Team Membership Checker
(1)A GitHub action that checks if an user is part of an organization team
- uses: TheModdingInquisition/actions-team-membership@v1.0
organization: # optional. Default value ${{ github.repository_owner }}
# Organization to get membership from
team: 'my-team' # required. The team to check for
token: ****** # required. Personal Access Token with the `read:org` permission
comment: 'You seem to not be authorized' # optional. A comment to post if the user is not part of the team.
# This feature is only applicable in an issue (or PR) context
exit: true # optional. If the action should exit if the user is not part of the team. Defaults to true.
- teams: an array containing the teams of the user.
- permitted: whether a user is part of the team or not.
Team Membership Checker is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.