Read Properties
(2)This is a GitHub action to read from java .properties
Note: It will work for all file-types that follow the key=value
If you are also looking for an action that enables you to write values to
files use Write Properties action
Required The path to properties file to read.
Required The properties you want to read. Space separated
For each provided property, one output of the same name exists. Because the names of outputs can only contain alphanumeric characters, -
and _
, any other character is replaced by a -
- name: Read value from Properties-file
id: read_property
uses: christian-draeger/read-properties@1.1.1
path: './src/main/resources/'
properties: ''
- name: Do something with your bumped release version
run: echo ${{ steps.read_property.outputs.the-key-of-a-property }}
# will print "the value of ''"
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License
Read Properties is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.