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Marlon Carvalho edited this page Jul 17, 2015 · 9 revisions

Darter is available as a Pub package at Pub. All you have to do is add Darter as a dependency in your project. But first, lets start creating our project:

  • Create a new directory named mydarter.
  • In this directory, create a file named pubspec.yaml and put the code above inside it.
name: beer
version: 0.0.1
author: Your Name
description: API for exposing beer data.
homepage: Your Homepage
  sdk: '>=1.8.3 <2.0.0'
  collection: '>=1.1.1 <2.0.0'
  darter: '0.0.1.beta'
  • Run pub get to update your project dependencies
  • Create a file named main.dart in the project's main directory.
  • Add the following code to this file.
library beer;

import 'package:darter/darter.dart';

@API(path: 'beers')
class BeerAPI { 

 List get() {
    return ["Beer 1", "Beer 2"];


main() {
  new DarterServer()
    ..addApi(new BeerAPI())

Now, in the command line, just type dart main.dart. Open your favorite browser and point it to the address http://localhost:8080/beers. It's up and running! Now, navigate through our documentation to understand how it works and how to create powerful APIs using advanded features.

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