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111 lines (77 loc) · 3.76 KB

File metadata and controls

111 lines (77 loc) · 3.76 KB

Work in progress

What it does

This is a telescope extension for grabing code from directly from neovim. You can then view it in a temporary buffer.


Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'matheusfillipe/grep_app.nvim'

Example config

Add to your init.vim:

lua << EOF

# Recommended keymaps
nnoremap <space>ga <cmd>Telescope grep_app<cr>
vnoremap <space>ga "zy:Telescope grep_app search_query=<C-r>z<cr>
nnoremap <space>gz <cmd>Telescope grep_app live<cr>
nnoremap <space>gol <cmd>Telescope grep_app open_line<cr>
vnoremap <space>gol <esc><cmd>Telescope grep_app open_line<cr>
vnoremap <space>gol <esc><cmd>Telescope grep_app open_file<cr>
nnoremap <space>gor <cmd>Telescope grep_app open_repo<cr>
nnoremap <space>gcl <cmd>Telescope grep_app copy_line_url<cr>
nnoremap <space>gcl <cmd>Telescope grep_app copy_file_url<cr>
nnoremap <space>gcr <cmd>Telescope grep_app copy_repo_url<cr>
vnoremap <space>gcl <esc><cmd>Telescope grep_app copy_line_url visual=true<cr>
nnoremap <space>gy <cmd>Telescope grep_app copy_file_git_path<cr>

Then <space>ga will search for your current line in


Grep commands

There are two main commands: grep_app and grep_app live. You invoke them as:

:Telescope grep_app [arg=value...]
:Telescope grep_app live [arg=value...]

Currently both of the commands supports the following parameters:

  • search=<text> Search query. Defaults to current line. In grep live it becomes the default prompt.

  • lang=<text> override language in github format. Example: lang=Python. Defaults to the current buffer's language. check out lua/grep_app/language_map.lua

  • word=<bool> Either true or false, defaults to true for matching entire words.

  • case=<bool> If true case will be considered. Defaults to false.

  • regexp=<bool> If true search query will be validated as regex. Defaults to false.

  • max_results=<int> Max number of results to get from Defaults to 20.


These were only tested for github. They are meant to be used when you clone a repo with the plugin but they will also work for any other git repo.

Browser commands

These subcommands will open in the default browser.

  • open_repo: Opens current repository in browser.
  • open_file: Open current commit/file on the browser. You can set branch=<name> into the command to set a branch name instead of a commit. Leave empty to pick the current branch.
  • open_line: Open current commit/file#line on the browser. You can set branch=<name> into the command to set a branch name instead of a commit. Leave empty to pick the current branch.

Example: :Telescope grep_app open_line

URL commands

These commands will copy to the + register.

  • copy_repo_url: Simply copies this repo's url
  • copy_file_url: Copies the web url for the current file. You can also set branch=<name> to set a default branch.
  • copy_line_url: Copies the web url for the current file+line or range if visual=true. You can also set branch=<name> to set a default branch.
  • copy_file_git_path: Copies the git project relative path for the current file.


Many of the arguments mentioned above can have their defaults changed like:

    extensions = {
      grep_app = {
        open_browser_cmd = "chrome"
        word = false,
        regexp = true,
        max_results = 50,


  • live prompt updating in real time. grep_app live here
    • Fix laggyness (monothread)
  • Clone result repo