API that takes a transcript file in srt format and translates it into a target language. The file is taken from an aws s3 bucket, which must have read permissions and its defined an a enviroment variable called [bucket] defined in al lambda function(translate-function) . A lambda function is executed that receives 2 query string parameters, [TargetLang] as the target language and [Bucketkey] as the file name.
invoke api gateway like this URL: translatetext
Path: /
The root resource with the default path specification.
Path: / Method: GET
Gets a JSON format translated into a target language, for an SRT file of a source language transcript JSON format:
"index": "integer",
"start": "hh: mm: ss, ms -> hh: mm: ss, ms",
"content": "Text Translated"
JSON Example:
"index": "1",
"start": "00:00:00",
"content": "Creo que como artistas,"
"index": "2",
"start": "00:00:01",
"content": "no tenemos que casillarnos y elegir ser una cosa u otra."
"index": "3",
"start": "00:00:11",
"content": "Hola, mi nombre es Roman Muradov."
[BucketKey] name of s3 file
[TargetLang] Target language to translate Text
Path: / Method: GET
status 200: succed:
[statusCode] 200 OK
[Access-Control-Allow-Origin] console.aws.amazon.com
[Content-Type] application/json
[body] object JSON format with the text translated into the target language
[targetKey] translated s3 resource name
status 404: Bad QueryString Parameter:Video transcription file not found or Translation was not possible:
[statusCode] 404 Not Found
[Access-Control-Allow-Origin] console.aws.amazon.com
[Content-Type] application/json
[body] :Video transcription file not found or Translation was not possible
[targetKey] translated s3 resource name
status 412: Video language not soported:
[statusCode] 412 Precondition Failed
[Access-Control-Allow-Origin] console.aws.amazon.com
[Content-Type] application/json
[body] : Video language not soported
[targetKey] translated s3 resource name
status 500: An error occurred executing the aws Translate service:
[statusCode] 500 Internal Server Error
[Access-Control-Allow-Origin] console.aws.amazon.com
[Content-Type] application/json
[body] : An error occurred executing the aws Translate service
[targetKey] translated s3 resource name
To run a test at the following link:
Files corresponding to export of the documentation made in the aws console like this:
contains json and yaml files for swagger and openAPI3
Export as openAPI3:
To Postman:
require "translate-API-translatetext-oas30-postman.json"
To Swagger:
To aws apigateway:
Export as swagger:
To Postman:
To Swagger:
To aws apigateway: