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Disconnect Server

Disconnect a Parasoft Service Virtualization server
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typescript-action status

Disconnect a server

This action disconnects a Parasoft Virtualize server from a given Continous Testing Platform endpoint.


Add the following entry to your Github workflow YAML file with the required inputs: Password will use a github encrypted secret. Please reference Encrypted Secrets Documentation on how to create an encrypted secret.

uses: parasoft/disconnect-server-action@v1
  ctpUrl: 'http://exampleUrl'
  ctpUsername: 'username'
  ctpPassword: ${{ secrets.password }}
  serverMatch: 'host'
  server: 'localhost'

Required Inputs

The following inputs are required for this action:

Input Description
ctpURL Specifies the Continuous Testing Platform endpoint where the environment will be deployed.
ctpUsername Specifies a user name for accessing the Continuous Testing Platform endpoint.
ctpPassword Specifies a Github encrypted secret for accessing the Continuous Testing Platform endpoint. Refer to the Encrypted Secrets Documentation for details on how to create an encrypted secret.
serverMatch Specifies how to identify the server to disconnect. The following strings are valid:
  • host: Configures the action to identify the host by IP.
  • name: Confiugres the action to identify the host by name.
server Specifies either the host name or IP address to disconnect depending on the serverMatch input configuration.

Build and Test this Action Locally

  1. Install the dependencies:
$ npm install
  1. Build the typescript and package it for distribution:
$ npm run build && npm run package
  1. Run the tests:
$ npm test

 PASS  ./index.test.js


Disconnect Server is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Disconnect a Parasoft Service Virtualization server


GitHub has manually verified the creator of the action as an official partner organization. For more info see About badges in GitHub Marketplace.

Disconnect Server is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.