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there are some useful Rxjava operators(literally magical)that use in different condition

well i use Kotlin lang for these samples , but not so different with java version, there are some smaples that i use untill now , so i very glad to with your recommendes,these samples will be more better and optimal :)


(for use this option you should use follow dependency)

implementation "com.jakewharton.rxbinding3:rxbinding:$rxBinding"

of JakeWharton repo

                .filter { t -> t.getEditable().toString().length > 3 //some filter }
                .subscribe { //do sth if filter has pass }
                .filter { t -> t.getEditable().toString().length > 3 }
                .subscribe { checkLayoutAccept() }


et1.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {...}

Do Sth base of each view

sometime i had to do some fuctions based on several views, for example based on some CheckBoxes that are Checked or UnChecked and represents Days of week , saved a string contains days that Checked like "0123456"

 var days = ""
        Observable.just(activity.check_sat_day, activity.check_sun_day, activity.check_mon_day, activity.check_tue_day, activity.check_wed_day, activity.check_thu_day, activity.check_fri_day)
                }).flatMap {
                    if (it == activity.check_sat_day)
                        days += "0"
                    if (it == activity.check_sun_day)
                        days += "1"
                    if (it == activity.check_mon_day)
                        days += "2"
                    if (it == activity.check_tue_day)
                        days += "3"
                    if (it == activity.check_wed_day)
                        days += "4"
                    if (it == activity.check_thu_day)
                        days += "5"
                    if (it == activity.check_fri_day)
                        days += "6"

                    return@flatMap Observable.just(days)

Do Sth base of each Char in a String

This section is part of the previous section , that change isChecked property of those CheckBoxes based on stored string so should seprate each char and set isCheck property of each CheckBox base of that (true or false)

 val ary: List<String> = days.split("".toRegex())//"12345" -> "1" , "2" , "3"
                .flatMap {
                    if (it == "0")
                        check_sat_day.isChecked = true
                    if (it == "1")
                        check_sun_day.isChecked = true
                    if (it == "2")
                        check_mon_day.isChecked = true
                    if (it == "3")
                        check_tue_day.isChecked = true
                    if (it == "4")
                        check_wed_day.isChecked = true
                    if (it == "5")
                        check_thu_day.isChecked = true
                    if (it == "6")
                        check_fri_day.isChecked = true

                    return@flatMap Observable.just(it)

debounce on input field

sometimes i had to do some fuctions when user enter some string on a EditText BUT not on each char that user input for example when you want to set user username field, each username that user input should go to server and check in db to not be duplicate, so its not wisely to for each char that user input send a request for check input string so we use debounce operator

Observable<String> obs;

        obs = RxTextView.textChanges(activity.getBinding().edtUsername).
                filter(charSequence ->
                        Log.e("filter run  ", charSequence.toString());
                        return charSequence.length() > 3 && !baseUsername.equals(charSequence);
                .debounce(2000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                .map(charSequence -> {
                        Log.e("map run  ", charSequence.toString());
                        return charSequence.toString();
        obs.subscribe(s -> {
                Log.e("obs.subscribe run  ", s);
                if (!s.equals(baseUsername))

and in below sample i saved and deleted based on entered string

                .debounce(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                .map {
                    val text = it.view().text.toString()
                    if (!text.isBlank()) {
                        if (text.trim().toInt() > 0) {
                            //do some function when editText has some values
                    } else {
                        //when user has cleared edtText values
                    return@map rx.Observable.just(text)
                }.switchMap {
                    return@switchMap it

also if you got "change ui in mainThread" error you should use debounce like bellow

   .debounce(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())

FlatMap, SwitchMap and ConcatMap

i suggest you to read this article to fully understand the difference between these three operators

for() for first element

for loop but break when first element pass filter block we used this for loop type before

 for (i in 0 until offList.size) {
            if (offList[i].foodId == 2)

and now with Rxjava operators it be like bellow

                    it.foodId == 2

or even can set for in for

                .filter{it ->
                .map{it ->
                                it.foodId == bf.foodId
                            .subscribe{bf ->


with this amazing Rxjava class you can canceled your RxJava request Each stage of the run. for example i had an server request with Rxjava like bellow

                .subscribeWith(object : DisposableObserver<ResponsePacket>() {

                    override fun onComplete() {
                        log("get data complete...!!")

                    override fun onNext(t: ResponsePacket) {

                    override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
                        log("getSellerDetails  $e")


That worked very well but if the user stopped requesting it during the run, that mean call onDestroy() this activity that run Rxjava Request app crashes !! with this ugly error

" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fatal Exception thrown on Scheduler."

so we can solve this with CompositeDisposable class like bellow

val compositeDisposable = CompositeDisposable()

  fun getSellerDetails(shop: Int) {

        ServiceGenerator().getService().getSellerDetails(session.getUID(), session.getToken(), shop)
                .subscribeWith(object : DisposableObserver<ResponsePacket>() {

                    override fun onComplete() {
                        log("get data complete...!!")

                        //get all Product Categories

                    override fun onNext(t: ResponsePacket) {

                    override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
                        log("getSellerDetails  $e")

      override fun onDestroy() {

simple example for login chain conditions

            .filter {
                if (checkMobile(it))
                    return@filter true
                else {
                    edt_mobile.error = getString(R.string.login01_error)
                    return@filter false
            }.map {
            }.filter {
                if (it.isNotBlank() && it.length >= 4)
                    return@filter true
                else {
                    edt_password.error = getString(R.string.login02_error)
                    return@filter false
            }.subscribe {
                goLogin(edt_mobile.text.toString(), edt_password.text.toString())

1 minute reverse timer (useful for otp pages)

   Disposable disposable1 = Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                .filter(aLong -> aLong > 0)
                .map(aLong -> 60 - aLong)
                .subscribe(aLong -> {
                    if (aLong < 60 && aLong > 0) {
                        String tim;
                        if (aLong < 10)
                            tim = "00:" + "0" + aLong.toString();
                            tim = "00:" + aLong.toString();
                    } else{
                        Log.d("marjan","marjan hoooooooray !!!!");


1 minute timer

        Disposable disposable1 = Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                .filter(aLong -> aLong > 0)
                .subscribe(aLong -> {
                   if (aLong <= 60) {
                        String tim;
                        if (aLong < 10)
                            tim = "00:" + "0" + aLong.toString();
                            tim = "00:"+aLong.toString();

                    } else
                        getUtils().showLog("marjan hoooooooray !!!!");

Grouping the emissions by a specific key

val requestMatches = FootbalDataApiImp.getApi().getMatches()
            //returning matches one by one from api response list
            .flatMap { response -> Observable.fromIterable(response.matches) }
            //group matches by their dates
            .groupBy { match -> }
                //create a list with matches that have the same keys (in this example: same date)
            .subscribe{ matches ->
                //do something

Retry a failed network request after a few seconds

val disposable = NetworkService.getSomething()
            //retry the failed request after 15 seconds
            .retryWhen { it.delay(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS) }
            .subscribe{ data ->
                //do something

Zip operator

            //combine emission from two or more observables into a single observable with zip operator
            val usersDisposable  =
                BiFunction { user1: User, user2: User ->
                    //do something with the given users
                    Pair(user1, user2) 
                .subscribe{ userPair ->
                    //do something

Buffer operator and FromArray operator

buffer():> Periodically gather items from an Observable into bundles and emit the bundles rather than emitting items one at a time. notice that order is maintained in the buffer() operator. fromArray():> Input: T[] / Output: Observable.

           String[] strings = new String[]{"RxAndroid", "RxJava", "Git", "Android"};

                   Observable<String> stringObservable = Observable

                           .subscribe(new Observer<List<String>>() {
                               public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {}

                               public void onNext(List<String> strings) {
                                   Log.e(TAG, "onNext: results for bundle are:");
                                   for(String string: strings){
                                       Log.e(TAG, "onNext: " + string);

                               public void onError(Throwable e) {}

                               public void onComplete() {}

Distinct operator

distinct():> The Distinct operator filters an Observable by only allowing items through that have not already been emitted.

               Observable<User> userObservable = Observable
                           .distinct(new Function<User, String>() {
                               public String apply(User user) throws Exception {
                                   return user.getName();

                   userObservable.subscribe(new Observer<User>() {
                       public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {}
                       public void onNext(User user) {
                           Log.e(TAG, "onNext: " + user.getName());
                       public void onError(Throwable e) {}
                       public void onComplete() {}