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Home Broker: NextJS Frontend

This is the front of the Home Broker application. Here you'll be able to interact with home broker, buy and sell assets, manage your wallet and see in real time the daily assets being negotiated.

Home Broker

Table of Contents

📝 Requirements

💡 Features

My investments (Wallet)

My Investments

Sell/Buy assets

Sell/buy assets

Real time chart with negotiations (using SSE)


📦 Docs


Frontend Architecture


As shown above in the architecture, was used in this project the following stack:

  • ReactJS as frontend library;
  • NextJS as framework in order to work with cache, SSR and Server Components;
  • TailwindCSS as CSS library;
  • Flowbite React as frontend components library.

🚀 How to Run?

You can run by simply using the following comand:

docker-compose up

Or running directly on your machine:

npm run dev

Congrats! You're now able to negotiate your assets in a home broker ;)

🔄 How to use this?

  1. Run the backend application ;
  2. Run the application as shown in How to Run?;
  3. Access http://localhost:3001/wallet1 (to avoid port conflict with NestJS, the port was fixed to 3001 in package.json instead of automatically generated);
  4. Enjoy!

⚙️ Made With:

  • NextJS 13.4.7
  • ReactJS 18.2.0
  • Tailwind 3.3.2
  • Flowbite React 0.4.9
  • Typescript 5.1.3
  • Docker 20.10.7

🧑🏻‍💻 Author

Matheus Oliveira da Silva - Github | Linkedin