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Get secrets from hachicorp KV vault

Gets secrets
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A composite action that puts Hachicorp vault secrets to files


- name: Get secrets from hachicorp kv vault
  uses: ergrassa/vault-secrets-to-files@v1.0
    url: '${{ secrets.URL }}'
    token: '${{ secrets.TOKEN }}'
    engine: '${{ secrets.KV }}'
    path: 'somedir'
    debug: 'no'
  • url is url of your vault, like ''
  • engine is name of KV engine
  • token is token that have at least read access policy to the secret
  • path (optional) is base path where to put files, like '/envs'
  • debug (optional) if set to 'yes' — will produce an output showing secret names, types and output path (values will be not exposed, only keys)image

Secrets special keys

  • __filename__ is file name to save that secrets, like my_env_file.env
  • __type__ says how to interpret the secret (details below)
  • __path__ is subpath where to put this file, like my_envs, it will be concat-ed with path

Secret interpret

  • json (default) will be saved as non-minified json
  • env will be saved as KEY=VAULE
  • yml or yaml will be saved as non-minified yaml
  • txt or text is line-by-line text file, keys are line numbers
  • file is base64-encoded file, it must have the keys data and filename, and data must start with data:application/octet-stream;base64,

Get secrets from hachicorp KV vault is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Gets secrets



Get secrets from hachicorp KV vault is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.