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Notification Action

A GitHub Action to send notifications
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Notification Action

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A GitHub Action to send notifications to various messaging platforms (e.g., Feishu, DingTalk, Work WeChat, ShowDoc) based on deployment status.


  • Supports multiple notification types.
  • Allows sending messages in various formats (text, markdown, card).
  • Can be used to notify about deployment statuses, making it easy to integrate into CI/CD pipelines.
  • Customizable to fit different repository and workflow requirements.

Example Workflow

- name: Send Notification
  uses: jefferyjob@notice-actions@v1
    MSG_TYPE: ''
    STATUS: ''
    REPO: ''
    REPO_URL: ''
    BRANCH: ''
    COMMIT_SHA: ''

Parameter configuration

Variable name Required Description
NOTICE_TYPE Yes Notification type (such as feishu, dingtalk, workWechat, showDoc).
MSG_TYPE Yes Message format (such as text, markdown, card).
STATUS Yes Deployment status, 1 indicates success, 0 indicates failure, used to identify whether this deployment is successful.
WEBHOOK_URL Yes Webhook address of notification service, used to send deployment notifications to platforms such as Feishu and DingTalk.
REPO Yes Repository name, which identifies the name of the current project, usually used to distinguish different applications or services (such as: organizations/repo).
REPO_URL Yes The URL of the repository, pointing to the source code repository of the project, for easy viewing of the code base (e.g.,
WORKFLOW_URL Yes The URL of the deployment pipeline, providing detailed information about the execution process of this deployment (e.g.,
BRANCH No Deployment branch, specifying which branch to deploy the code from. If not specified, the default branch (e.g., main) is used.
COMMIT_USER No The author who submitted the code, used to record and display the information of the person who triggered this deployment.
COMMIT_SHA No The Git hash value of the submission, used to uniquely identify the specific submission version, for easy tracking and rollback (e.g., a1b2c3d).
COMMIT_MESSAGE No Commit message, recording the comments when this code is submitted, to facilitate understanding of the purpose and background of the code change.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Notification Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


A GitHub Action to send notifications



Notification Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.