Although the only external library required is put_pixel, I'm using allegro for creating windows and taking care of double buffering. this can be replaced by any other implementation.
This is a progression of writing a basic rendering pipeline, it should work in a PC or raspberry PI
Most of them are already installed: a c compiler, makefile and basic libraries, this should cover it.
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install liballegro5
brew install allegro
Pass the program name, e.g.
make teapot_01
# or 'make all' to create all binaries
- /basic/src/polar_curves
Demo of graphic library, it shopuld display a spyrograph pattern
- /basic/src/test_bezier
Draws and rotates a bezier patch, interpolating 10 points
- /teapot/cube
Minimal 3D example, a rotating wireframe cube
- /teapot/teapot_01
Wireframe model, projection, translation and rotation
- /teapot/teapot_02
Testing a naive linear interpolation, it does not generate proper polygons.
- /teapot/teapot_03
Wireframe interpolation with Bezier patches
- /teapot/teapot_04
Backface culling, using normals
- /teapot/teapot_05
Triangle filling and rasterization algorithm
- /teapot/teapot_06
Flat shading
- /teapot/teapot_07
Smooth shading, Gouraud algorithm, use derivatives to calculate normals.
- /teapot/teapot_08
Z-Buffer, hiding surfaces.