Assign/Remove Tags to/from PagerDuty objects
Assign/Remove Tags to/from PagerDuty objects
$ pd tag assign
-A, --add_names=<value>... [default: ] The name of a Tag to add. If no tag with this name exists, a new tag will
be created. Specify multiple times for multiple tags
-R, --remove_names=<value>... [default: ] The name of a Tag to remove. Specify multiple times for multiple tags
-U, --user_emails=<value>... [default: ] The email of a User to assign this tag to. Specify multiple times for
multiple users
-a, --add_ids=<value>... [default: ] The ID of a Tag to add. Specify multiple times for multiple tags
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-e, --ep_ids=<value>... [default: ] The ID of an Escalation Policy to assign this tag to. Specify multiple
times for multiple users
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-r, --remove_ids=<value>... [default: ] The ID of a Tag to remove. Specify multiple times for multiple tags
-t, --team_ids=<value>... [default: ] The ID of a Team to assign this tag to. Specify multiple times for multiple
-u, --user_ids=<value>... [default: ] The ID of a User to assign this tag to. Specify multiple times for multiple
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
Assign/Remove Tags to/from PagerDuty objects
List PagerDuty Tags
$ pd tag list
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=<value> [default: \n] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=<value>... Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-n, --name=<value> Select objects whose names contain the given text
-p, --pipe Print object ID's only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--limit=<value> Return no more than this many entries. This option turns off table filtering options.
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
List PagerDuty Tags
List Tagged PagerDuty Objects (Connected Entities)
$ pd tag listobjects
-b, --useauth=<value> Use the saved REST API token with this alias
-d, --delimiter=<value> [default: \n] Delimiter for fields that have more than one value
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ids=<value>... [default: ] The ID of a Tag to show. Specify multiple times for multiple tags
-j, --json output full details as JSON
-k, --keys=<value>... Additional fields to display. Specify multiple times for multiple fields.
-n, --names=<value>... [default: ] The name of a Tag to show. Specify multiple times for multiple tags
-p, --pipe Print object ID's only to stdout, for use with pipes.
-t, --types=<option>... [default: users,teams,escalation_policies] The types of objects to show. Specify multiple
times for multiple types
<options: users|teams|escalation_policies>
-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--debug Print REST API call debug logs
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
--token=<value> Ignore the saved configuration and use this token
List Tagged PagerDuty Objects (Connected Entities)