deci.vm - simple proof-of-concept interpreter uses IEC61131-3 ST like-ish programming language as basis for its syntax.
- C++ compiler with C++11 support
- CMake 3.5
- GNU Bison 3.0.4
- Flex 2.6.4
Theoreticaly, code can be compiled and run on any platform, where one can build code using modern C++11 compiler, but Windows lacks decent Flex/GNU Bison version, so no luck there. I'll include a copy of generated code to use when no Flex/GNU Bison available in some future releases.
Library has several distinct parts:
- classes implementing any/variant pattern:
- value_t - basic abstract class;
- nothing_t - singleton class implements NULL-class patter;
- number_t - double precision IEEE 754 number;
- string_t - byte string;
- array_t - sequence container, elements stored contiguously;
- reference_t - can reference to other objects and keeps count;
- dictionary_t - unordered associative container;
- function_t - abstract class implements execution capabilities;
- classes implementing virtual machine (VM):
- stack_t - implements VM execution context, which consists of defined variables and stack itself;
- vm_t - simple wrapper, when called tries to execute function on top of its stack;
- program_t - class implements user-defined interpretable code;
- binop_t - template implements basic function of two arguments;
- unrop_t - template implements basic function of single argument;
- standard library of functions to use with user-defined code:
- sum_t - A + B;
- sub_t - A - B ;
- mul_t - A * B;
- div_t - A / B;
- ls_t - A < B;
- gr_t - A > B;
- le_t - A <= B;
- ge_t - A >= B;
- eq_t - A == B;
- neq_t - A != B;
- or_t - A || B;
- and_t - A && B;
- xor_t - A ^ B;
- pow_t - pow(A, B);
- mod_t - A%B;
- not_t - !A;
- neg_t - -A;
- print_t - print to stdout;
- ST language compiler
- deci_scanner_t - lexer class, body of get_next_token function generated by Flex from "iec61131.l";
- parser_t - parser class, class declaration/definition generated by GNU BISON from "iec61131.y";
- ast_item_t - interface class implementing single AST branch/leaf, method Generate writes compiled code for program_t to interpret;
- ast_number_t - numeric constant leaf;
- ast_identifier_t - some text nonterminal symbol in program;
- ast_arg_list_t - list of arguments divied by comma;
- ast_postfix_t - postfix operation (mainly function calls);
- ast_binary_t - infix binary operation;
- ast_unary_t - prefix unary operation;
- ast_return_t - operation which dumps unassigned expression results;
- ast_set_t - operation set new variable value;
- ast_t - sequence of ast_item_t elements;
- ast_if_t - if/else/end_if statement;
- ast_for_t - for/end_for statement;
- ast_while_t - while/end_while statement;
- ast_repeat_t - repeat/end_repeat statement;
- basic_test - small obsolete code to test deci::program_t assembler
- values_test - small unfinished code to test deci::value_t derived classes
- compile_test - simple REPL iterpreter, or non-interactive interpreter of program given in test arguments list.
mkdir stage
cd stage
cmake ../
cmake --build ./
./stage/compile_test ./test/
>> 123 + 321;