Backend code created in python within AWS lambda function.
Function called from an API Gateway (translate-API), receive two parameters to get a translation.
event: array to receive parameters from API
This function is called from an API Gateway (translate-API), receive three parameters inside an array to get a translation.
event: array to receive parameters from API
event['queryStringParameters']['TargetLang']: Target language for translate
event['queryStringParameters']['Bucketkey']: s3 key object with transcription
- If the source language is the same target language, a JSON is also stored using the original transcription text.
- AWS translate_text() allows 5000 bytes per request, so original transcription must be split in case its size is bigger.
- Best practices for working with AWS Lambda functions
- Lambda, API Gateway and Bucket must be in the same server.
- Functionalities:
- Detects if transcription (key) exists in Bucket. If not, returns 400
- Returns translations already stored to improve efficiency
- If no translation found, automatically detects transcription language. If language can't be detected, returns 400
- If the target language is the same transcription language, converts transcription to JSON, store it and return it
- If the target language is different than transcription language, it translates it, converts transcription to JSON, store it, return it. Stored file name: (e.g:
- Translates transcriptions bigger than 5000 bytes (maximum allowed by request), doing split without cutting sentences. Step for split can be 4990 for Unicode-8 general languages, but for very special characters languages, step must be as low as 600.
- Returns 500 in case any error occurs during the translate/store task.
'''Resonse dictionary '''
resp = { 'statusCode': 200,
'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'targetKey': targetkey
'body': json.dumps([])
- AWS console