Node.js samples for Google Cloud Platform products.
See to get up and running with Node.js on Google Cloud Platform.
Install Node.js version 8 or greater
Clone this repository:
git clone
Obtain authentication credentials.
Create local credentials by running the following command and following the oauth2 flow (read more about the command here):
gcloud auth application-default login
Read more about Google Cloud Platform Authentication.
Change directory to one of the sample folders, e.g.
:cd storage-transfer/
Install the sample's dependencies (see the sample's README for details):
npm install
Run the sample:
node sample_file.js [args]...
The Bookshelf app is a sample web app written in Node.js that shows you how to use a variety of Google Cloud Platform features.
View the tutorial or the source code.
In the Node.js Web App Google Cloud Platform codelab, you learn how to integrate Google Cloud Platform services into a Node.js web application to store data, upload images, and authenticate users.
View the tutorial or the source code.
Contributions welcome! See the Contributing Guide.