Please refer to Part 3 - Slides.
- T2T-Polish: latest github tip
- merqury: latest github tip
- meryl: v1.4.1 release
- seqrequester: latest github tip
- seqtk
- Winnowmap2 2.03 release
- minimap2 and k8 for sam2paf.js. See misc
- asset
- bedtools
- ucsc utils: wigToBigWig
- java
- R
This tutorial assumes T2T-Polish, seqrequester, Winnowmap, asset are installed under $tools
. The rest are assumed to be set in your environment $PATH (~/.bash_profile
) or loaded via modules.
- Identify MT, chloroplast, or any other contamination
- Mash screen and Mash distance:
Remove excessive small copies of rDNA, small repetitive sequences, ...
Add ribotin rDNA (if available) and MT sequences
Name chromosomes (eg. chr1_1, chr1_2, ...)
mkdir -p pattern && cd pattern
ver=v2 # Tip: I prefer the polished ones be v1.0 or v2.0. Set accordingly
ln -s ../assemblies/$asm.fasta
$tools/T2T-Polish/coverage/ $asm.fa $ver
cd ../
Output files:
$ver.bed # size
$ver.exclude.beds # N-gaps
$ver.telo.bed # telomere
# Microsatellite repeats (pattern)
# ... (and .bed for the above bw files)
Load them on IGV and investigate satellite repeat enriched region. Log along scaffolds that should be re-oriented to match the p and q arm definitions and/or match between haplotypes. Re-orienting can happen after read-mapping and polishing.
Here is an IGV session file. Navigate through chromosomes, and look for repeated patterns.
Align all reads to
- both haplotypes
- each haplotype
As a result, there will be 3 x 3 alignments:
(HiFi, ONT, Illumina) x (Both haps, hap1, hap2)
mkdir -p mapping && cd mapping
ls /full/path/to/HiFi/*.fq.gz > HiFi.fofn
ls /full/path/to/ONT/*.fq.gz > ONT.fofn
ls /full/path/to/Illumina/*read-pair1.fq.gz > illumina1.fofn
ls /full/path/to/Illumina/*read-pair2.fq.gz > illumina2.fofn
paste illumina1.fofn illumina2.fofn > illumina.fofn
rm illumina1.fofn illumina2.fofn
For slurm
environment, use the submitter wrapper. Otherwise, run each scripts described as in the README.
Understand winnowmap submitter script
Usage: ./ ref.fasta prefix map [wm_opt]
ref.fasta reference to align
prefix output prefix
map mapping mode. map-pb for HiFi, map-ont for ONT, map-pb-clr for CLR.
wm_opt winnowmap optional arguments. i.e. -y for adding methylation tags.
Required: input.fofn
For example, for hifi reads, submit for the 3 assemblies:
asm=bH_v2 # adjust
# For convenience, we assume ../assemblies/ has all 3 versions as $asm_fa.$hap.fa
for hap in dip hap1 hap2
mkdir -p ${pf}_to_$hap && cd ${pf}_to_$hap
ln -s ../HiFi.fofn input.fofn
$tools/T2T-Polish/winnowmap/ $asm_fa.$hap.fa ${pf}_to_$hap map-pb
cd ../
Submit the same script for ONT reads; using ONT.fofn
as input.fofn
and replacing map-pb
to map-ont
Illumina reads can be mapped with bwa
, as in this script.
Let's get back to the upper directory from mapping and build kmer dbs for merqury. Re-use the input.fofn
files in mapping. In this example, we will generate k=31 mers for evaluation.
cd ../
mkdir -p meryl && cd meryl
for pf in illumina HiFi ONT
mkdir $pf && cd $pf
ln -s ../../mapping/$pf.fofn
$MERQURY/ 31 $pf.fofn $pf # with slurm
cd ../
Once the meryl dbs are built, they will appear as $pf.k31.meryl
. Sym-link them all under meryl for convenience.
cd ../
for pf in illumina HiFi
ln -s $pf/$pf.k31.meryl $pf.meryl
Apply the same for parental datasets; to obtain e.g. pat.k31.meryl
and mat.k31.meryl
if available. Sym-link as the rest of the meryl dbs.
Generate hapmers:
cd ../
mkdir -p hapmers && cd hapmers
$MERQURY/ ../mat.meryl ../pat.meryl ../illumina.meryl
cd ../
In addition to the raw reads kmer sets, we need the hybrid kmer db - which is a merged version of illumina and HiFi kmers. See T2T-Polish for more details.
meryl union-sum [ greater-than 1 illumina.k31.meryl ] [ greater-than 1 HiFi.k31.meryl ] output hybrid.meryl
Now we are ready to generate kmer profiles.
cd ../
mkdir -p merqury && cd merqury
Run Merqury on each platform: illumina
, HiFi
, hybrid
ln -s ../meryl/illumina.meryl
ln -s ../meryl/hapmers/mat.hapmer.meryl mat.meryl
ln -s ../meryl/hapmers/pat.hapmer.meryl pat.meryl
# For trio based evaluation
mkdir -p illumina && cd illumina
$MERQURY/ ../illumina.meryl ../mat.meryl ../pat.meryl ../../assemblies/$asm.hap1.fa ../../assemblies/$asm.hap2.fa illumina
cd ../
# HiFi and Hybrid - for QV estimates
for pf in HiFi hybrid # illumina if no hapmers are available
ln -s ../meryl/$pf.meryl
mkdir -p $pf && cd $pf
$MERQURY/ ../$pf.meryl ../../assemblies/$asm.hap1.fa ../../assemblies/$asm.hap2.fa $pf
cd ../
Once Merqury completes, collect *_only.bed
and *_only.wig
cd hybrid
cat *_only.bed | bedtools merge -i - > $asm.error.bed
cd ../
Additionally, collect hapmer tracks for trios:
cd illumina
# Merge hapmer tracks
cat *.mat.wig > $asm.mat.wig
cat *.pat.wig > $asm.pat.wig
# Convert to bw files (optional, to reduce size)
wigToBigWig $asm.mat.wig ../../assemblies/$asm.fa.fai $
wigToBigWig $asm.pat.wig ../../assemblies/$asm.fa.fai $
cd ../
Link the $asm.error.bed under pattern.
cd ../pattern/
ln -s ../../merqury/hybrid/$asm.error.bed $asm.error.bed
cd ../
Winnowmap submitter generates filtered bam and paf files at the end. The most informative issues comes from read_to_dip alignments.
This step requires a lot of files to be in place. Make sure they exist in the proper location. Again, don't forget to link $ver.error.bed
from Merqury hybrid.
Usage: ./ in.paf name ver platform pattern
in.paf input paf file
name name to appear on the .wig files
ver assembly version
platform HiFi, ONT or Hybrid
pattern path to pattern folder
Required: pattern/ver/, pattern/ver.bed, pattern/ver.error.bed, pattern/ver.exclude.bed, pattern/ver.telo.bed
The above script generates a lot of .wig
files and .bed
files, as well as useful coverage related statistics.
Refer to the coverage description for more details. ver
should match as it appears in the pattern
for pf in HiFi ONT
mkdir -p $out && cd $out
paf=`ls ../../mapping/$out/$out.*pri.paf`
ln -s $paf
paf=`basename $paf`
$tools/T2T-Polish/coverage/ $paf $out $ver $pf ../../pattern
cd ../
Load the *.issues.bed
and *.cov.wig
on IGV, along with the pattern *.bw
files, and enjoy(?) reading the error profiles!
Here is another IGV session file containing all tracks for the Bighorn assembly evaluation, as in the slides.
Use the alignments to call variants, inspect, and create correction .vcf
Alternatively, the alignments could get further corrected using SeqPhase and polished with DeepPolisher. Note that DeepPolisher currently only works for HiFi reads.