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74 lines (58 loc) · 1.97 KB

tutorial1-Basic Custom

File metadata and controls

74 lines (58 loc) · 1.97 KB

Creating Simple Custom Element

Step 1:

Create a Simple super-button.html file to hold the definition of our new web component.

    // ES6 Classes to Define the new Element Behaviour
    class SuperButton extends HTMLElement {
        constructor() {
            console.log('New Super Button object has been instantiated.');

    window.customElements.define('super-button', SuperButton);

Step 2:

Create a new index.html file to import and drive the use of the new Custom Element

        <title>Testing - Web Components</title>
        <script src=""></script>
        <link rel="import" href="./super-button.html">
       Button: <super-button ></super-button>

Open up the index.html using a dummy web server in a Browser. Link for using minimal node web server http-server

You can verify the creation of the instance of a button by seeing the console log.

Console Log

Step 3:

Now we will add a new property/attribute to our custom element to display its Label Text

In super-button.html add the following code to the ES6 class.

    connectedCallback() {
        this.textContent = this.labelText;

    get labelText() {
        return this.getAttribute('label-text');

    set labelText(value) {
        if(value) {
            this.setAttribute('label-text', value);

Step 4:

In the index.html, add the attribute label-text to the existing button and add another button instance. Again refresh the browser to view it.

        Button1: <super-button label-text="Super Button1"></super-button> <br />
        Button2: <super-button label-text="Super Button2"></super-button>