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Managed high-performance runners for Github Actions
2,667 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Free (Per minute billing) plan available.

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Building on top of a GitHub Actions, BuildJet offers incredibly high-performing, secure and cost-effective runners over the existing GitHub Actions runners.

BuildJet is both secure and incredibly fast. Unlike GitHub Actions, which use old and cheap Azure hardware that barley go above 3 GHz, BuildJet uses its custom bare-metal infrastructure with a custom VM Hypervisor management solution, built specifically for the CI use case.

Better hardware, and our custom software, means incredibly faster builds. On average, your CI Workflows will be 2x faster than GitHub Action's built-in runner, when using BuildJet for GitHub Actions.

After installing BuildJet

In order for BuildJet for GitHub Actions to be used by your workflow job, we need to specify a runner tag in the jobs.[job-name].runs-on property.

We recommend starting with the 4 vCPU runner, as this has the same cost as the GitHub runner and is a good baseline for comparison.
For a complete list of runners, click here.

name: Test Suite
    runs-on: buildjet-4vcpu-ubuntu-2004
BuildJet Dashboard to get an overview of used hardware

Supported languages

JavaScript, C++, Python, C, Java, Go, C#, Rust, Elixir, and TypeScript

Plans and pricing

Per minute billing & 3000 Free trial minutes
  • 3000 Free trial minutes
  • Incredibly easy to install
  • 2x faster than GitHub Action's built-in runner
  • Your security, our priority

Next: Confirm your installation location

BuildJet is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support contact.


Managed high-performance runners for Github Actions
2,667 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Free (Per minute billing) plan available.

Supported languages

JavaScript, C++, Python, C, Java, Go, C#, Rust, Elixir, and TypeScript