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Deploy to Heroku with action

Deploy an app to Heroku
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This action automates the deployment process for your project to Heroku. It works by executing commands in your shell via NodeJS.

Getting Started


  • A Procfile or Dockerfile in your project.
  • A GitHub repository with a .github folder.
  • A Heroku account and API key.

Create Workflow

  1. Create a .github folder in your repository.
  2. Inside .github, create a workflows folder.
  3. Inside workflows, create a file named main.yml with the following content:
name: Deploy

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: 5hojib/heroku-deploy-action@v2 # This action
          heroku_api_key: ${{ secrets.HEROKU_API_KEY }}
          heroku_app_name: "YOUR APP's NAME" # Must be unique in Heroku
          heroku_email: "YOUR EMAIL"


Required Options

  • heroku_api_key:

    • Description: Your Heroku API key (stored as a GitHub secret).
    • Example: ${{ secrets.HEROKU_API_KEY }}
  • heroku_app_name:

    • Description: Unique name for your Heroku app.
    • Example: "your-app-name"
  • heroku_email:

    • Description: Your Heroku email address.
    • Example: ""

Optional Options

  • Build Configuration:

    • buildpack:
      • Description: URL of a custom buildpack for your project.
      • Example: ""
    • branch:
      • Description: Branch to deploy (defaults to HEAD).
      • Example: "dev", "staging"
    • dontautocreate:
      • Description: Set to true to prevent automatic Heroku app creation.
      • Example: "true"
    • dontuseforce:
      • Description: Set to true to skip forced branch switching on Heroku.
      • Example: "true"
  • Docker Options:

    • usedocker:
      • Description: Deploy using a Dockerfile.
      • Example: "true"
    • docker_heroku_process_type:
      • Description: Type of Heroku process (web, worker, etc.) (requires usedocker).
      • Example: "web", "worker"
    • docker_build_args:
      • Description: List of arguments to pass to the Docker build (requires usedocker).
      • Example: "NODE_ENV=production"
  • Application Structure:

    • appdir:
      • Description: Path to your application directory within the project (for subdirectories).
      • Example: "api"
  • Health Check Options:

    • healthcheck:
      • Description: URL to a health check endpoint (checks for a 200 response).
      • Example: ""
    • checkstring:
      • Description: Value to check for in the health check response.
      • Example: "ok"
    • delay:
      • Description: Time (in seconds) to wait before performing health check (defaults to 0).
      • Example: "5"
    • rollbackonhealthcheckfailed:
      • Description: Set to true to rollback on a failed health check.
      • Example: "true"
  • Other Options:

    • procfile:

      • Description: Contents of the Procfile to save and deploy.
      • Example: "web: npm start"
    • env_file:

      • Description: Path to an environment variable file (relative to appdir).
      • Example: ".env"
    • justlogin:

      • Description: Set to true to only login to Heroku (no deployment).
      • Example: "true"
    • region:

      • Description: Heroku region for app deployment.
      • Example: "us", "eu"
    • stack:

      • Description: The Heroku stack to use for this app.
      • Example: "heroku-20"
    • team:

      • Description: The Heroku team to assign this app to (for Heroku Enterprise users).
      • Example: "your-team-name"

Deploy to Heroku with action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Deploy an app to Heroku



Deploy to Heroku with action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.