A demo that sends payments between 2 Interledger.rs nodes and settles using Ethereum transactions.
This example shows how to configure Interledger.rs nodes and use an Ethereum network (testnet or mainnet) as a settlement ledger for payments sent between the nodes. If you are new to Ethereum, you can learn about it here. To learn about settlement in Interledger, refer to Peering, Clearing and Settling.
To run the full example, you can use run-md.sh
as described here. Otherwise, you can walk through each step below.
Each of the services write their logs to files found under the logs
directory. You can run tail -f logs/node_a.log
, for example, to watch the logs of Node A.
- Rust
- An Ethereum network to connect to
- Redis
Because Interledger.rs is written in the Rust language, you need the Rust environment. Refer to the Getting started page or just curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
and follow the instructions.
First, you need an Ethereum network. You can either use a local testnet, a remote testnet, or the mainnet.
For this example, we'll use ganache-cli which deploys a local Ethereum testnet at localhost:8545
. To install ganache-cli
, run npm install -g ganache-cli
. If you do not already have Node.js installed on your computer, you can follow the instructions below to install it.
Advanced: You can run this against the Rinkeby Testnet by running a node that connects to Rinkeby (e.g. geth --rinkeby --syncmode "light"
) or use a third-party node provider such as Infura. You must also create a wallet and then obtain funds via the Rinkeby Faucet.
(In case you don't have Node.js) There are a few ways to install Node.js. If you work on multiple JavaScript or TypeScript projects which require different node
versions, using nvm
may be suitable.
(node version manager)- Install independently
- macOS: If you use Homebrew, run
brew install node
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
- macOS: If you use Homebrew, run
Then you should be able to use npm
. To install ganache-cli
, run npm install -g ganache-cli
The Interledger.rs nodes and settlement engines currently use Redis to store their data (SQL database support coming soon!). Nodes and settlement engines can use different Redis instances.
- Compile and install from the source code
- Install using package managers
- Ubuntu: run
sudo apt-get install redis-server
- macOS: If you use Homebrew, run
brew install redis
- Ubuntu: run
Make sure your Redis is empty. You could run redis-cli flushall
to clear all the data.
First of all, we have to prepare interledger.rs
. You can either:
- Download compiled binaries
- Compile from the source code
Compiling the source code is relatively slow, so we recommend downloading the pre-built binaries unless you want to modify some part of the code.
We provide compiled binaries for
- Linux based OSs
- macOS
First, let's make a directory to install binaries.
mkdir -p ~/.interledger/bin
# Also write this line in .bash_profile etc if needed
export PATH=~/.interledger/bin:$PATH
pushd ~/.interledger/bin &>/dev/null
# install ilp-node
if [ ! -e "ilp-node" ]; then
curl -L https://github.com/interledger-rs/interledger-rs/releases/download/ilp-node-latest/ilp-node-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz | tar xzv
# install ilp-cli
if [ ! -e "ilp-cli" ]; then
curl -L https://github.com/interledger-rs/interledger-rs/releases/download/ilp-cli-latest/ilp-cli-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz | tar xzv
popd &>/dev/null
pushd ~/.interledger/bin &>/dev/null
# install ilp-node
if [ ! -e "ilp-node" ]; then
curl -L https://github.com/interledger-rs/interledger-rs/releases/download/ilp-node-latest/ilp-node-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz | tar xzv -
# install ilp-cli
if [ ! -e "ilp-cli" ]; then
curl -L https://github.com/interledger-rs/interledger-rs/releases/download/ilp-cli-latest/ilp-cli-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz | tar xzv -
popd &>/dev/null
If you would prefer compiling from the source code, compile interledger.rs and CLI as follows.
# These aliases make our command invocations more natural
# Be aware that we are using `--` to differentiate arguments for `cargo` from `ilp-node` or `ilp-cli`.
# Arguments before `--` are used for `cargo`, after are used for `ilp-node`.
alias ilp-node="cargo run --quiet --bin ilp-node --"
alias ilp-cli="cargo run --quiet --bin ilp-cli --"
cargo build --bin ilp-node --bin ilp-cli
# Create the logs directory if it doesn't already exist
mkdir -p logs
# Start Redis
redis-server --port 6379 &> logs/redis-a-node.log &
redis-server --port 6380 &> logs/redis-a-se.log &
redis-server --port 6381 &> logs/redis-b-node.log &
redis-server --port 6382 &> logs/redis-b-se.log &
To remove all the data in Redis, you might additionally perform:
for port in `seq 6379 6382`; do
redis-cli -p $port flushall
When you want to watch logs, use the tail
command. You can use the command like: tail -f logs/redis-a-node.log
This will launch an Ethereum testnet with 10 prefunded accounts. The mnemonic is used because we want to know the keys we'll use for Alice and Bob (otherwise they are randomized).
ganache-cli -m "abstract vacuum mammal awkward pudding scene penalty purchase dinner depart evoke puzzle" -i 1 &> logs/ganache.log &
Because each node needs its own settlement engine, we need to launch both a settlement engine for Alice's node and another settlement engine for Bob's node.
The engines are part of a separate repository so you have to install another binary or compile from the source code.
We also provide compiled binaries of settlement-engines
- Linux based OSs
- macOS
pushd ~/.interledger/bin &>/dev/null
if [ ! -e "ilp-settlement-ethereum" ]; then
curl -L https://github.com/interledger-rs/settlement-engines/releases/download/ilp-settlement-ethereum-latest/ilp-settlement-ethereum-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz | tar xzv
popd &>/dev/null
pushd ~/.interledger/bin &>/dev/null
if [ ! -e "ilp-settlement-ethereum" ]; then
curl -L https://github.com/interledger-rs/settlement-engines/releases/download/ilp-settlement-ethereum-latest/ilp-settlement-ethereum-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz | tar xzv -
popd &>/dev/null
If you would prefer compiling from the source code and you've never cloned settlement-engines
, the first step would be to clone the repository.
# This should be done outside of the interledger-rs directory, otherwise it will cause an error.
git clone https://github.com/interledger-rs/settlement-engines
cd settlement-engines
Then install settlement-engines
as follows.
# This alias makes our command invocations more natural
alias ilp-settlement-ethereum="cargo run --quiet --bin ilp-settlement-ethereum --"
cargo build --bin ilp-settlement-ethereum
Then, spin up your settlement engines.
# Turn on debug logging for all of the interledger.rs components
export RUST_LOG=interledger=debug
mkdir -p logs
# Start Alice's settlement engine
ilp-settlement-ethereum \
--private_key 380eb0f3d505f087e438eca80bc4df9a7faa24f868e69fc0440261a0fc0567dc \
--confirmations 0 \
--poll_frequency 1000 \
--ethereum_url \
--connector_url \
--redis_url redis:// \
--settlement_api_bind_address \
&> logs/node-alice-settlement-engine.log &
# Start Bob's settlement engine
ilp-settlement-ethereum \
--private_key cc96601bc52293b53c4736a12af9130abf347669b3813f9ec4cafdf6991b087e \
--confirmations 0 \
--poll_frequency 1000 \
--ethereum_url \
--connector_url \
--redis_url redis:// \
--settlement_api_bind_address \
&> logs/node-bob-settlement-engine.log &
# Start both nodes.
# Note that the configuration options can be passed as environment variables
# or saved to a YAML, JSON or TOML file and passed to the node as a positional argument.
# You can also pass it from STDIN.
# Start Alice's node
ilp-node \
--ilp_address example.alice \
--secret_seed 8852500887504328225458511465394229327394647958135038836332350604 \
--admin_auth_token hi_alice \
--redis_url redis:// \
--http_bind_address \
--settlement_api_bind_address \
&> logs/node-alice.log &
# Start Bob's node
ilp-node \
--ilp_address example.bob \
--secret_seed 1604966725982139900555208458637022875563691455429373719368053354 \
--admin_auth_token hi_bob \
--redis_url redis:// \
--http_bind_address \
--settlement_api_bind_address \
&> logs/node-bob.log &
# For authenticating to nodes, we can set credentials as an environment variable or a CLI argument
export ILP_CLI_API_AUTH=hi_alice
printf "Adding Alice's account...\n"
ilp-cli accounts create alice \
--ilp-address example.alice \
--asset-code ETH \
--asset-scale 18 \
--max-packet-amount 100 \
--ilp-over-http-incoming-token in_alice \
--settle-to 0 &> logs/account-alice-alice.log
printf "Adding Bob's Account...\n"
ilp-cli --node http://localhost:8770 accounts create bob \
--auth hi_bob \
--ilp-address example.bob \
--asset-code ETH \
--asset-scale 18 \
--max-packet-amount 100 \
--ilp-over-http-incoming-token in_bob \
--settle-to 0 &> logs/account-bob-bob.log
printf "Adding Bob's account on Alice's node...\n"
ilp-cli accounts create bob \
--ilp-address example.bob \
--asset-code ETH \
--asset-scale 18 \
--max-packet-amount 100 \
--settlement-engine-url http://localhost:3000 \
--ilp-over-http-incoming-token bob_password \
--ilp-over-http-outgoing-token alice_password \
--ilp-over-http-url http://localhost:8770/accounts/alice/ilp \
--settle-threshold 500 \
--min-balance -1000 \
--settle-to 0 \
--routing-relation Peer &> logs/account-alice-bob.log &
printf "Adding Alice's account on Bob's node...\n"
ilp-cli --node http://localhost:8770 accounts create alice \
--auth hi_bob \
--ilp-address example.alice \
--asset-code ETH \
--asset-scale 18 \
--max-packet-amount 100 \
--settlement-engine-url http://localhost:3001 \
--ilp-over-http-incoming-token alice_password \
--ilp-over-http-outgoing-token bob_password \
--ilp-over-http-url http://localhost:7770/accounts/bob/ilp \
--settle-threshold 500 \
--settle-to 0 \
--routing-relation Peer &> logs/account-bob-alice.log &
sleep 2
Now two nodes and its settlement engines are set and accounts for each node are also set up.
Notice how we use Alice's settlement engine endpoint while registering Bob. This means that whenever Alice interacts with Bob's account, she'll use that Settlement Engine.
The settle_threshold
and settle_to
parameters control when settlements are triggered. The node will send a settlement when an account's balance reaches the settle_threshold
, and it will settle for balance - settle_to
The following script sends a payment from Alice to Bob.
ilp-cli pay alice --auth in_alice \
--amount 500 \
--to http://localhost:8770/accounts/bob/spsp
printf "\nAlice's balance on Alice's node: "
ilp-cli accounts balance alice
printf "Bob's balance on Alice's node: "
ilp-cli accounts balance bob
printf "Alice's balance on Bob's node: "
ilp-cli --node http://localhost:8770 accounts balance alice --auth alice_password
printf "Bob's balance on Bob's node: "
ilp-cli --node http://localhost:8770 accounts balance bob --auth in_bob
Finally, you can stop all the services as follows:
for port in `seq 6379 6382`; do
if lsof -Pi :${port} -sTCP:LISTEN -t >/dev/null ; then
redis-cli -p ${port} shutdown
if [ -f dump.rdb ] ; then
rm -f dump.rdb
for port in 8545 7770 8770 3000 3001; do
if lsof -tPi :${port} >/dev/null ; then
kill `lsof -tPi :${port}`
To check whether the settlement block is generated, we use geth
. geth
is the abbreviation of go-ethereum
which is an Ethereum client written in the go language. If you don't already have geth
, refer to the following.
- Compile and install from the source code
- Refer to Building Ethereum page.
- Install using package managers
- Ubuntu: Follow the instructions here.
- macOS: If you use Homebrew, run
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
andbrew install ethereum
. Details are found here. - others: Refer to Building Ethereum page.
Then dump transaction logs as follows. You will see generated block information. Be aware that ganache takes 10 to 20 seconds to generate a block. So you will have to wait for it before you check with geth
printf "Last block: "
geth --exec "eth.getTransaction(eth.getBlock(eth.blockNumber-1).transactions[0])" attach http://localhost:8545 2>/dev/null
printf "\nCurrent block: "
geth --exec "eth.getTransaction(eth.getBlock(eth.blockNumber).transactions[0])" attach http://localhost:8545 2>/dev/null
If you inspect ganache-cli
's output, you will notice that the block number has increased as a result of the settlement executions as well.
# When installing ganache-cli
gyp ERR! find Python Python is not set from command line or npm configuration
gyp ERR! find Python Python is not set from environment variable PYTHON
gyp ERR! find Python checking if "python" can be used
gyp ERR! find Python - executable path is "/Users/xxxx/anaconda3/bin/python"
gyp ERR! find Python - version is "3.6.2"
gyp ERR! find Python - version is 3.6.2 - should be >=2.6.0 <3.0.0
gyp ERR! find Python checking if "python2" can be used
gyp ERR! find Python - "python2" is not in PATH or produced an error
If you see an error like the above, you have to install Python 2.7.
# When installing Node.js with apt-get
E: Unable to locate package nodejs
E: Unable to locate package npm
Try sudo apt-get update
# When you try run-md.sh
Fatal: Failed to start the JavaScript console: api modules: Post http://localhost:8545: context deadline exceeded
It seems that you failed to install ganache-cli
. Try to install it.
This example showed an SPSP payment sent between two Interledger.rs nodes that settled using on-ledger Ethereum transactions.
Check out the other examples for more complex demos that show other features of Interledger, including multi-hop routing and cross-currency payments.