https://hub.docker.com/_/php/),
+you can install correct binaries adding these lines to your Dockerfile,
+for PostgreSQL:
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends postgresql-client
+for MariaDB/MySQL:
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends default-mysql-client
+Dump and restore is not supported yet for SQL Server.
+### Default binary options
+Apart from the essential options (credentials, database name, etc.), the library
+also passes a few default options to the binary depending on the operation being
+performed and the invoked binary itself. You can customize those default options
+by configuring your own ones per operation type and connection:
+Here is an example that sets options for all connections:
+# config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ backup_options: '--an-option'
+ restore_options: '--a-first-one --a-second-one'
+Or set a specific value list for each connection:
+# config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ connections:
+ connection_one:
+ backup_options: '--an-option'
+ restor_options: '-xyz --another'
+ connection_two:
+ backup_options: '--a-first-one --a-second-one'
+ restor_options: '-O sample-value'
+Here is an example that sets options for all connections:
+# db_tools.yaml
+backup_options: '--an-option'
+restore_options: '--a-first-one --a-second-one'
+Or set a specific value list for each connection:
+# db_tools.yaml
+ connection_one:
+ backup_options: '--an-option'
+ restor_options: '-xyz --another'
+ connection_two:
+ backup_options: '--a-first-one --a-second-one'
+ restor_options: '-O sample-value'
+If you do not define your own default options, the following ones will be used
+according to the database vendor:
+* When backing up:
+ * MariaDB: `--no-tablespaces`
+ * MySQL: `--no-tablespaces`
+ * PostgreSQL: `-Z 5 --lock-wait-timeout=120`
+ * SQLite: `-bail`
+* When restoring:
+ * MariaDB: None
+ * MySQL: None
+ * PostgreSQL: `-j 2 --clean --if-exists --disable-triggers`
+ * SQLite: None
+## Anonymizer paths
+By default, *DbToolsBundle* will look for custom *anonymizers* in 2 directories:
+* `%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/makinacorpus/db-tools-bundle/src/Anonymizer`
+* `%kernel.project_dir%/src/Anonymizer`
+If you want to put custom anonymizers in another directory or if you want to load
+a pack of anonymizers from an external library, you can modify/add paths:
+# config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ anonymizer_paths:
+ - '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Anonymizer'
+ - '%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/myAnonymizerProvider/anonymizers/src'
+ # ...
+By default, *DbToolsBundle* when used as a standalone CLI tool will not lookup for
+custom *anonymizers*.
+If you want to write custom anonymizers, in order for them to be found, you must specify
+paths where the source code lies:
+# db_tools.yaml
+ anonymizer_paths:
+ - './src/Anonymizer'
+ - './vendor/myAnonymizerProvider/anonymizers/src'
+ # ...
+Core provided anonymizers and anonymizers that are in packs installed using composer
+will always be looked-up.
+Packs must be installed using composer: *DbToolsBundle* uses composer generated metadata
+about installed packages to find them.
+## Anonymization
+Per default, **DbToolsBundle** will only look for anonymization configurations from PHP attributes on Doctrine Entities.
+But *DbToolsBundle* does not necessary need Doctrine ORM to anonymize your data, it can do it just with a DBAL connection.
+In this case (or if you prefer YAML over attributes): you can configure *DbToolsBundle* to look for anonymization
+configurations in a YAML file:
+# config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ # When you have a single connection, and a single file:
+ anonymization_files: '%kernel.project_dir%/config/anonymizations.yaml'
+ # Or with multiple connections:
+ anonymization_files:
+ connection_one: '%kernel.project_dir%/config/anonymizations/connection_one.yaml'
+ connection_two: '%kernel.project_dir%/config/anonymizations/connection_two.yaml'
+ # Each connection may have multiple files:
+ anonymization_files:
+ connection_one:
+ - '%kernel.project_dir%/config/anonymizations/connection_one_1.yaml'
+ - '%kernel.project_dir%/config/anonymizations/connection_one_2.yaml'
+ # ...
+You need to register your anonymization configuration for the anonymization feature to work:
+# config/packages/db_tools.yaml
+ # When you have a single connection, and a single file:
+ anonymization_files: './anonymizations.yaml'
+ # Or with multiple connections:
+ anonymization_files:
+ connection_one: './anonymizations/connection_one.yaml'
+ connection_two: './anonymizations/connection_two.yaml'
+ # Each connection may have multiple files:
+ anonymization_files:
+ connection_one:
+ - './config/anonymizations/connection_one_1.yaml'
+ - './config/anonymizations/connection_one_2.yaml'
+ # ...
+For more information about anonymization and configuration file structure, refer to the [Anonymization section](../anonymization/essentials).
diff --git a/docs/content/configuration/reference.md b/docs/content/configuration/reference.md
index a4a3fdde..e4c568a7 100644
--- a/docs/content/configuration/reference.md
+++ b/docs/content/configuration/reference.md
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# Configuration reference
-## Introduction
+Configuration options will vary depending on which flavor you want to use.
+Select below your target:
This toolset can be run in various contextes:
@@ -25,77 +29,116 @@ relative to the configuration file directory the path is defined
-## All options
+## Index
-[`anonymization.tables` (standalone)](#anonymization-tables) |
-[`anonymization.yaml`](#anonymization-yaml) |
[`anonymizer_paths`](#anonymizer-paths) |
+[`backup_binary`](#backup-binary) |
+[`backup_excluded_tables`](#backup-excluded-tables) |
[`backup_expiration_age`](#backup-expiration-age) |
+[`backup_options`](#backup-options) |
[`backup_timeout`](#backup-timeout) |
-[`backupper_binaries`](#backupper-binaries) |
-[`backupper_options`](#backupper-options) |
[`connections` (standalone)](#connections) |
-[`default_connection` (standalone)](#default-connection) |
-[`excluded_tables`](#excluded-tables) |
+[`default_connection`](#default-connection) |
+[`restore_binary`](#restore-binary) |
+[`restore_options`](#restore-options) |
[`restore_timeout`](#restore-timeout) |
-[`restorer_binaries`](#restorer-binaries) |
-[`restorer_options`](#restorer-options) |
-[`storage.filename_strategy`](#storage-filename-strategy) |
-[`workdir` (standalone)](#workdir)
+[`storage_directory`](#storage-directory) |
+[`storage_filename_strategy`](#storage-filename-strategy) |
-## Common options
+## `anonymizer_paths`
-### `storage.root_dir`
+PHP source folders in which custom anonymizer implementations will be looked-up.
-Root directory of the backup storage manager. Default filename strategy will
-always use this folder as a root path.
+This allows you to write custom implementations and use it.
-```yaml [Symfony]
+Path are local filesystem arbitrary paths, and you are allowed to set any path.
+A recursive file system iterator will lookup in those folders and find classes
+that extend the `MakinaCorpus\DbToolsBundle\Anonymization\Anonymizer\AbstractAnonymizer`
+class within, then register those as anonymizers.
- storage:
- root_dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/var/db_tools"
+ anonymizer_paths:
+ - '%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/makinacorpus/db-tools-bundle/src/Anonymizer'
+ - '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Anonymization/Anonymizer'
-```yaml [Standalone]
- root_dir: "./var/db_tools"
+ - './vendor/makinacorpus/db-tools-bundle/src/Anonymizer'
+ - './src/Anonymization/Anonymizer'
+## `backup_binary`
+Path to backup command in filesystem.
+Defaults are the well known executable names without absolute file path, which should
+work in most Linux distributions.
+ backup_binary: /usr/bin/pg_dump
+backup_binary: /usr/bin/pg_dump
+This top level parameter applies to all connections per default.
+If you need a different value per connection, the setting can also be configured on a
+per connection basis under the `connections.CONNECTION.backup_binary` name.
+If you have more than one connection using different database vendor, it is strongly
+advised to override at the connection level.
-### `storage.filename_strategy`
-Key value pairs, keys are connection names, values can be either:
-- `default`: let the tool decide, it is an alias to `datetime`.
-- `datetime`: stores backups in split timestamp directory tree, such as: `/YYYY/MM/-.`
+## `backup_excluded_tables`
-When used in a Symfony application, the strategy can be a service name registered in the
-container. This service must implement `MakinaCorpus\DbToolsBundle\Storage\FilenameStrategyInterface`.
-See [filename strategies documentation](../backup_restore) for more information.
+Tables excluded from backup.
-```yaml [Symfony]
- storage:
- filename_strategy:
- connection_one: datetime
- connection_two: default
- connection_three: app.my_filename_strategy
- connection_four: App\DbTools\Storage\MyCustomFilenameStrategy
+ backup_excluded_tables: ['table1', 'table2']
-```yaml [Standalone]
- filename_strategy:
- connection_one: datetime
- connection_two: default
- connection_four: App\DbTools\Storage\MyCustomFilenameStrategy
+backup_excluded_tables: ['table1', 'table2']
+This top level parameter applies to all connections per default.
+If you need a different value per connection, the setting can also be configured on a
+per connection basis under the `connections.CONNECTION.backup_excluded_tables` name.
-### `backup_expiration_age`
+## `backup_expiration_age`
Backup file expiration time after which they get deleted when running
the `backup` or `clean` command.
@@ -104,18 +147,67 @@ It uses a relative date interval format as documented in https://www.php.net/man
-```yaml [Symfony]
backup_expiration_age: '6 months ago'
-```yaml [Standalone]
backup_expiration_age: '6 months ago'
+This top level parameter applies to all connections per default.
+If you need a different value per connection, the setting can also be configured on a
+per connection basis under the `connections.CONNECTION.backup_expiration_age` name.
-### `backup_timeout`
+## `backup_options`
+Allows you to add specific command line options to the backup command.
+If you do not define some default options, here or by using the "--extra-options" option when
+invoking the command, the following ones will be used according to the database vendor:
+ - MariaDB: `--no-tablespaces`
+ - MySQL: `--no-tablespaces`
+ - PostgreSQL: `-Z 5 --lock-wait-timeout=120`
+ - SQLite: `-bail`
+By specifying options, the default ones will be dropped.
+ backup_options: '-Z 5 --lock-wait-timeout=120'
+backup_options: '-Z 5 --lock-wait-timeout=120'
+This top level parameter applies to all connections per default.
+If you need a different value per connection, the setting can also be configured on a
+per connection basis under the `connections.CONNECTION.backup_options` name.
+If you have more than one connection using different database vendor, it is strongly
+advised to override at the connection level.
+## `backup_timeout`
Backup process timeout in seconds.
@@ -124,8 +216,9 @@ or accepts a number of seconds as an integer value.
-```yaml [Symfony]
# As a date interval string.
backup_timeout: '2 minutes and 7 seconds'
@@ -134,131 +227,165 @@ db_tools:
backup_timeout: 67
-```yaml [Standalone]
# As a date interval string.
backup_timeout: '2 minutes and 7 seconds'
# As a number of seconds.
backup_timeout: 67
+This top level parameter applies to all connections per default.
+If you need a different value per connection, the setting can also be configured on a
+per connection basis under the `connections.CONNECTION.backup_timeout` name.
-### `excluded_tables`
-Tables excluded from backup.
+## `connections`
+All reachable connection list, with their an URL connection string.
-```yaml [Symfony]
- excluded_tables:
- connection_one: ['table1', 'table2']
- connection_two: ['table1', 'table2']
+In standalone mode, connections are handled by `makinacorpus/query-builder`.
-```yaml [Symfony alt.]
+When using a Symfony bundle, all connections from the Doctrine bundle using
+Doctrine DBAL will be automatically registered, you need this section only if
+you need to add connection specific options.
+# With connection specific options.
- # If you have a single connection.
- excluded_tables: ['table1', 'table2']
+ connections:
+ connection_one:
+ # ... Apply here connection-specific options.
+ # @todo Add here all available options.
-```yaml [Standalone]
- connection_one: ['table1', 'table2']
- connection_two: ['table1', 'table2']
+# With connection specific options.
+ connection_one:
+ url: "pgsql://username:password@hostname:port?version=16.0&other_option=..."
+ # ... Apply here connection-specific options.
+ # @todo Add here all available options.
+ connection_two: #...
+# With all default options, only database DSN.
+ connection_two: "mysql://username:password@hostname:port?version=8.1&other_option=..."
+ connection_two: #...
-```yaml [Standalone alt.]
- # If you have a single connection.
- excluded_tables: ['table1', 'table2']
+# With a single connection.
+# Connection name will be "default".
+connections: "pgsql://username:password@hostname:port?version=16.0&other_option=..."
-### `backupper_binaries`
-Path to backup command in filesystem.
+## `default_connection`
-Defaults are the well known executable names without absolute file path, which should
-work in most Linux distributions.
+Default connection name when connection is unspecified in the command line.
+If none set, the first one in list will be used instead.
+When using a Symfony bundle, the Doctrine bundle default connection is set to
+be the default if this option is not specified.
-```yaml [Symfony]
- backupper_binaries:
- mariadb: /usr/bin/mariadb-dump
- mysql: /usr/bin/mysqldump
- postgresql: /usr/bin/pg_dump
- sqlite: /usr/bin/sqlite3
+ default_connection: connection_one
-```yaml [Standalone]
- mariadb: /usr/bin/mariadb-dump
- mysql: /usr/bin/mysqldump
- postgresql: /usr/bin/pg_dump
- sqlite: /usr/bin/sqlite3
+default_connection: connection_one
-### `restorer_binaries`
+## `restore_binary`
Path to restore command in filesystem.
Defaults are the well known executable names without absolute file path, which should
work in most Linux distributions.
-```yaml [Symfony]
- restorer_binaries:
- mariadb: /usr/bin/mariadb
- mysql: /usr/bin/mysql
- postgresql: /usr/bin/pg_restore
- sqlite: /usr/bin/sqlite3
+ restore_binary: /usr/bin/pg_restore
-```yaml [Standalone]
- mariadb: /usr/bin/mariadb
- mysql: /usr/bin/mysql
- postgresql: /usr/bin/pg_restore
- sqlite: /usr/bin/sqlite3
+restore_binary: /usr/bin/pg_restore
+This top level parameter applies to all connections per default.
+If you need a different value per connection, the setting can also be configured on a
+per connection basis under the `connections.CONNECTION.restore_binary` name.
+If you have more than one connection using different database vendor, it is strongly
+advised to override at the connection level.
-### `backupper_options`
-Allows you to add specific command line options to the backup command, one for each connection.
+## `restore_options`
+Allows you to add specific command line options to the restore command.
If you do not define some default options, here or by using the "--extra-options" option when
invoking the command, the following ones will be used according to the database vendor:
- - MariaDB: `--no-tablespaces`
- - MySQL: `--no-tablespaces`
- - PostgreSQL: `-Z 5 --lock-wait-timeout=120`
- - SQLite: `-bail`
+ - MariaDB: None
+ - MySQL: None
+ - PostgreSQL: `-j 2 --clean --if-exists --disable-triggers`
+ - SQLite: None
-By specifying options, the default ones will be dropped.
-```yaml [Symfony]
- backupper_options:
- connection_one: '-Z 5 --lock-wait-timeout=120'
- connection_two: '--no-tablespaces'
+ restore_options: '-j 2 --clean --if-exists --disable-triggers'
-```yaml [Standalone]
- connection_one: '-Z 5 --lock-wait-timeout=120'
- connection_two: '--no-tablespaces'
+restore_options: '-j 2 --clean --if-exists --disable-triggers'
+This top level parameter applies to all connections per default.
+If you need a different value per connection, the setting can also be configured on a
+per connection basis under the `connections.CONNECTION.restore_options` name.
+If you have more than one connection using different database vendor, it is strongly
+advised to override at the connection level.
-### `restore_timeout`
+## `restore_timeout`
Restore process timeout in seconds.
@@ -267,8 +394,9 @@ or accepts a number of seconds as an integer value.
-```yaml [Symfony]
# As a date interval string.
restore_timeout: '2 minutes and 7 seconds'
@@ -277,162 +405,129 @@ db_tools:
restore_timeout: 67
-```yaml [Standalone]
# As a date interval string.
restore_timeout: '2 minutes and 7 seconds'
# As a number of seconds.
restore_timeout: 67
+This top level parameter applies to all connections per default.
+If you need a different value per connection, the setting can also be configured on a
+per connection basis under the `connections.CONNECTION.restore_timeout` name.
-### `restorer_options`
-Allows you to add specific command line options to the restore command, one for each connection.
+## `storage_directory`
-If you do not define some default options, here or by using the "--extra-options" option when
-invoking the command, the following ones will be used according to the database vendor:
- - MariaDB: None
- - MySQL: None
- - PostgreSQL: `-j 2 --clean --if-exists --disable-triggers`
- - SQLite: None
+Root directory of the backup storage manager. Default filename strategy will
+always use this folder as a root path.
-```yaml [Symfony]
- backupper_options:
- connection_one: '-j 2 --clean --if-exists --disable-triggers'
- connection_two: '--no-tablespaces'
+ storage_directory: "%kernel.root_dir%/var/db_tools"
-```yaml [Standalone]
- connection_one: '-j 2 --clean --if-exists --disable-triggers'
- connection_two: '--some-other-option
+storage_directory: "./var/db_tools"
-### `anonymizer_paths`
-PHP source folders in which custom anonymizer implementations will be looked-up.
+This top level parameter applies to all connections per default.
+If you need a different value per connection, the setting can also be configured on a
+per connection basis under the `connections.CONNECTION.storage_directory` name.
-This allows you to write custom implementations and use it.
-Path are local filesystem arbitrary paths, and you are allowed to set any path.
-A recursive file system iterator will lookup in those folders and find classes
-that extend the `MakinaCorpus\DbToolsBundle\Anonymization\Anonymizer\AbstractAnonymizer`
-class within, then register those as anonymizers.
+## `storage.filename_strategy`
-```yaml [Symfony]
- anonymizer_paths:
- - '%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/makinacorpus/db-tools-bundle/src/Anonymizer'
- - '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Anonymization/Anonymizer'
+Default backup filename strategy that will generate the backup file names.
-```yaml [Standalone]
- anonymizer_paths:
- - './vendor/makinacorpus/db-tools-bundle/src/Anonymizer'
- - './src/Anonymization/Anonymizer'
+Generated backup filenames will always be relative to the connection or global
+root directory. Available options are:
+- `default`: let the tool decide, it is an alias to `datetime`.
+- `datetime`: stores backups in split timestamp directory tree, such as: `/YYYY/MM/-.`
+- any class name implementing the `MakinaCorpus\DbToolsBundle\Storage\FilenameStrategyInterface` interface.
-### `anonymization.yaml`
+When used in a Symfony application, the strategy can be a service name registered in the
+container. This service must implement `MakinaCorpus\DbToolsBundle\Storage\FilenameStrategyInterface`.
+See [filename strategies documentation](../backup_restore) for more information.
-List of YAML configuration file that contains table and their columns to
-For configuration format please refer the [anonymizers documentation](../anonymization/core-anonymizers).
-```yaml [Symfony]
+# Default value, `default` is an alias of `datetime`.
- anonymizer:
- yaml:
- - connection_one: '%kernel.project_dir%/config/anonymizations/connection_one.yaml'
- - connection_two: '%kernel.project_dir%/config/anonymizations/connection_two.yaml'
+ storage_filename_strategy: default
-```yaml [Symfony alt.]
+# Explicit default.
- anonymizer:
- # If you have a single connection.
- yaml: '%kernel.project_dir%/config/anonymizations.yaml'
+ storage_filename_strategy: datetime
-```yaml [Standalone]
- yaml:
- - connection_one: './db_tools.connection_one.anonymization.yaml'
- - connection_two: './db_tools.connection_two.anonymization.yaml'
+# Using a service name.
+ storage_filename_strategy: app.my_filename_strategy
-```yaml [Standalone alt.]
- yaml: './db_tools.anonymization.yaml'
+# Using a class name.
+ storage_filename_strategy: App\DbTools\Storage\MyCustomFilenameStrategy
-## Symfony bundle specific options
+# Default value, `default` is an alias of `datetime`.
+storage_filename_strategy: default
-None yet, all options can be used in the standalone console version as well.
+# Explicit default.
+storage_filename_strategy: datetime
-## Standalone specific options
-### `workdir`
-Default path in which all relative file system path found in the same config
-path will be relative to.
-If none set, directory in which the configuration file is will be used instead.
+# Using a service name.
+storage_filename_strategy: app.my_filename_strategy
-```yaml [Standalone]
-workdir: /some/project/path/config
+# Using a class name.
+storage_filename_strategy: App\DbTools\Storage\MyCustomFilenameStrategy
-### `connections`
-All reachable connection list, with their an URL connection string.
-In standalone mode, connections are handled by `makinacorpus/query-builder`.
+This top level parameter applies to all connections per default.
+If you need a different value per connection, the setting can also be configured on a
+per connection basis under the `connections.CONNECTION.storage_filename_strategy` name.
-```yaml [Standalone]
- connection_one: "pgsql://username:password@hostname:port?version=16.0&other_option=..."
- connection_two: "mysql://username:password@hostname:port?version=8.1&other_option=..."
-# Connection name will be "default"
-connections: "pgsql://username:password@hostname:port?version=16.0&other_option=..."
+## `workdir`
-### `default_connection`
+Default path in which all relative file system path found in the same config
+path will be relative to.
-Default connection name when connection is unspecified in the command line.
+If none set, directory in which the configuration file is will be used instead.
-If none set, the first one in list will be used instead.
-```yaml [Standalone]
-default_connection: connection_one
+workdir: /some/project/path/config
-### `anonymization.tables`
-You can write anonymization configuration directly in the configuration file when
-using the standalone mode. This prevent configuration file profileration.
-Configuration file can be dumped from the Symfony bundle, then used with the
-standalone connection.
-```yaml [Standalone]
- tables:
- connection_one:
- table_name:
- column_name:
- anonymizer: anonymizer_name
- # ... other options...
+This options is specific for standalone usage.
diff --git a/docs/content/contribute/pack.md b/docs/content/contribute/pack.md
index ab3921a5..1c9978b2 100644
--- a/docs/content/contribute/pack.md
+++ b/docs/content/contribute/pack.md
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ First, you will need to adapt the provided `composer.json`:
"name": "db-tools-bundle/pack-template",// [!code --]
"name": "my-vendor/pack-awesome",// [!code ++]
- "description": "An example pack of anonymizers for the DbToolsBundle",// [!code --]
+ "description": "An example pack of anonymizers for DbToolsBundle",// [!code --]
"description": "An awesome pack for anonymizing many things!",// [!code ++]
"type": "db-tools-bundle-pack",
"license": "MIT",
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Learn more about how to develop them reading the [Custom Anonymizers section](..
## 3. Test your anonymizers
After you built your anonymizers, don't forget to test them. We recommend doing at least one functionnal test per anonymizer.
-To inspire you doing these tests, read [existing tests in the DbToolsBundle](https://github.com/makinacorpus/DbToolsBundle/tree/main/tests/Functional/Anonymizer/Core)
+To inspire you doing these tests, read [existing tests in DbToolsBundle](https://github.com/makinacorpus/DbToolsBundle/tree/main/tests/Functional/Anonymizer/Core)
or in official packs.
To help you launchning these tests, use provided `dev.sh` script, see [Development guide section](./guide) to learn how to use it.
diff --git a/docs/content/getting-started/basics.md b/docs/content/getting-started/basics.md
index 81d37744..e084fd91 100644
--- a/docs/content/getting-started/basics.md
+++ b/docs/content/getting-started/basics.md
@@ -97,12 +97,13 @@ anonymization: