An experiment in frontend programming with a functional language (Elm).
The aim is to make money by selling items to customers. It's not much of a game, but it functions without runtime errors and works well with screen-readers.
Try it out for yourself at: (If the background doesn't load, try refreshing).
- Blind-accessible (with screen-reader)
- Supported on reasonable browsers
- Runs on mobile
- Dark-mode UI with grid layout
- Background looks like wood
- "Last Event" box so you know what just happened
- "Story thus far" box so you know everything that's happened
- Up to 26 different customers
- Pick the customer to whom you want to speak
- Sorted by affluence for your convenience
- Kick out customers you don't like
- Customers are described on entry
- Different types of customers have preferences for different types of item
- Game passes the Bechdel test, provided the player is female
- Sell swords, axes, trail mix, and more!
- Limited stock per day - so sell carefully
- Automatic sales price based on what customer is willing to pay
- Hint boxes tell you how to get a customer to pay more
- Schmooze a customer to sell for more
- "Wait" button lets you sit and do nothing for awhile
- Work from 8am to 5pm
- Clean the store for fun
- Pay rent each day
- End-of-day summary so you know how well you did
- Purchase items after store close to sell the next day