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File metadata and controls

180 lines (153 loc) · 23 KB


Note that in xxx.conf files, same parameters should have consistent values in different steps. For example in tdm.conf, value of init.seq_len should be equal to model.seq_len.

Also, it is recommended to use absolute path in xxx_path parameters.

TDM - Initialize tree configs

Entry Example Description
init.seq_len 10 Length of item sequence previously consumed by a user.
init.min_seq_len 2 Minimum length of item sequence consumed by a user.
init.split_for_eval true Whether to split the whole data into train and eval data.
init.split_ratio 0.8 Set the ratio of data to split for eval data.
init.data_path dismember/data/example_data.csv Original data path.
init.train_path dismember/data/train_data.csv The generated train data path.
init.eval_path dismember/data/eval_data.csv The generated evaluate data path.
init.stat_path dismember/data/stat_data.txt The generated statistics data path, which records item frequency in data.
init.leaf_id_path dismember/data/leaf_id_data.txt The generated leaf id path, which records item ids.
init.tree_protobuf_path dismember/data/tdm_tree.bin The generated tree file path, which saves the tree meta information in protobuf format.
init.user_consumed_path dismember/data/user_consumed.txt The generated user consumed path, which saves items consumed by a user in train data.

TDM - Train model configs

Entry Example Description
model.deep_model DIN Deep model type in TDM, currently either be "DIN" or "DeepFM".
model.train_path dismember/data/train_data.csv The train data path.
model.eval_path dismember/data/eval_data.csv The evaluate data path.
model.tree_protobuf_path dismember/data/tdm_tree.bin Tree protobuf file path.
model.evaluate_during_training true Whether to evaluate during training.
model.thread_number 1 Total CPU cores to use. 0 means using all available cores.
model.total_batch_size 2048 Total train batch size summed up in all cores. Note that TDM will sample negative items in all tree levels, which typically results in 50-100 negative items for one positive item. So this number means batch size after sampling.
model.total_eval_batch_size 2048 Total evaluate batch size summed up in all cores.
model.seq_len 10 Length of item sequence consumed by a user.
model.layer_negative_counts 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 Number of negative items to sample per tree level. Since the tree root only has one node, the first number is always 0.
model.sample_with_probability false Whether to consider item frequency when sampling negative items.
model.start_sample_level 1 Set which level to start negative sampling, which should be larger than 0 since the only root node should be excluded.
model.sample_tolerance 20 The model will at first try to sample different items for each level. But after exceeding the sample_tolerance, it may sample duplicate items.
model.parallel_sample true Whether to sample negative items for each batch in parallel.
model.embed_size 16 Item embedding layer size.
model.learning_rate 3e-4 Training learning rate.
model.iteration_number 100 Total number of iterations for model training.
model.show_progress_interval 10 Interval of displaying evaluation result. For example, 10 means every 10 iteration, and value that <= 0 means every epoch.
model.topk_number 7 Number of recommending items for a user. This parameter is used for evaluating.
model.beam_size 20 Number of beam search candidate nodes in each tree level. This parameter is used for evaluating.
model.model_path dismember/data/tdm_model.bin Path to save the model.
model.embed_path dismember/data/embed.csv Path to save the embeddings. The embeddings will be used for clustering tree.

TDM - Cluster tree configs

Entry Example Description
cluster.embed_path dismember/data/embed.csv The embedding file path.
cluster.tree_protobuf_path dismember/data/tdm_tree.bin The generated tree file path, which saves the tree meta information in protobuf format.
cluster.cluster_type kmeans clustering algorithm, either be "kmeans" or "spectral".
cluster.cluster_iter 10 clustering number of iterations.
cluster.parallel true Whether to cluster the embeddings in parallel, note that spectral clustering doesn't support parallel mode.
cluster.thread_number 1 Total CPU cores to use. 0 means using all available cores.

JTM - Initialize tree configs

Same as TDM - Initialize tree configs.

JTM - Train model configs

Same as TDM - Train model configs.

JTM - Tree learning configs

Entry Example Description
tree.data_path dismember/data/example_data.csv Original data path.
tree.model_path dismember/data/jtm_model.bin Path to load the model.
tree.tree_protobuf_path dismember/data/jtm_tree.bin Tree protobuf file path.
tree.deep_model DIN Deep model type in JTM, currently either be "DIN" or "DeepFM". 2 Tree level gap in item assignment task. It's the hyper-parameter "d" in the paper.
tree.seq_len 10 Length of item sequence previously consumed by a user.
tree.hierarchical_preference false Whether to use "hierarchical user preference representation" described in section 3.3 of the paper.
tree.min_level 0 Minimal tree level to use hierarchical preference. If target level < min_level, the original item node instead of its ancestor will be used in item sequence. Since low level ancestors such as root node may not be a good representation for all items.
tree.thread_number 1 Total CPU cores to use. 0 means using all available cores.

OTM - Train model configs

Entry Example Description
model.data_path dismember/data/example_data.csv Original data path.
model.model_path dismember/data/otm_model.bin Path to save the model.
model.deep_model DIN Deep model type in OTM, currently either be "DIN" or "DeepFM".
model.thread_number 1 Total CPU cores to use. 0 means using all available cores.
model.train_batch_size 2048 Total train batch size summed up in all cores.
model.eval_batch_size 2048 Total evaluate batch size summed up in all cores.
model.embed_size 16 Item embedding layer size.
model.learning_rate 3e-3 Training learning rate.
model.epoch_num 1 Number of epoch for model training.
model.topk_number 7 Number of recommending items for a user. This parameter is used for evaluating.
model.beam_size 20 Number of beam search candidate nodes in each tree level. This parameter is used for evaluating.
model.show_progress_interval 200 Interval of displaying evaluation result. For example, 10 means every 10 iteration, and value that <= 0 means every epoch.
model.seq_len 10 Length of item sequence previously consumed by a user.
model.min_seq_len 2 Minimum length of item sequence consumed by a user.
model.split_ratio 0.8 Set the ratio of data to split for eval data.
model.leaf_init_mode random Tree initialization mode, either be "random" or "category". "category" means using item category information as described in TDM paper.
model.initialize_mapping true If set to true, will initialize tree according to "model.leaf_init_mode". If set to false, will load tree from "model.mapping_path".
model.mapping_path dismember/data/otm_mapping.txt File path for Item to leaf node mapping. Since according to the paper, a tree can be represented as item-node mapping, so this parameter can be also be considered as the tree file path.
model.label_num 5 Number of labels in one sample, since OTM supports multiple labels.
model.target_mode pseudo Target construction mode, either be "pseudo" or "normal". "pseudo" denotes optimal pseudo target in the paper, whereas "normal" denotes "OTM(-OptEst)" described in experiments of the paper.
model.seed 42 Seed used in random tree initialize initialization.

OTM - Construct tree configs

Note: OTM uses same mechanism for tree construction as in JTM, so parameters are similar.

Entry Example Description
tree.data_path dismember/data/example_data.csv Original data path.
tree.model_path dismember/data/otm_model.bin Path to load the model.
tree.mapping_path dismember/data/otm_mapping.txt Path to save and load tree and item-node mapping.
tree.deep_model DIN Deep model type in OTM, currently either be "DIN" or "DeepFM". 2 Tree level gap in item assignment task. It's the hyper-parameter "d" in JTM paper.
tree.label_num 5 Number of labels in one sample, since OTM supports multiple labels.
tree.seq_len 10 Length of item sequence previously consumed by a user.
tree.min_seq_len 2 Minimum length of item sequence consumed by a user.
tree.split_ratio 0.8 Set the ratio of data to split for eval data.
tree.thread_number 1 Total CPU cores to use. 0 means using all available cores.

Deep Retrieval - Train model configs

Entry Example Description
model.data_path dismember/data/example_data.csv Original data path.
model.model_path dismember/data/dr_model.bin Path to save the model.
model.mapping_path dismember/data/dr_mapping.txt Path to load item-path mapping.
model.thread_num 1 Total CPU cores to use. 0 means using all available cores.
model.train_batch_size 2048 Total train batch size summed up in all cores.
model.eval_batch_size 2048 Total evaluate batch size summed up in all cores.
model.num_layer 3 Depth of model. It's the hyper-parameter "D" in the paper.
model.num_node 100 Number of nodes in one layer. It's the hyper-parameter "K" in the paper.
model.num_path_per_item 2 Number of paths for one item. It's the hyper-parameter "J" in the paper.
model.embed_size 16 Item embedding layer size.
model.learning_rate 3e-3 Training learning rate.
model.epoch_num 1 Number of epoch for model training.
model.num_sampled 1 Number of negative items sampled for one positive item in sampled softmax.
model.topk_number 7 Number of recommending items for a user.
model.beam_size 20 Number of beam search candidate nodes in each layer.
model.show_progress_interval 100 Interval of displaying evaluation result. For example, 10 means every 10 iteration, and value that <= 0 means every epoch.
model.seq_len 10 Length of item sequence previously consumed by a user.
model.min_seq_len 2 Minimum length of item sequence consumed by a user.
model.split_ratio 0.8 Set the ratio of data to split for eval data.
model.initialize_mapping true If set to true, will initialize item-path mapping randomly. If set to false, will load mapping from "model.mapping_path".

Deep Retrieval - Coordinate Descent configs

Entry Example Description
cd.data_path dismember/data/example_data.csv Original data path.
cd.model_path dismember/data/dr_model.bin Path to save the model.
cd.mapping_path dismember/data/dr_mapping.txt Path to load item-path mapping.
cd.thread_num 1 Total CPU cores to use. 0 means using all available cores.
cd.train_batch_size 2048 Total train batch size summed up in all cores.
cd.eval_batch_size 2048 Total evaluate batch size summed up in all cores.
cd.num_layer 3 Depth of model. It's the hyper-parameter "D" in the paper.
cd.num_node 100 Number of nodes in one layer. It's the hyper-parameter "K" in the paper.
cd.num_path_per_item 2 Number of paths for one item. It's the hyper-parameter "J" in the paper.
cd.seq_len 10 Length of item sequence previously consumed by a user.
cd.min_seq_len 2 Minimum length of item sequence consumed by a user.
cd.split_ratio 0.8 Set the ratio of data to split for eval data.
cd.initialize_mapping true If set to true, will initialize item-path mapping randomly. If set to false, will load mapping from "cd.mapping_path".
cd.candidate_path_num 20 Number of candidate paths computed before coordinate descent. It's the hyper-parameter "S" in the paper.
cd.iteration_num 3 Number of iterations in coordinate descent.
cd.decay_factor 0.999 Decay factor in streaming training. It's the hyper-parameter "η" in the paper.
cd.penalty_factor 3e-6 Penalty factor in coordinate descent. It's the hyper-parameter "α" in the paper.
cd.penalty_poly_order 4 Degree of polynomials in penalty function.
cd.train_mode streaming Method for computing s[v,c] in the paper, either be "batch" or "streaming".