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Parameters and values for the set command

Masl edited this page Aug 26, 2022 · 12 revisions

The set command has a few parameters you can set.

user color (color)

Sets the color of the username in all terminals. Here is a wiki page for entering color and the formats

default color (color)

Sets the default text color in the terminal.

username (string)

Sets the username of the user.

debug terminal (on/shown/off/hidden)

Sets the visibilty of the debug terminal.

background image (on/true/off/false)

Sets the visibility of the background image.

mouse offset (0-4)

Sets the mouse packet offset. (If the PS2 Mouse is bugging out ya can try setting it to like 1 or 2 and see if it starts working again)

mouse image (image name)

Sets the current mouse image to the file in the mouse zip file. (Doesn't work since the mouse cursor gets updated constantly but who cares)


Asks you to enter the password and then sets the password of the current user.

mouse color front (color)

Sets the front drawing color (left click) of the mouse. (Mouse drawing is currently disabled lmao)

mouse color back (color)

Sets the back drawing color (right click) of the mouse. (Mouse drawing is currently disabled lmao)

window resolution/window size (size)

Sets the window size. The size has to look like this "(x size) (y size)" (e.g. "500 300")

test interlace/ (value from 1 to 8)

Sets the test interlace for rendering

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