Basic obsidian Zettelkasten template based upon Martin Adams' YT video
- Fleeting Notes
- Literature Notes
- Permanent Notes
- Projects
- Templates (Obsidian specific)
To enable templates we have to enable Templates under Core plugins.
Then go to the Templates section under Plugin Options and point Template folder location
to the folder Templates
We'll create two templates, one for notes and one for map of content.
# {{title}}
Created: {{date}} {{time}}
## References
# {{title}}
- We create fleeting notes first, whether we have an idea or we're consuming it from any media. These notes are just short sentences capturing ideas.
- If the fleeting note is consumed from an external source - we then create a literature note from it. Literature note is written in our own interpretetaion of the author ideas.
- (Optional) Create a map of content of the topics we want to write permanent notes for.
- Write permanent notes. Meaning reflect on the ideas in fleeting note(s). How they impact what we already know? What's new? How they relate to another ideas?
x. Create project notes and start collating ideas to create a draft for an article.