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Support Amlogic, Rockchip and Allwinner boxes

Support Amlogic, Rockchip and Allwinner boxes

Github action to enforce Pull Request title conventions

Log in to Jira Cloud instance

Assign labels based on pull request change sizes

A action to built android kernel

🐶Run textlint with reviewdog on pull requests to improve document writing experience

Fast and flexible action to cherry-pick commits from labeled pull requests

Change status of specific Jira issue

Create a new Jira issue

Auto-assigns issues to users or team members

Use Collie to get an free host

Library Easy Notification, Full and Clear Documentation,

Automatically close issues that don t follow the issue template

Create Jira issue for TODO comments

Find an issue inside event

Action to expose git commit data (author, committer, message, ...)

Set up Jira CLI

GitHub Action to check package version before publish