Sometimes, working with media queries isn't easy. It's hard to remember what "min-width" or "max-width" stand for, if the styles will be applied if the screen is smaller or bigger than the specified. This is what styled-query-builder aims to solve. With this tool, you can write media queries in a semantic way.
styled-query-builder is a library made to work alongside styled-components.
It is easy to use, well-documented and tested!
- Pre-configured media queries
- Custom media queries
- Semantic API
- Flexibility to work with what you like most, mobile-first or desktop-first
- A helper that gives you all the available media queries
- Media queries that do not overlap with each other thanks to the "antiOverlap" property
You need to be on a project that has styled-components as a dependency.
You can install styled-query-builder with npm
npm install styled-query-builder
or with yarn
yarn add styled-query-builder
This library has, as default, the following breakpoints:
and "px" as size unit.
- If you want to use "rem" as size unit, you will have to use the "builder()" method.
- If you want to call the methods as in:
but want different breakpoints, you will also have to use the "builder()" method. Otherwise, if you want to use different breakpoints, but don't care about calling the methods as above, you can call them as in:
This function applies the style if the screen is bigger than the informed size. It is equivalent to "@media (min-width: ...)
This function applies the style if the screen is smaller than the informed size. It is equivalent to "@media (max-width: ...)
This function applies the style if the screen size is between the informed sizes. It is equivalent to "@media (min-width: ...) and (max-width: ...)
This function returns the media query that the user wants. It is perfect to mock a size screen in tests that uses jest-styled-components, and a lot more.
This function is for who wants custom breakpoints or use "rem" as size unit. You load it with the breakpoints and the size unit, and it returns all the above methods to you: "above()", "below()", "between()" and "breakpoints()".
If, somehow, you use two media queries that "bump" each other, like:
You can use this property to solve this issue. If you are calling the "below()" method, it will reduce from the media query the value that you pass. If you are calling the "above()" method, it will add to the media query the value that you pass.
It can be the following values: "above", "below" or "between".
It can be one of the keys of the breakpoints (the default ones or the ones provided by the user), or a value indicating a size.
It can be a size or a size array with two values.
It can be the following values: "px" or "rem".
It can be an object like the default breakpoints, with how many breakpoints the user wants.
This README file has only simple examples. If you want more, take a look at the examples folder and run them by yourself.
Basic step:
git clone && \
cd styled-query-builder && \
To run the above example:
cd docs/examples/above && yarn && yarn start
To run the antiOverlap example:
cd docs/examples/antiOverlap && yarn && yarn start
To run the below example:
cd docs/examples/below && yarn && yarn start
To run the between example:
cd docs/examples/between && yarn && yarn start
To run the breakpoints example:
cd docs/examples/breakpoints && yarn && yarn start
To run the builder example:
cd docs/examples/builder && yarn && yarn start
Improve regex at "hasLettersAndNumbers".
Docs: Fix the Eslint error that only allows the examples to run if there are the node_modules folder in the root directory.
Tests: Look for general improvements.
Typing: Improve typing. Now, there are no code completion and no syntax highlight due to it.
Typing: Integrate better with styled-components.
Typing: Fix the errors across the codebase, which are marked as "// typescript issue". The items 2, 3 and 4 below are related and on the same file.
This project is accepting contributions, the aim is to clean the to-do list. We are really needing help with typing.
Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. In the case of a pull request, explain well what you are doing and create tests for it.
This project was inspired by Morajabi's library, styled-media-query.
I want to thanks Willian Machado for having done the library logo and proofreading this README.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.