Remote Time
(2)A lightweight GitHub Action to get the current time from the WorldClock time server in a variety of formats. Get consistent times for status monitoring, timestamping, and more without worrying about inconsistencies between build agents.
Name | Description | Required? | Example |
timezone | The timezone code to display the current time in. Case insensitive. Defaults to utc (+0)' | No | EST |
Name | Description | Example |
dateTime | The current date and time | 2021-05-30T18:38-04:00 |
dayOfTheWeek | The day of the week | Saturday |
unixTime | The Unix epoch time, the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, rounded to the nearest second | 1622410833 |
windowsTime | The Windows FILETIME timestamp, the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since the beginning of the year 1601 | 132668721308032423 |
ordinalDate | The current year and number of days since January 1st | 2021-150 |
isDayLightSavingsTime | A boolean describing if the requested time reflects daylight savings time | false |
- name: Get Time
id: time
uses: Plabick/Remote-Time-Action@V1.0
timezone: 'EST'
- name: Display Unix Epoch Time
run: 'echo "${{steps.time.outputs.epochTime}}"'
Remote Time is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.