Text fields let users enter and edit text.
Before you can use Material text fields, you need to add a dependency to the Material Components for Android library. For more information, go to the Getting started page.
API and source code:
Note: A text field is composed of a TextInputLayout
and a
as a direct child. Using an EditText
as the child might
work, but TextInputEditText
provides accessibility support for the text field
and allows TextInputLayout
greater control over the visual aspects of the
input text. If an EditText
is being used, make sure to set its
to @null
so that TextInputLayout
can set the proper
background on it.
Android's text field component APIs support both label text and helper text, which explain what is requested for a text field. While optional, their use is strongly encouraged.
When using custom icons, you should set a content description on them so that screen readers, like TalkBack, are able to announce their purpose or action.
For the leading icon, that can be achieved via the
attribute or setStartIconContentDescription
method. For the trailing icon, that can be achieved via the
attribute or setEndIconContentDescription
When setting an error message that contains special characters that screen
readers or other accessibility systems are not able to read, you should set a
content description via the app:errorContentDescription
attribute or
method. That way the error will announce the
content description instead of the error message.
Note: Icons that don't have click listeners set on them work as decorative elements, and are therefore skipped by screen readers.
If you are using a custom EditText
as TextInputLayout
's child and your text
field requires different accessibility support than the one offered by
, you can set a TextInputLayout.AccessibilityDelegate
via the
method. This method should be used in place
of providing an AccessibilityDelegate
directly on the EditText
Password toggle:
When the TextInputEditText
is set to display a password, an icon can be added
to toggle between masking the password or displaying the password as plain-text.
Clear text:
An icon can be set to display when text is present. The icon can be pressed to clear the input text.
Custom icon:
It is possible to set a custom Drawable
as the text field's trailing icon via
. You should specify a drawable and content
description for the icon, and you have the option to specify custom behaviors.
In the layout:
Optionally, in code:
textField.setEndIconOnClickListener {
// Respond to end icon presses
textField.addOnEditTextAttachedListener {
// If any specific changes should be done when the edit text is attached (and
// thus when the trailing icon is added to it), set an
// OnEditTextAttachedListener.
// Example: The clear text icon's visibility behavior depends on whether the
// EditText has input present. Therefore, an OnEditTextAttachedListener is set
// so things like editText.getText() can be called.
textField.addOnEndIconChangedListener {
// If any specific changes should be done if/when the endIconMode gets
// changed, set an OnEndIconChangedListener.
// Example: If the password toggle icon is set and a different EndIconMode
// gets set, the TextInputLayout has to make sure that the edit text's
// TransformationMethod is still PasswordTransformationMethod. Because of
// that, an OnEndIconChangedListener is used.
Note: You should opt to use the EndIconMode
API instead of setting an
end/right compound Drawable
on the TextInputEditText
. The same applies to
the now-deprecated passwordToggle*
Important: Calling setEndIconMode
will initialize the icon with its
default features, such as default drawables, and in the case of the custom mode,
an empty drawable. You can add customizations after calling setEndIconMode
The exception for this is if a drawable was specified in XML via the
attribute. An end icon drawable set in XML will take
precedence and override an existing default icon.
See the full list of end icon modes.
In the layout:
The string array specified by app:simpleItems
will be used as the default
item strings for auto-completion. Or you can also set it programmatically:
val items = arrayOf("Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4")
(textField.editText as? MaterialAutoCompleteTextView)?.setSimpleItems(items)
Alternatively, to have more control over the auto-completion items rendering, you can also provide a custom item adapter by:
val items = listOf("Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4")
val adapter = ArrayAdapter(requireContext(), R.layout.list_item, items)
(textField.editText as? AutoCompleteTextView)?.setAdapter(adapter)
And a custom item layout (list_item.xml
In the layout:
In code:
// Set error text
passwordLayout.error = getString(R.string.error)
// Clear error text
passwordLayout.error = null
Note: Non-null error text will replace any existing helper text, and non-null helper text will replace any existing error text.
The recommended default android:layout_width
is 245dp
By default, text fields have a maximum width of 488dp
, and a minimum width of
for layouts without a label. If a label is present, the minimum width
recommended is 88dp
. android:minWidth
and android:maxWidth
(as well as
and android:maxEms
) should be set on the TextInputLayout
instead of on the TextInputEditText
to avoid unintended behaviors.
You can override those values in a custom style that inherits from a
style or by making changes directly on the layout:
Note: The android:layout_width
of the TextInputLayout
should be
in order for those minimum and maximum dimensions to be used.
If you construct the TextInputEditText
child of a TextInputLayout
programmatically, you should use TextInputLayout
's context to create the view.
This will allow TextInputLayout
to pass along the appropriate styling to the
edit text.
val textInputLayout = TextInputLayout(context)
val editText = TextInputEditText(textInputLayout.context)
There are two types of text fields: 1. Filled text field, 2. Outlined text field
Filled text fields have more visual emphasis than outlined text fields, making them stand out when surrounded by other content and components.
The following example shows a filled text field with a label.
In the layout:
In code:
// Get input text
val inputText = filledTextField.editText?.text.toString()
filledTextField.editText?.doOnTextChanged { inputText, _, _, _ ->
// Respond to input text change
See the using text fields section above for more examples.
A filled text field has a filled container, input text, a label, an activation indicator, optional helper/error text and optional leading/trailing icons.
- Container
- Leading icon
- Label
- Input text
- Trailing icon
- Activation indicator
- Helper/error/counter text
- Prefix/suffix/placeholder (not shown)
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Color | app:boxBackgroundColor |
setBoxBackgroundColor setBoxBackgroundColorResource getBoxBackgroundColor |
?attr/colorSurfaceContainerHighest (see all states) |
Shape | app:shapeAppearance |
N/A | ?attr/shapeAppearanceCornerExtraSmall |
Text field enabled | android:enabled |
setEnabled |
true |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Icon | app:startIconDrawable |
setStartIconDrawable getStartIconDrawable |
null |
Content description | app:startIconContentDescription |
setStartIconContentDescription getStartIconContentDescription |
null |
Color | app:startIconTint |
setStartIconTintList |
?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant (see all states) |
Checkable | app:startIconCheckable |
setStartIconCheckable isStartIconCheckable |
false |
Size | app:startIconMinSize |
setStartIconMinSize getStartIconMinSize |
48dp |
Scale type | app:startIconScaleType |
setStartIconScaleType getStartIconScaleType |
ScaleType.CENTER |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Text | android:hint |
setHint getHint |
null |
Color | android:textColorHint |
setDefaultHintTextColor getDefaultHintTextColor |
?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant (see all states) |
Collapsed (floating) color | app:hintTextColor |
setHintTextColor getHintTextColor |
?attr/colorPrimary (see all states) |
Typography | app:hintTextAppearance |
setHintTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceBodySmall |
Animation | app:hintAnimationEnabled |
setHintAnimationEnabled isHintAnimationEnabled |
true |
Expanded enabled | app:expandedHintEnabled |
setExpandedHintEnabled isExpandedHintEnabled |
true |
Note: The android:hint
should always be set on the TextInputLayout
instead of on the EditText
in order to avoid unintended behaviors.
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Input text | android:text |
setText getText |
@null |
Typography | android:textAppearance |
setTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceBodyLarge |
Input text color | android:textColor |
setTextColor getTextColors getCurrentTextColor |
?attr/colorOnSurface |
Cursor color | N/A (color comes from the theme attr ?attr/colorControlActivated ) |
N/A | ?attr/colorPrimary |
Text highlight color | N/A (color comes from the theme attr ?android:attr/textColorHighlight ) |
N/A | @color/m3_highlighted_text |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Cursor color | app:cursorColor on API levels 28+ |
setCursorColor getCursorColor on API levels 28+ |
@null (uses ?attr/colorControlActivated by default) |
Cursor error color | app:cursorErrorColor on API levels 28+ |
setCursorErrorColor getCursorErrorColor on API levels 28+ |
?attr/colorError on API levels 28+, ?attr/colorControlActivated otherwise |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Mode | app:endIconMode |
setEndIconMode getEndIconMode |
Color | app:endIconTint |
setEndIconTintList |
colorOnSurfaceVariant (see all states) |
Custom icon | app:endIconDrawable |
setEndIconDrawable getEndIconDrawable |
null |
Custom icon content description | app:endIconContentDescription |
setEndIconContentDescription getEndIconContentDescription |
null |
Custom icon checkable | app:endIconCheckable |
setEndIconCheckable isEndIconCheckable |
true |
Error icon | app:errorIconDrawable |
setErrorIconDrawable getErrorIconDrawable |
@drawable/mtrl_ic_error |
Error icon color | app:errorIconTint |
setErrorIconTintList |
?attr/colorError |
Size | app:endIconMinSize |
setEndIconMinSize getEndIconMinSize |
48dp |
Scale type | app:endIconScaleType |
setEndIconScaleType getEndIconScaleType |
ScaleType.CENTER |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Color | app:boxStrokeColor |
setBoxStrokeColor setBoxStrokeColorStateList getBoxStrokeColor |
?attr/colorOutline and ?attr/colorPrimary (focused) (see all states) |
Error color | app:boxStrokeErrorColor |
setBoxStrokeErrorColor getBoxStrokeErrorColor |
?attr/colorError |
Width | app:boxStrokeWidth |
N/A | 1dp |
Focused width | app:boxStrokeWidthFocused |
N/A | 2dp |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Helper text enabled | app:helperTextEnabled |
setHelperTextEnabled isHelperTextEnabled |
false |
Helper text | app:helperText |
setHelperText getHelperText |
null |
Helper text color | app:helperTextColor |
setHelperTextColor getHelperTextColor |
?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant (see all states) |
Helper text typography | app:helperTextAppearance |
setHelperTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceBodySmall |
Error text enabled | app:errorEnabled |
setErrorEnabled isErrorEnabled |
false |
Error text | N/A | setError getError |
null |
Error text accessibility live region | app:errorAccessibilityLiveRegion |
setErrorAccessibilityLiveRegion getErrorAccessibilityLiveRegion |
Error text color | app:errorTextColor |
setErrorTextColor getErrorCurrentTextColors |
?attr/colorError |
Error text typography | app:errorTextAppearance |
setErrorTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceBodySmall |
Counter text enabled | app:counterEnabled |
setCounterEnabled isCounterEnabled |
false |
Counter text length | app:counterMaxLength |
setCounterMaxLength getCounterMaxLength |
-1 |
Counter text typography | app:counterTextAppearance app:counterOverflowTextAppearance |
setCounterTextAppearance setCounterOverflowTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceBodySmall |
Counter text color | app:counterTextColor app:counterOverflowTextColor |
setCounterTextColor setCounterOverflowTextColor getCounterTextColor getCounterOverflowTextColor |
?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant (app:counterTextColor ) (see all states)?attr/colorError (app:counterOverflowTextColor ) |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Prefix | app:prefixText |
setPrefixText getPrefixText |
null |
Prefix color | app:prefixTextColor |
setPrefixTextColor getPrefixTextColor |
?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant (see all states) |
Prefix typography | app:prefixTextAppearance |
setPrefixTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceTitleMedium |
Suffix | app:suffixText |
setSuffixText getSuffixText |
null |
Suffix color | app:suffixTextColor |
setSuffixTextColor getSuffixTextColor |
?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant (see all states) |
Suffix typography | app:suffixTextAppearance |
setSuffixTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceTitleMedium |
Element | Style | Default style theme attribute |
Default style | Widget.Material3.TextInputLayout.FilledBox |
?attr/textInputFilledStyle |
Dense style | Widget.Material3.TextInputLayout.FilledBox.Dense |
?attr/textInputFilledDenseStyle |
Exposed dropdown menu style | Widget.Material3.TextInputLayout.FilledBox.ExposedDropdownMenu |
?attr/textInputFilledExposedDropdownMenuStyle |
Dense exposed dropdown menu style | Widget.Material3.TextInputLayout.FilledBox.Dense.ExposedDropdownMenu |
N/A |
See the full list of styles and attrs.
Outlined text fields have less visual emphasis than filled text fields. When they appear in forms, for example, where many text fields are placed together, their reduced emphasis helps simplify the layout.
Note: The outlined text field is the default style.
The following example shows an outlined text field.
In the layout:
In code:
// Get input text
val inputText = outlinedTextField.editText?.text.toString()
outlinedTextField.editText?.doOnTextChanged { inputText, _, _, _ ->
// Respond to input text change
See the using text fields section above for more examples.
An outlined text field has a stroked container, input text, a label, optional helper/error text and optional leading/trailing icons.
- Container
- Leading icon
- Label
- Input text
- Trailing icon
- Helper/error/counter text
- Prefix/suffix/placeholder (not shown)
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Stroke color | app:boxStrokeColor |
setBoxStrokeColor setBoxStrokeColorStateList getBoxStrokeColor |
?attr/colorOutline and ?attr/colorPrimary (focused) (see all states) |
Stroke error color | app:boxStrokeErrorColor |
setBoxStrokeErrorColor getBoxStrokeErrorColor |
?attr/colorError |
Stroke width | app:boxStrokeWidth |
N/A | 1dp |
Stroke focused width | app:boxStrokeWidthFocused |
N/A | 2dp |
Shape | app:shapeAppearance |
N/A | ?attr/shapeAppearanceCornerExtraSmall |
Text field enabled | android:enabled |
setEnabled |
true |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Icon | app:startIconDrawable |
setStartIconDrawable getStartIconDrawable |
null |
Content description | app:startIconContentDescription |
setStartIconContentDescription getStartIconContentDescription |
null |
Color | app:startIconTint |
setStartIconTintList |
?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant (see all states) |
Checkable | app:startIconCheckable |
setStartIconCheckable isStartIconCheckable |
false |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Text | android:hint |
setHint getHint |
null |
Color | android:textColorHint |
setDefaultHintTextColor getDefaultHintTextColor |
?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant (see all states) |
Collapsed (floating) color | app:hintTextColor |
setHintTextColor getHintTextColor |
?attr/colorPrimary |
Typography | app:hintTextAppearance |
setHintTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceBodySmall |
Max number of lines | app:hintMaxLines |
setHintMaxLines getHintMaxLines |
1 |
Note: The android:hint
should always be set on the TextInputLayout
instead of on the EditText
in order to avoid unintended behaviors.
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Input text | android:text |
setText getText |
@null |
Typography | android:textAppearance |
setTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceBodyLarge |
Input text color | android:textColor |
setTextColor getTextColors getCurrentTextColor |
?attr/colorOnSurface |
Cursor color | N/A (color comes from the theme attr ?attr/colorControlActivated ) |
N/A | ?attr/colorPrimary |
Text highlight color | N/A (color comes from the theme attr ?android:attr/textColorHighlight ) |
N/A | @color/m3_highlighted_text |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Cursor color | app:cursorColor on API levels 28+ |
setCursorColor getCursorColor on API levels 28+ |
@null (uses ?attr/colorControlActivated by default) |
Cursor error color | app:cursorErrorColor on API levels 28+ |
setCursorErrorColor getCursorErrorColor on API levels 28+ |
?attr/colorError on API levels 28+, ?attr/colorControlActivated otherwise |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Mode | app:endIconMode |
setEndIconMode getEndIconMode |
Color | app:endIconTint |
setEndIconTintList |
?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant (see all states) |
Custom icon | app:endIconDrawable |
setEndIconDrawable getEndIconDrawable |
null |
Custom icon content description | app:endIconContentDescription |
setEndIconContentDescription getEndIconContentDescription |
null |
Custom icon checkable | app:endIconCheckable |
setEndIconCheckable isEndIconCheckable |
true |
Error icon | app:errorIconDrawable |
setErrorIconDrawable getErrorIconDrawable |
@drawable/mtrl_ic_error |
Error icon color | app:errorIconTint |
setErrorIconTintList |
?attr/colorError |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Helper text enabled | app:helperTextEnabled |
setHelperTextEnabled isHelperTextEnabled |
false |
Helper text | app:helperText |
setHelperText getHelperText |
null |
Helper text color | app:helperTextColor |
setHelperTextColor getHelperTextColor |
?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant (see all states) |
Helper text typography | app:helperTextAppearance |
setHelperTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceBodySmall |
Error text enabled | app:errorEnabled |
setErrorEnabled isErrorEnabled |
false |
Error text | N/A | setError getError |
null |
Error text accessibility live region | app:errorAccessibilityLiveRegion |
setErrorAccessibilityLiveRegion getErrorAccessibilityLiveRegion |
Error text color | app:errorTextColor |
setErrorTextColor getErrorCurrentTextColors |
?attr/colorError |
Error text typography | app:errorTextAppearance |
setErrorTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceBodySmall |
Counter text enabled | app:counterEnabled |
setCounterEnabled isCounterEnabled |
false |
Counter text length | app:counterMaxLength |
setCounterMaxLength getCounterMaxLength |
-1 |
Counter text typography | app:counterTextAppearance app:counterOverflowTextAppearance |
setCounterTextAppearance setCounterOverflowTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceBodySmall |
Counter text color | app:counterTextColor app:counterOverflowTextColor |
setCounterTextColor setCounterOverflowTextColor getCounterTextColor getCounterOverflowTextColor |
?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant (app:counterTextColor ) (see all states)?attr/colorError (app:counterOverflowTextColor ) |
Element | Attribute | Related method(s) | Default value |
Prefix | app:prefixText |
setPrefixText getPrefixText |
null |
Prefix color | app:prefixTextColor |
setPrefixTextColor getPrefixTextColor |
?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant (see all states) |
Prefix typography | app:prefixTextAppearance |
setPrefixTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceTitleMedium |
Suffix | app:suffixText |
setSuffixText getSuffixText |
null |
Suffix color | app:suffixTextColor |
setSuffixTextColor getSuffixTextColor |
?attr/colorOnSurfaceVariant (see all states) |
Suffix typography | app:suffixTextAppearance |
setSuffixTextAppearance |
?attr/textAppearanceTitleMedium |
Element | Style | Default style theme attribute |
Default style | Widget.Material3.TextInputLayout.OutlinedBox |
?attr/textInputStyle and ?attr/textInputOutlinedStyle |
Dense style | Widget.Material3.TextInputLayout.OutlinedBox.Dense |
?attr/textInputOutlinedDenseStyle |
Exposed dropdown menu style | Widget.Material3.TextInputLayout.OutlinedBox.ExposedDropdownMenu |
?attr/textInputOutlinedExposedDropdownMenuStyle |
Dense exposed dropdown menu style | Widget.Material3.TextInputLayout.OutlinedBox.Dense.ExposedDropdownMenu |
N/A |
See the full list of styles and attrs.
Text fields support Material Theming which provides color, typography and shape customization.
API and source code:
The following example shows filled and outlined text field types with Material Theming.
Using theme attributes and styles in res/values/styles.xml
adds themes to all
text fields and affects other components:
<style name="Theme.App" parent="Theme.Material3.*">
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/shrine_pink_100</item>
<item name="colorOnSurface">@color/shrine_pink_900</item>
<item name="colorError">@color/shrine_red</item>
<item name="textAppearanceTitleMedium">@style/TextAppearance.App.TitleMedium</item>
<item name="textAppearanceBodySmall">@style/TextAppearance.App.BodySmall</item>
<item name="shapeAppearanceCornerExtraSmall">@style/ShapeAppearance.App.Corner.ExtraSmall</item>
<style name="TextAppearance.App.TitleMedium" parent="TextAppearance.Material3.TitleMedium">
<item name="fontFamily">@font/rubik</item>
<item name="android:fontFamily">@font/rubik</item>
<style name="TextAppearance.App.BodySmall" parent="TextAppearance.Material3.BodySmall">
<item name="fontFamily">@font/rubik</item>
<item name="android:fontFamily">@font/rubik</item>
<style name="ShapeAppearance.App.Corner.ExtraSmall" parent="ShapeAppearance.Material3.Corner.ExtraSmall">
<item name="cornerFamily">cut</item>
<item name="cornerSize">4dp</item>
Using default style theme attributes, styles and theme overlays adds themes to all text fields but does not affect other components:
<style name="Theme.App" parent="Theme.Material3.*">
<item name="textInputStyle">@style/Widget.App.TextInputLayout</item>
<style name="Widget.App.TextInputLayout" parent="Widget.Material3.TextInputLayout.*">
<item name="materialThemeOverlay">@style/ThemeOverlay.App.TextInputLayout</item>
<item name="shapeAppearance">@style/ShapeAppearance.App.Corner.ExtraSmall</item>
<item name="hintTextColor">?attr/colorOnSurface</item>
<style name="ThemeOverlay.App.TextInputLayout" parent="">
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/shrine_pink_100</item>
<item name="colorOnSurface">@color/shrine_pink_900</item>
<item name="colorError">@color/shrine_red</item>
<item name="textAppearanceTitleMedium">@style/TextAppearance.App.TitleMedium</item>
<item name="textAppearanceBodySmall">@style/TextAppearance.App.BodySmall</item>
<item name="editTextStyle">@style/Widget.Material3.TextInputEditText.*</item>
Using the style in the layout affects only this text field:
Note: When setting a materialThemeOverlay
on a custom TextInputLayout
style, don't forget to set editTextStyle
to either a
style or to a custom one that
inherits from that.
The TextInputLayout
styles set
to override editTextStyle
with the specific
style needed. Therefore, you don't need to specify a style
tag on the edit text.